Biden Asks China to Consider Releasing Reserves of Crude Oil in Effort to Meet Supply Needs: White House


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
How much more evidence does anyone need from Biden to see he is doing everything he can to hurt America while pleading with OPEC and now the ChiComms for more oil.

Meantime, Biden is doing everything he can to diminish the production and exploration of oil in America.

This is the most anti-American administration in history and the most corrupt as well.

The Biden administration has asked China to consider the possibility of releasing reserves of crude oil in an effort to meet supply needs, the White House said on Thursday.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press conference that members of Biden’s national security team have “discussed with a range of countries, including China, the need to meet the supply demands out there.” “But that is an ongoing conversation and one we’re having with a number of partners,” Psaki told reporters.

Other major consumers that the administration has allegedly held such discussions with include India, Japan, and South Korea, Reuters reports, citing several people familiar with the requests.

Biden raised the issue of releasing crude oil stocks during a virtual meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports.

A spokeswoman at China’s National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration told Bloomberg that “the bureau is carrying out crude oil release work at the moment,” however, it is unclear if China already had plans to do so or if the move was prompted by Biden’s request.

“We will release more details on the volume of oil and date of its sale on our website in due time, just like we did in the first public auction,” said the reserve bureau’s spokeswoman.

If the release goes ahead, it would mark the first time that China, the world’s second-biggest oil consumer, and largest importer, would be involved in a coordinated release with the United States.


If the Biden Administration decides to tap U.S. emergency crude reserves to push down domestic energy prices, it may not help all that much. The supplies may just be exported away like last month.

About 1.6 million barrels of crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- a monthly record -- was shipped out in October, according to data from market intelligence firm Kpler. Three cargoes were loaded onto a supertanker in the U.S. Gulf Coast and are headed to Asia.

“Given the ongoing pace of the current SPR release -- 12 million barrels in the last two months and the biggest weekly release so far last week at 3.1 million barrels -- it’s fair to assume more SPR barrels are going to leave U.S. shores in the weeks ahead,” said Matt Smith, an oil analyst at Kpler.​

So let me get this straight.......

He cripples domestic oil production.

Buys oil from Russia.

Sells 1.6 million in our oil reserves to China.

Then asks china for more oil?

How the fuck is this guy in charge of anything? I honestly can't figure out how we tolerate him and his administration. I'd never seen a president before where I wished they would 25th his ass.

And it's only been 10 months into his presidency. How much further is he going to ass rape the country in his next 3 plus years? We're not even 1/4 in folks.
How much more evidence does anyone need from Biden to see he is doing everything he can to hurt America while pleading with OPEC and now the ChiComms for more oil.

Meantime, Biden is doing everything he can to diminish the production and exploration of oil in America.

This is the most anti-American administration in history and the most corrupt as well.

The Biden administration has asked China to consider the possibility of releasing reserves of crude oil in an effort to meet supply needs, the White House said on Thursday.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press conference that members of Biden’s national security team have “discussed with a range of countries, including China, the need to meet the supply demands out there.” “But that is an ongoing conversation and one we’re having with a number of partners,” Psaki told reporters.
Other major consumers that the administration has allegedly held such discussions with include India, Japan, and South Korea, Reuters reports, citing several people familiar with the requests.
Biden raised the issue of releasing crude oil stocks during a virtual meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports.
A spokeswoman at China’s National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration told Bloomberg that “the bureau is carrying out crude oil release work at the moment,” however, it is unclear if China already had plans to do so or if the move was prompted by Biden’s request.
“We will release more details on the volume of oil and date of its sale on our website in due time, just like we did in the first public auction,” said the reserve bureau’s spokeswoman.
If the release goes ahead, it would mark the first time that China, the world’s second-biggest oil consumer, and largest importer, would be involved in a coordinated release with the United States.

Biden is a puppet.
Those controlling him have deep, personal vested interests in Americas demise.

By crushing America on every front, those plotting America's turn to Socialism (then Communism) get the upper hand.

It's astonishing to not only see Americans doing absolutely nothing about it, but even to see so many Americans eager to meet their own demise and helping with the fall.
How much more evidence does anyone need from Biden to see he is doing everything he can to hurt America while pleading with OPEC and now the ChiComms for more oil.

Meantime, Biden is doing everything he can to diminish the production and exploration of oil in America.

This is the most anti-American administration in history and the most corrupt as well.

The Biden administration has asked China to consider the possibility of releasing reserves of crude oil in an effort to meet supply needs, the White House said on Thursday.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press conference that members of Biden’s national security team have “discussed with a range of countries, including China, the need to meet the supply demands out there.” “But that is an ongoing conversation and one we’re having with a number of partners,” Psaki told reporters.
Other major consumers that the administration has allegedly held such discussions with include India, Japan, and South Korea, Reuters reports, citing several people familiar with the requests.
Biden raised the issue of releasing crude oil stocks during a virtual meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports.
A spokeswoman at China’s National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration told Bloomberg that “the bureau is carrying out crude oil release work at the moment,” however, it is unclear if China already had plans to do so or if the move was prompted by Biden’s request.
“We will release more details on the volume of oil and date of its sale on our website in due time, just like we did in the first public auction,” said the reserve bureau’s spokeswoman.
If the release goes ahead, it would mark the first time that China, the world’s second-biggest oil consumer, and largest importer, would be involved in a coordinated release with the United States.

So let me get this straight. He opened the US strategic oil reserves yesterday for export to China and the news today is that China is going to sell it back to us at a profit? Why didn't we just keep our own? This commie fuck has got to go. Let's go Brandon.
WHY are our oil reserves IN CHINA??????

Because we have allowed our sworn enemies full control of our lives.
"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do nothing."
Just the beginning. Soon we will be like Australia......then far worse.

People still don't get it....freedom IS NOT FREE
How much more evidence does anyone need from Biden to see he is doing everything he can to hurt America while pleading with OPEC and now the ChiComms for more oil.

Meantime, Biden is doing everything he can to diminish the production and exploration of oil in America.

This is the most anti-American administration in history and the most corrupt as well.

The Biden administration has asked China to consider the possibility of releasing reserves of crude oil in an effort to meet supply needs, the White House said on Thursday.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press conference that members of Biden’s national security team have “discussed with a range of countries, including China, the need to meet the supply demands out there.” “But that is an ongoing conversation and one we’re having with a number of partners,” Psaki told reporters.
Other major consumers that the administration has allegedly held such discussions with include India, Japan, and South Korea, Reuters reports, citing several people familiar with the requests.
Biden raised the issue of releasing crude oil stocks during a virtual meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports.
A spokeswoman at China’s National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration told Bloomberg that “the bureau is carrying out crude oil release work at the moment,” however, it is unclear if China already had plans to do so or if the move was prompted by Biden’s request.
“We will release more details on the volume of oil and date of its sale on our website in due time, just like we did in the first public auction,” said the reserve bureau’s spokeswoman.
If the release goes ahead, it would mark the first time that China, the world’s second-biggest oil consumer, and largest importer, would be involved in a coordinated release with the United States.

So what's in it for Joe and Hunter and if I remember right we had oil independence and the cost of gas is 110% Joes fault doing everything to screw us and still screws us buying from Iran is doing me a favor but what else would you expect from a puke that turned Taliban into the modern fighting force it is today plus an air force. It also wouldn't surprise me if China gives Biden some oil if China doesn't come to America to drill it.

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