Biden Approval Rating Plummets to His Lowest Level Ever.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Poor Joe. A You Gov poll released today shows Biden's approval level has dropped to 44% and more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve. Also, Joe's new story that the chaos in Afghanistan was inevitable after saying a month before it would be orderly is only believed by 34% of Americans and only 33% approve of the job he has done in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "The survey of 1,605 U.S. adults was conducted from Aug. 30 to Sept. 1, immediately after an ISIS-K suicide bomber killed 13 American soldiers and dozens of Afghans outside the country’s main airport during the final, frenzied days of the U.S. evacuation. It shows that public opinion toward Biden and the war has undergone a significant shift since the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll, which was conducted after the Taliban took control of Kabul two weeks ago."

"Today, just 44 percent of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president; 49 percent disapprove. This is Biden’s lowest approval rating in a Yahoo News/YouGov poll since taking office, and the first time more Americans have disapproved of his performance than approved of it.

Two weeks ago, 47 percent of Americans approved of Biden’s performance as president, while 46 percent disapproved. At the time, rising disapproval of his approach to foreign policy — up 7 percentage points from two weeks earlier — had not yet dented his overall numbers much, if at all.

That appears to have changed in the wake of the Kabul airport attack. Just a third of Americans (33 percent) say they approve of the way Biden has handled the war in Afghanistan."

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Poor Joe. A You Gov poll released today shows Biden's approval level has dropped to 44% and more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve. Also, Joe's new story that the chaos in Afghanistan was inevitable after saying a month before it would be orderly is only believed by 34% of Americans. Icky.

Oh Joe'll be just fine. He doesn't know about his numbers tanking.

Hell, Joe doesn't know he's president.

Poor Joe. A You Gov poll released today shows Biden's approval level has dropped to 44% and more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve. Also, Joe's new story that the chaos in Afghanistan was inevitable after saying a month before it would be orderly is only believed by 34% of Americans and only 33% approve of the job he has done in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "The survey of 1,605 U.S. adults was conducted from Aug. 30 to Sept. 1, immediately after an ISIS-K suicide bomber killed 13 American soldiers and dozens of Afghans outside the country’s main airport during the final, frenzied days of the U.S. evacuation. It shows that public opinion toward Biden and the war has undergone a significant shift since the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll, which was conducted after the Taliban took control of Kabul two weeks ago."

"Today, just 44 percent of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president; 49 percent disapprove. This is Biden’s lowest approval rating in a Yahoo News/YouGov poll since taking office, and the first time more Americans have disapproved of his performance than approved of it.

Two weeks ago, 47 percent of Americans approved of Biden’s performance as president, while 46 percent disapproved. At the time, rising disapproval of his approach to foreign policy — up 7 percentage points from two weeks earlier — had not yet dented his overall numbers much, if at all.

That appears to have changed in the wake of the Kabul airport attack. Just a third of Americans (33 percent) say they approve of the way Biden has handled the war in Afghanistan."

wow thats even lower than what Bushs approval was which was the lowest of any president ever in our history at the time even Dick Nixons.Looks like Biden beat even Bushwacker.:auiqs.jpg: I never heard what Obozos was,do you know by chance if his was as bad as Bushs?
JoeXi is a seriously fucked-up organism, being danced by the catholic mafia in trafficking of human beings across the U.S.-Mexican border, (and [italics]) compromised by his CIA handlers for increased drug trafficking from Afghanistan via Gwadar Port. Was Floyd’s fentanyl also Chinese?

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