Biden & Dems Work On Vote Suppression, Taking Democracy Away

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Anything they can do to steal the election and rig it in their favor, even if it means squashing their own. This is war against Trump and they aren't going to let even their own kind get in their way and will do anything to squash them if they do. The end justifies the means, just as it did in 2020. Squash Cornell West. Squash RFK Jr. Squash No Labels.

Anything they can do to steal the election and rig it in their favor, even if it means squashing their own. This is war against Trump and they aren't going to let even their own kind get in their way and will do anything to squash them if they do. The end justifies the means, just as it did in 2020. Squash Cornell West. Squash RFK Jr. Squash No Labels.

They’ve got a point. Third party spoiler is the only reason Dubya became president. Also, who can forget how Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton.
They’ve got a point. Third party spoiler is the only reason Dubya became president. Also, who can forget how Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton.
We've got a point, also. According to the Constitution, the American people and not the self-serving partisan Deep Staters get to pick who the president is going to be. George W. Bush was fairly elected because Al Gore making enemies with his fake baloney campaign nobody liked due to it was all smoke and mirror fibbies. The American people do not like to be lied to as little as they like not being able to buy groceries to feed their kids with Bidenomics. :cranky:

Biden & Dems Work On Vote Suppression, Taking Democracy Away​

This from a god damned insurrectionist? From the party that going to the supreme court to keep black folks from voting? From the people who want to do away with everything that makes it possible for poor, disabled, or working class folks to vote?

Have you no self awareness at all?

Rhetorical question BTW.
We've got a point, also. According to the Constitution, the American people and not the self-serving partisan Deep Staters get to pick who the president is going to be. George W. Bush was fairly elected because Al Gore making enemies with his fake baloney campaign nobody liked due to it was all smoke and mirror fibbies. The American people do not like to be lied to as little as they like not being able to buy groceries to feed their kids with Bidenomics. :cranky:
:chillpill: My post wasn’t about relitigating ‘00, crazy lady!
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Anything they can do to steal the election and rig it in their favor, even if it means squashing their own. This is war against Trump and they aren't going to let even their own kind get in their way and will do anything to squash them if they do. The end justifies the means, just as it did in 2020. Squash Cornell West. Squash RFK Jr. Squash No Labels.

Nobody believes you.

I hate squash.
Speaking of race pimps remember you ain’t black unless you do as your told so Biden can call you a good Boy
Since we've been saying that about right wing blacks since Biden was in college, perhaps you might want to speak about something else.
Trump lost fair and square in 2020. I mean who in their right mind would want to re elect a person who mishandled a pandemic and it cost 500,000 people their lived white over 20 million people infected when he left office? Trump couldn't handle a pandemic, we'd really be fucked right now.
We're dealing with mental midgets.

This board is replete with Leftist brainwashed Zombies whose only ambition is to relentlessly justify their pre-conceived notions fed to them by Corporate garbage "News".

It's an ugly scene indeed.
Yes, you are a mental midget.
We've got a point, also. According to the Constitution, the American people and not the self-serving partisan Deep Staters get to pick who the president is going to be. George W. Bush was fairly elected because Al Gore making enemies with his fake baloney campaign nobody liked due to it was all smoke and mirror fibbies. The American people do not like to be lied to as little as they like not being able to buy groceries to feed their kids with Bidenomics. :cranky:
If you think inflation here is bad, go to Canada. Inflations is global and was caused by COVID. If you think prices would be lower if Trump was in office, you're sadly mistaken.
Since we've been saying that about right wing blacks since Biden was in college, perhaps you might want to speak about something else.
Like how you keep proving black on black racism is horrible and as bad if not worse than anything a white person could say or do.
Trump lost fair and square in 2020. I mean who in their right mind would want to re elect a person who mishandled a pandemic and it cost 500,000 people there lived white over 20 million people infected when he left office? Trump couldn't handle a pandemic, we'd really be fucked right now.
What kind of fucking idiot would still support a racist piece of shit that has had more people die from Covid than Trump. You thats who
If you think inflation here is bad, go to Canada. Inflations is global and was caused by COVID. If you think prices would be lower if Trump was in office, you're sadly mistaken.
Just for international perspective on current inflation, listed by inflation rate by country, here is a 2 day old article to give a snapshot. We are way down toward the bottom of the list.


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