Biden crushes US oil industry and Russia profits from it

DAMN YOU, BIDEN!!! :aargh:

France May Step In to Protect Motorists From Rising Oil Prices


DIE, BIDEN, DIE!!! :102:

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Dutch and U.K. natural gas prices see double-digit gains


Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

This just in. A judge has revoked Biden's oil and gas lease in the Gulf of Mexico.

Court Revokes Oil and Gas Leases, Citing Climate Change​

A federal judge on Thursday canceled oil and gas leases of more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico, ruling that the Biden administration did not sufficiently take climate change into account when it auctioned the leases late last year.

The decision by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia is a major victory for environmental groups that criticized the Biden administration for holding the sale after promising to move the country away from fossil fuels. It had been the largest lease sale in United States history.
This just in. A judge has revoked Biden's oil and gas lease in the Gulf of Mexico.

Court Revokes Oil and Gas Leases, Citing Climate Change​

A federal judge on Thursday canceled oil and gas leases of more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico, ruling that the Biden administration did not sufficiently take climate change into account when it auctioned the leases late last year.

The decision by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia is a major victory for environmental groups that criticized the Biden administration for holding the sale after promising to move the country away from fossil fuels. It had been the largest lease sale in United States history.

The Left eats their own. Who can be the bigger destroyer of America?
With prices rising at the fastest rate in 40 years, the overwhelming majority of American workers say their paychecks can’t keep up with Bidenflation in a recent survey.

From the New York Times:

“Only 17 percent of workers say they have received raises that kept up with inflation over the past year, according to a survey of 5,365 adults conducted last month […]

“Most of the rest say either that they have received raises that lagged price increases or that they have received no raise at all; 8 percent of respondents said they had taken a pay cut.”

Between supply chain hurdles and crushing Bidenflation, job creators are also struggling to retain workers. The Job Opening and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) reported that 4.5 million workers left their jobs in November – a new record.

WATCH: Democrats’ Recipe for Higher Inflation


Democrats’ trillions in welfare spending has devastated our jobs recovery and failed our most vulnerable families.

Bidenflation is crushing America’s working families.

READ: Penn-Wharton: Bidenflation to Force Families to Pay $3,500 More in 2021

Bidenflation is crushing Main Street businesses.

  • Small business owners are getting crushed by Bidenflation and tax hikes too, with prices rising to historic highs and a record number of small businesses being forced to consider price increases, which are passed onto consumers.
READ: IMF: U.S. Tied for Highest Level of Inflation Among Top 35 Developed Economies
Biden Shuts Down Keystone Pipeline, Removes Sanctions From Nord Stream 2, Then Imports Tons of Oil From Russia

To be fair, Biden is not just importing oil from Russia, he is importing oil from Iran also. But the bigger question might be what are the cuts for Hunter and The Big Guy? Someone is benefiting from all of this at the expense of Americans. Might as well go with the most likely ones first. Under Trump, this country reached energy independence for the first time, and under Biden, it has gone to hell in a handbasket. reports:

One year since President Joe Biden cancelled approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, and the United States’ thirst for oil is as strong as ever and rising.

U.S. oil imports from Saudi Arabia and Russia have increased, and gasoline prices are higher than they have been in the last five years.

“[Keystone XL] was a missed opportunity to increase North American energy security, lower costs for American consumers and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources that are hostile to U.S. interests,” says Frank Macchiarola, senior vice-president with the American Petroleum Institute.

Renewable energy in the U.S. is growing, and demand for oil continues to surge.

Consumption in 2023 is expected to reach 17.2 million barrels per day, higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Before President Biden’s cancellation in January 2021, Canadian oil producers remained committed to Keystone XL despite waiting nearly 12 years for the project to go ahead.

In 2018, a decade after the first regulatory application, Keystone XL had 20-year shipping commitments for about 60 per cent of its capacity. In 2020, that increased to nearly 70 per cent.

The U.S. Gulf Coast is the world’s largest processing region for what is known as “heavy oil,” and Alberta is the world’s largest heavy oil producer.

“Keystone XL was probably one of the largest pipeline projects proposed that would have tied Canadian supply to the U.S. Gulf coast as a bullet train express,” says Kevin Birn, chief analyst, Canadian crude oil markets with consultancy IHS Markit.

The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in May, 844,000 barrels of oil were imported from Russia. This makes Biden the real Putin puppet. Was it for profit or for blackmail? We may never know, but we do know it was not done for the American people.

The mythos that has been built around Keystone just amazing. The US has never been energy independent. We did produce more oil than we consumed but we still imported oil.

The reason for the higher prices is simple. There were around 811 rigs in operation before the pandemic Due to the collapse in demand because of the pandemic, the rig count dropped to 300. Despite the high demand, the rig count has only increased to 400 or so. Maybe you should ask your pals at the API, which is the propaganda arm of the oil industry about this. Clearly the oil industry is trying to keep prices high by keeping supplies down. It is not Biden but the AMERICAN OIL INDUSTRY. They are responsible for high oil prices not Biden. They are deliberately keeping prices high. They are hostile to the US.

