Biden Admits To Support of Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Joe Depends' Jimmy Carter moment came today.

And he seems very comfortable telling the public he isn't going to do anything about the pain average Americans will feel at the pump thanks, in large part, to his unwillingness to give a fuck.

One thing he could instantly do is remove his own embargo on the XL Pipeline. But Joe is wholly owned
by leftists so he isn't about to cross the Thunbergian gate keepers that run his presidency.

Just like all the Americans Biden left behind in Afghanistan Joe has now "turned the page"
and crossed off the millions of Americans who will suffer making ends meet when inflation
and rising fuel costs make a bleak future for people that don't get millions from Chinese and Russian
oligarchs like the Bidens do.
Holy hell. You still don't know anything about keystone XL or expats in Afghanistan. What the hell is wrong with you?

You are claiming the number is made up.

Prove it.

And then take a look at this:

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb

In Trump's first full month in office, US oil production was 255,059,000 barrels.

In Biden's first full month in office, US oil production was 273,646,000 barrels.

So they both started from almost the same amount of oil being produced.

At the end of 2017, US oil production was 309,359,000 barrels. An increase of 21 percent.

At the end of 2021, US oil production was 358,588,000 barrels. An increase of 31 percent.

Biden produced way more oil in his first year than Trump did.

Biden numbers. Ho hum. You really think that stands a chance of being the truth ?
Countries whose oil production is going up after being the #1 energy producer in the world, and being energy independent (under Trump), dont go crawling to Iran, Venezuela, and the Saudis to buy oil. Man, you'll believe anything these scammers throw at you.

Want more proof ? .. it's in the pudding (gas stations) - 2022- $7/gallon

January 2021


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Nobody said that it was going to be easy, just necessary if we want to get off of the oil standard and
high prices. It can and should be done if we have the wherewithal to do it.
It can and should be done WHEN it is economically feasible to do it. Now is not that time - OBVIOUSLY.
THANK YOU > to the 11 people (up to now) who posted positive ratings (10 Likes & 1 Wow) for the OP. Makes the grade when you get into double digits.
tump's 4 years in office was a pluperfect disaster for our country, and we are paying the price now for the consequences of his awful presidency, poor judgements, and "locked and loaded" manner.
Tump is a con man, and you are being conned. Not surprising based on your uneducated, uninformed view of the world today and how we got their.
Nice list. Thanks for playing.
It can and should be done WHEN it is economically feasible to do it. Now is not that time - OBVIOUSLY.
Correct. Now is not the time--OBVIOUSLY. However, it is way past the time to start the process and do oil and develop clean energy at the same time. Kinda like walking and chewing gum.
Nice list. Thanks for playing.
Correct. Now is not the time--OBVIOUSLY. However, it is way past the time to start the process and do oil and develop clean energy at the same time. Kinda like walking and chewing gum.
Why not. Other countries have begun to do both. we can also have universal healthcare and stop illegal immigration.
And the answer is >>we should be dependent on OUR OWN oil, not that of foreign nations, especially ones that are traditionally unfriendly to us (ex, Iran, Mexico, Venezuela)
Lol those countries aren't unfriendly. Trump put sanctions on Venezuela in 2019 so we increased imports from Russia.
Correct. Now is not the time--OBVIOUSLY. However, it is way past the time to start the process and do oil and develop clean energy at the same time. Kinda like walking and chewing gum.
Who said that's is NOT being done ? It's just a matter of keeping what is NEEDED up front, and not letting not-ready-for-prime-time things to get overcontrol.
Why not. Other countries have begun to do both. we can also have universal healthcare and stop illegal immigration.
Democrats (especially Biden) WANT illegal immigration, and DEPEND upon it. Just look at Biden/Harris approval ratings from Americans. If a poll were taken from only illegal aliens, they would probably get a 99% approval rate.

This is why we have the Mexican border fiasco, ever since Trump left.

Lol those countries aren't unfriendly. Trump put sanctions on Venezuela in 2019 so we increased imports from Russia.
Typical information-deprived, Democrat response.

Of course they are. Stop watching CNN. Start getting informed. Mexico raids our economy for $30 Billion/year (every year). You don't know ?

Iran is not unfriendly to the ("great Satan) USA ? Wow. These Dems are in bad shape.

And since when is the US friendly to a human rights hellhole like Venezuela ? Another reason why Trump should still be president.
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Venezuela, under Maduro, is under U.S. sanctions for human rights abuses. To Biden, those human rights abuses don't matter as long as he can somehow fix the skyrocketing US oil/gas prices, due to his restrictions of US drilling/pumping and oil supply.

Venezuela is a perfect example of a country that went from being prosperous to being a shithole, after having converted to Marxist rule.

Venezuela, under Maduro, is under U.S. sanctions for human rights abuses. To Biden, those human rights abuses don't matter as long as he can somehow fix the skyrocketing US oil/gas prices, due to his restrictions of US drilling/pumping and oil supply.

Venezuela is a perfect example of a country that went from being prosperous to being a shithole, after having converted to Marxist rule.

Venezuela wasn't prosperous. They should have been, but leaders destroyed the middle class and didn't invest billions in oil revenue in the country. When the problem reached critical, they elected Hugo Chavez.
Who said that's is NOT being done ? It's just a matter of keeping what is NEEDED up front, and not letting not-ready-for-prime-time things to get overcontrol.
Are you saying that there is "over control"? Nah. Maybe "over discussion".
Actually, the naysayers are trumpeting about the benefits of oil and lend no credence to alternate forms of energy. That's who.

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