Biden Administration-Created Illegal Immigration National Security Threat: Biden Administration Flying Un-Identified Illegals To Other States


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Un-Identified Illegal aliens illegally flooding into the US are now being spread all over the country - Flown on airliners without any ID.

Airline Reps say Biden's DHS is giving these illegals a piece of paper with DHS letterhead that allows illegals to get on planes without having any ID. One TSA agent said, "We have no idea who these people are - it is a National Security nightmare."

The Biden Administration says they are not picking up the tab for the flights.
- These illegals are boarding planes without luggage, just what they can carry, unable to speak English - holding pieces of paper with the words written in English reading, "Help Me - I do not speak English."

So the Biden administration, that is spending hundreds of thousands ($800k+) dollars to place illegals in hotels, who is putting illegals on buses and sending them all over the US at tax payer expense without notifying local and state officials that they are coming, is now trying to con tax payers / citizens into believing their tax dollars are not being used to send unidentified illegals on airplanes and shipping them all over the country....while Border Patrol agents are capturing terrorists on the Terrorist Watch list who are crossing into the US.

Yeah, these poor, covid-infected illegals are crossing illegally over the border, having ZERO identification, yet they are paying for plane tickets from Texas to New Jersey for themselves and their families, unable to speak English and carrying signs begging for help to use once the get to their destinations.

1. A Biden Administration official stated the illegals are not only paying their own way on airliners, they are not being scattered all over the US, that they are being sent to live with family members already here in the US.
- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are? If the yare flying to destinations where they will be met by family members already in the US WHY THE HELL OWULD THEY NEED SIGNS THAT SAY 'PLEASE HELP ME...I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH'?!

2. Tax Dollars are NOT being used to pay for these flights - the illegals are paying for them.
- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are? If these illegals have enough money to pay for a cross-country airline ticket for themselves and their family members THEN THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN HOTEL ROOMS - WHY TF ARE TAX PAYERS FUNDING ALMOST $1 MILLION WORTH OF HOTEL ROOMS FOR THESE ILLEGALS?

3. The Biden administration claim Biden's failed policies that have caused this humanitarian, criminal, drug/human/child trafficking, national security disaster is NOT putting our National Security and US citizens in jeopardy.

- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are?
---- BULLSH!T. The Biden administration has relaxed the deportation standards, allowing extremely violent illegals, those who have murdered / victimized Americans, DUI murderers, etc...allowing them to remain in the US. Here is an on-going memorial to Americans who have been killed by illegals:

---- BULLSH!T. Terrorists on the Watch list were caught crossing the open / non-existent southern border, and these are the terrorists who WERE caught - The US BP has reported they are npo where near catching all of the illegals / criminals crossing the border.

--- BULLSH!T. The airlines are reporting Biden's DHS is facilitating the travel of unidentified, undocumented illegals on airliners, flying all over the US with only Biden's administration's DHS' reassurance that these illegals are not criminals, Cartel members, or terrorists. Next time you go to fly on an airliner and they ask you for ID before you can board the plane, tell them you have something better - hand them a piece of paper with DHS letterhead (real or faux) saying no ID is needed, tha tyou are pk...and see how far you get with that.

EL PASO, Texas — The federal agency tasked with overseeing security at transportation hubs has been violating its own policy by allowing migrants who have been released from federal custody onto flights despite not having required documents, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials.

For the past six months, the Transportation Security Administration has allowed migrants released from the custody of other Homeland Security agencies to board flights to other parts of the country despite the passengers lacking any of the 15 documents it states are the only acceptable forms of identification.

Since early December, the agency has avoided temporarily changing federal policy and also not introduced a permanent solution to address this new phenomenon, despite no indication border apprehensions and mass releases are slowing down any time soon.

Since January, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released from custody more than 200,000 migrants who arrived at the border as part of a family.
How many terrorist are getting through?...what kind of carnage are they planning?...where will the next 9-11 occur?....maybe Denver....LA....Seattle....Kansas....Georgia....will it happen in your town?...if so who will you blame?.....
Un-Identified Illegal aliens illegally flooding into the US are now being spread all over the country - Flown on airliners without any ID.

Airline Reps say Biden's DHS is giving these illegals a piece of paper with DHS letterhead that allows illegals to get on planes without having any ID. One TSA agent said, "We have no idea who these people are - it is a National Security nightmare."