If the US wants oil then Canadian oil will find it's way to the US by other means. It is not a and/or despite your attempt to turn it into such. You are a fool who believes what you want to believe.
RESOLVED: Biden crushes US oil industry and Russia profits from it

QUOTE Not a Monkeys Uncle,

Biden Shuts Down Keystone Pipeline, Removes Sanctions From Nord Stream 2, Then Imports Tons of Oil From Russia

To be fair, Biden is not just importing oil from Russia, he is importing oil from Iran also. But the bigger question might be what are the cuts for Hunter and The Big Guy? Someone is benefiting from all of this at the expense of Americans. Might as well go with the most likely ones first. Under Trump, this country reached energy independence for the first time, and under Biden, it has gone to hell in a handbasket. reports:

One year since President Joe Biden cancelled approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, and the United States’ thirst for oil is as strong as ever and rising.

U.S. oil imports from Saudi Arabia and Russia have increased, and gasoline prices are higher than they have been in the last five years.

“[Keystone XL] was a missed opportunity to increase North American energy security, lower costs for American consumers and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources that are hostile to U.S. interests,” says Frank Macchiarola, senior vice-president with the American Petroleum Institute.

Renewable energy in the U.S. is growing, and demand for oil continues to surge.

Consumption in 2023 is expected to reach 17.2 million barrels per day, higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Before President Biden’s cancellation in January 2021, Canadian oil producers remained committed to Keystone XL despite waiting nearly 12 years for the project to go ahead.

In 2018, a decade after the first regulatory application, Keystone XL had 20-year shipping commitments for about 60 per cent of its capacity. In 2020, that increased to nearly 70 per cent.

The U.S. Gulf Coast is the world’s largest processing region for what is known as “heavy oil,” and Alberta is the world’s largest heavy oil producer.

“Keystone XL was probably one of the largest pipeline projects proposed that would have tied Canadian supply to the U.S. Gulf coast as a bullet train express,” says Kevin Birn, chief analyst, Canadian crude oil markets with consultancy IHS Markit.

The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in May, 844,000 barrels of oil were imported from Russia. This makes Biden the real Putin puppet. Was it for profit or for blackmail? We may never know, but we do know it was not done for the American people.
I had to pay $4.28 a gallon for Biden/Dem gas the other day. Thanks Dems you lowlife filth scumbag traitors.

I am hoping to see 8 bucks a gallon. When I step outside, I have two choices. Do I fire up the Muscle Car or do I unplug the Electric. It all depends on what I need to use the vehicle for. But for everyday driving back and forth from work, grocery store, etc. the electric is the best choice. For long hauls and oversized and overweighted items, the Muscle Car gets the nod. Or sometimes, I just want to put a smile on my face and there is nothing that beats a muscle car.
I am hoping to see 8 bucks a gallon. When I step outside, I have two choices. Do I fire up the Muscle Car or do I unplug the Electric. It all depends on what I need to use the vehicle for. But for everyday driving back and forth from work, grocery store, etc. the electric is the best choice. For long hauls and oversized and overweighted items, the Muscle Car gets the nod. Or sometimes, I just want to put a smile on my face and there is nothing that beats a muscle car.
LMAO and how much of a multi thousand dollar premium did you pay for your electric over the gas model? So much for your savings the first 5 years.
LMAO and how much of a multi thousand dollar premium did you pay for your electric over the gas model? So much for your savings the first 5 years.

I ride a 3 wheeler that requires zero insurance, nada registration. As for multi thousand dollar premium, you didn't figure in the "Muscle Car" which costs a ton for insurance. Most of the roads around here are 35mph or slower and the various shopping places are within 1 mile radius. I can head out the door and actually get to the grocery store (1 mile radius) faster in the Electric in almost every kind of weather than I can with the muscle car. Okay, the electric doesn't put a smile on my face like the Hemi does but then again, what you drive doesn't either.
I ride a 3 wheeler that requires zero insurance, nada registration. As for multi thousand dollar premium, you didn't figure in the "Muscle Car" which costs a ton for insurance. Most of the roads around here are 35mph or slower and the various shopping places are within 1 mile radius. I can head out the door and actually get to the grocery store (1 mile radius) faster in the Electric in almost every kind of weather than I can with the muscle car. Okay, the electric doesn't put a smile on my face like the Hemi does but then again, what you drive doesn't either.
Your experience really is not applicable to almost all Americans so it really is pointless.


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Are you ready for Wage and Price Controls?

They're coming.

It's just history repeating itself.

The last time that was done was by a Republican President. It didn't work then either. But they could start enforcing the various Anti-Trust Laws.
The last time that was done was by a Republican President. It didn't work then either. But they could start enforcing the various Anti-Trust Laws.
Of course you're right.

But try to tell an aspiring dictator that he can't snap his fingers and whip up wage & price controls by mandate.

Try it these and you'll get lectured on why cats and dogs are not equal and that's racist. How they should interbreed and all would be at peace in Ukraine!

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