Biden Authorizes $500 Million For Afghan Refugees While Macron Worries About Up To 3 Million Flooding Europe


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Everything seems to be going as planned!!! Flood the West, Kalergi, Hart Cellar all happy in their graves.

Joe Biden has authorized a further $500 million dollars to relocate Afghan refugees, while French President Emmanuel Macron is concerned about up to 3 million of them arriving in Europe.

After the Taliban completed its takeover of Afghanistan, concerns about millions of displaced people flooding the west as happened during the civil war in Syria intensified.

“President Biden has allocated $500 million in additional funds for relocating Afghan refugees, including applicants for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), in response to the Taliban’s swift takeover of the country,” reports the Hill.

“The funds were announced by the White House late Monday to meet “unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs” and for “the purpose of meeting unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs of refugees, victims of conflict, and other persons at risk as a result of the situation in Afghanistan.”

The United States has already promised to evacuate 80,000 Afghans who have worked in some capacity for the U.S. or other international organizations..............................

Meanwhile, the UK has announced that Afghan refugees will be allowed into the country without a passport...........................

“We can assume that up to three million Afghans will make their way to Europe in the foreseeable future,” German humanitarian development worker Sybille Schnehage told German broadcaster WDR on Sunday.

“I always ask people: Why don’t you go to Saudi Arabia? They are Muslims. This is your culture. The answer is always: No, Germany is better,” said Schnehage.

I wonder how long before he just says "Fuck it. Come on everyone lets get on the boat for america where you can just walk in and do whatever the hell you please. You dont need a covid test and if you dont like something about the country then protest it and tear it up till you get your way."

America should be worried about americans because we have enough of our own problems we cant fix. And we shouldnt be worried about them. If every country took care of its own people first we wouldnt have stupid shit like this to begin with.
i need a covid test to see a concert, if not full vaccine.

but you don't need shit other than a sob story to get into the country w/o any checks at all.

oh baby it's a wild world.
Never let a crisis go to waste.

Use any crisis in the Middle East to flood the US and Europe with millions of refugees. Biden is picking up right where the Hussein left off.

The US has been flooding other countries with Muslim refugees since Gulf War 1.. Look at the numbers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey..

Y'all are liars and hypocrites.
The US has been flooding other countries with Muslim refugees since Gulf War 1.. Look at the numbers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey..

Y'all are liars and hypocrites.
I could care less about Muslim countries.

Lebanon was a Christian country, but they welcomed Muslim refugees with open arms.

No country should take Muslim refugees, ever.
I could care less about Muslim countries.

Lebanon was a Christian country, but they welcomed Muslim refugees with open arms.

No country should take Muslim refugees, ever.

Lebanon was 50% Christian until Israel forced over 700,000 Palestinians refugees on them.
Lebanon was 50% Christian until Israel forced over 700,000 Palestinians refugees on them.
Well “allowing” another country to “force” refugees on you is a bad thing, and will destroy your country.

Glad we can agree on something.
So you agree taking Muslim refugees is a bad thing, even for Islamic countries.
Have you paid attention to what Afghans have done to Europe? Afghans are the most vicious of rape gangs. They are more dangerous because they cannot or will not be educated that what they do is wrong.
To hell with Macron and any other European leader who was happy to see Biden as President. I hope they enjoy what they get. I hope all the Afghans head to France. After all, they already have a full Muslim sector where they can blend right in, maybe even overthrow Paris.
Everything seems to be going as planned!!! Flood the West, Kalergi, Hart Cellar all happy in their graves.

Joe Biden has authorized a further $500 million dollars to relocate Afghan refugees, while French President Emmanuel Macron is concerned about up to 3 million of them arriving in Europe.

After the Taliban completed its takeover of Afghanistan, concerns about millions of displaced people flooding the west as happened during the civil war in Syria intensified.

“President Biden has allocated $500 million in additional funds for relocating Afghan refugees, including applicants for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), in response to the Taliban’s swift takeover of the country,” reports the Hill.

“The funds were announced by the White House late Monday to meet “unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs” and for “the purpose of meeting unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs of refugees, victims of conflict, and other persons at risk as a result of the situation in Afghanistan.”

The United States has already promised to evacuate 80,000 Afghans who have worked in some capacity for the U.S. or other international organizations..............................

Meanwhile, the UK has announced that Afghan refugees will be allowed into the country without a passport...........................

“We can assume that up to three million Afghans will make their way to Europe in the foreseeable future,” German humanitarian development worker Sybille Schnehage told German broadcaster WDR on Sunday.

“I always ask people: Why don’t you go to Saudi Arabia? They are Muslims. This is your culture. The answer is always: No, Germany is better,” said Schnehage.

Look, They deserve that cash. If American businessmen like George Soros kicked them off their land to mine for lithium. That it is the American people civic duty to compensate for their lost.

and so get use to them driving around in new Tesla whom the investors of this vehicles are the ones who kicked them off of their lands.

obama boogie.gif


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