The Biden Administration says they are not picking up the tab for the flights.
- These illegals are boarding planes without luggage, just what they can carry, unable to speak English - holding pieces of paper with the words written in English reading, "Help Me - I do not speak English."

So the Biden administration, that is spending hundreds of thousands ($800k+) dollars to place illegals in hotels, who is putting illegals on buses and sending them all over the US at tax payer expense without notifying local and state officials that they are coming, is now trying to con tax payers / citizens into believing their tax dollars are not being used to send unidentified illegals on airplanes and shipping them all over the country....while Border Patrol agents are capturing terrorists on the Terrorist Watch list who are crossing into the US.

Yeah, these poor, covid-infected illegals are crossing illegally over the border, having ZERO identification, yet they are paying for plane tickets from Texas to New Jersey for themselves and their families, unable to speak English and carrying signs begging for help to use once the get to their destinations.

1. A Biden Administration official stated the illegals are not only paying their own way on airliners, they are not being scattered all over the US, that they are being sent to live with family members already here in the US.
- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are? If the yare flying to destinations where they will be met by family members already in the US WHY THE HELL OWULD THEY NEED SIGNS THAT SAY 'PLEASE HELP ME...I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH'?!

2. Tax Dollars are NOT being used to pay for these flights - the illegals are paying for them.
- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are? If these illegals have enough money to pay for a cross-country airline ticket for themselves and their family members THEN THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN HOTEL ROOMS - WHY TF ARE TAX PAYERS FUNDING ALMOST $1 MILLION WORTH OF HOTEL ROOMS FOR THESE ILLEGALS?

3. The Biden administration claim Biden's failed policies that have caused this humanitarian, criminal, drug/human/child trafficking, national security disaster is NOT putting our National Security and US citizens in jeopardy.

- How F*ING STUPID do these douche-bags think the American people are?
---- BULLSH!T. The Biden administration has relaxed the deportation standards, allowing extremely violent illegals, those who have murdered / victimized Americans, DUI murderers, etc...allowing them to remain in the US. Here is an on-going memorial to Americans who have been killed by illegals:

---- BULLSH!T. Terrorists on the Watch list were caught crossing the open / non-existent southern border, and these are the terrorists who WERE caught - The US BP has reported they are npo where near catching all of the illegals / criminals crossing the border.

--- BULLSH!T. The airlines are reporting Biden's DHS is facilitating the travel of unidentified, undocumented illegals on airliners, flying all over the US with only Biden's administration's DHS' reassurance that these illegals are not criminals, Cartel members, or terrorists. Next time you go to fly on an airliner and they ask you for ID before you can board the plane, tell them you have something better - hand them a piece of paper with DHS letterhead (real or faux) saying no ID is needed, tha tyou are pk...and see how far you get with that.

EL PASO, Texas — The federal agency tasked with overseeing security at transportation hubs has been violating its own policy by allowing migrants who have been released from federal custody onto flights despite not having required documents, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials.

For the past six months, the Transportation Security Administration has allowed migrants released from the custody of other Homeland Security agencies to board flights to other parts of the country despite the passengers lacking any of the 15 documents it states are the only acceptable forms of identification.

Since early December, the agency has avoided temporarily changing federal policy and also not introduced a permanent solution to address this new phenomenon, despite no indication border apprehensions and mass releases are slowing down any time soon.

Since January, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released from custody more than 200,000 migrants who arrived at the border as part of a family.
Biden administration is giving them CASH $$$ which they can use to buy plane tickets.....and just keep crossing the border over and over and over getting free cash each time since they don't have to have id.

Great response, since you can't dispute brain damaged Joe seeding the US with illegal covid infected
minors where they will stay until the democrats figure out a way to make them grow into
left voting citizens at some point in the future.

I think they are called "sleeper cells".

Grounds for impeachment and an outrageous misuse of Biden's authority in a dangerous partisan
stunt that's a slap in America's face. Obama is using his old playbook through his senile puppet.

Great response, since you can't dispute brain damaged Joe seeding the US with illegal covid infected
minors where they will stay until the democrats figure out a way to make them grow into
left voting citizens at some point in the future.

I think they are called "sleeper cells".

Grounds for impeachment and an outrageous misuse of Biden's authority in a dangerous partisan
stunt that's a slap in America's face. Obama is using his old playbook through his senile puppet.

Marc begs to be a Negro without a Country so he has an excuse to move to Liberia. He should move now since he detests America and what's left of our soverignity.
There are too many like him!

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