Biden Celebrates ‘Friendsgiving’ with Troops: ‘I’m So Damn Proud’ to Be Commander-in-Chief


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Celebrates ‘Friendsgiving’ with Troops: ‘I’m So Damn Proud’ to Be Commander-in-Chief​

22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Charlie Spierling
President Joe Biden kicked off a new presidential tradition on Monday, celebrating “Friendsgiving” with members of the military on Monday during a trip to Fort Bragg.
Biden is the first president to specifically celebrate “Friendsgiving” with the troops before Thanksgiving day.
Growing in popularity in the 2000s, “Friendsgiving” is a term typically used by Americans who celebrate a meal together with their friends before the Thanksgiving holiday with their families. Others refer to “Friendsgiving” as spending the Thanksgiving holiday with friends instead of family.
Typically, presidents pay a special visit to a military base with the troops on Thanksgiving or host a video conference call with deployed service members overseas.
“We came because we wanted to thank you,” Biden said. “Tell you how much we care, and we wanted you to hear the engine of Air Force One so you couldn’t hear anything.”
About 250 attendees joined the event, including elected officials, service members, and family members of deployed soldiers.
Biden told the troops they are “literally” the finest military force the world has ever seen.
“I’m so damn proud to be associated with you,” he said. “And its hard for me to even say it, but the thing that’s amazing to me is how proud I am to be your commander in chief.”
Biden told the troops in the room that he understood what it was like to miss family members serving overseas, noting his son Beau Biden served overseas for a year in Iraq and also in Kosovo.
“I know how hard it is to have someone who’s not on the table on a holiday that are in harm’s way, that find themselves out of the country,” Biden said.

Beau is long gone instead of constantly playing on peoples emotions to identify with their suffering. He's pulled that rabbit out of his hat one too many times. Beau was a toy soldier never got close to battle. He was in the rear with the gear. The only wounds he may have received were paper cuts.
Joey Xi is a hypocrite and in his zest to transform America, he's even trying to change the name of a traditional American holoday that's been celebrated for hundreds of years.
Friendsgiving indeed. Brought to you by the same kind of folks who insist on saying ‘Latinix’ vs Latino, even though all polls show the majority of Latino people don’t like this made up (gender-neutral) term.
Surely before he met with those 250 troopers they were well screened by the gov't STASI.
Unlike previous presidents Joey Xi did not serve those troopers as traditionally done by previous presidents.
To Joey Xi it was only a 'Photo OP ' for a fraudulent president with approval ratings hitting rock bottom.
While illegal aliens are receiving more priority and privileges than our own military personnel. IMAGINE our military receiving the BILLIONS of American taxpayers money being paid to the Illegal aliens.
P.S. Immediately after the Photo Op Joey Xi called a 'Lid", he and the first Lady flew off on a five day vacation. More likely his beach house on the beach.
I refuse to celebrate any American holiday until they agree to recognize Purge Night...

Oh, but "Thanksgiving" is WrongThink because it smacks of the heresy that says there is someone or something to whom/which we feel compelled to give thanks for our blessings!

Fuck "Friendsgiving". What a stupid damned idea, custom made for those who hate people of faith.
Oh, but "Thanksgiving" is WrongThink because it smacks of the heresy that says there is someone or something to whom/which we feel compelled to give thanks for our blessings!

Fuck "Friendsgiving". What a stupid damned idea, custom made for those who hate people of faith.

He was pandering to the idiot woke left.

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