Biden Administration Adopts Stasi Tactics


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Administration Adopts Stasi Tactics​

Has anyone noticed that the Bai Dung administration has silently and steadily created STASI Tactics to monitor Americans?
Hmm...., the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat radical leftist handlers of the Joey Xi Bai Dung Administration are working overtime to change the definition of words, because as George Orwell — the prophet of totalitarianism — wrote, “There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language.”
A case in point is the term “White Supremacy,” which the befuddled Biden claims is “the most lethal threat to the homeland today.”
Indeed, Joey Xi has announced plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism. Specifically those 'White Neanderthal Racists'. However, the true terrorists Antifa and BLM funded by Communist groups are to be left untouched.
Point of fact, "Biden began his presidency with a stark warning in his inauguration speech about the “rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.” On June 1, Biden described the threat from “white supremacy” as the “most lethal threat to the homeland today.”"

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Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
This is how Hitler came to power, using the same tactics that Biden the Commander in Thief is using.

Sad and frankly, desperate times for America. :(
Of course he is.

December 2 2020
Michael Flynn, president Trump's former national security adviser who was pardoned by the president last week for lying during the Russia investigation, wants Trump to declare martial law and “temporarily suspend the Constitution” until a new election is held.
If the president doesn’t declare martial law, the statement retweeted by Flynn warns, “we will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands and defend our rights on our own.”

On March 23, 1933, Adolf Hitler stepped inside the Kroll Opera House in Berlin. Dressed in the brown uniform of the Schutzstaffel (SS), the chancellor of Germany made his way past the enthusiastic parliamentarians of his National Socialist party.
Just weeks earlier, Hitler's initial goal of obtaining an absolute majority of National Socialists in Germany's parliament had failed. As a result, on March 23, he placed before parliament a "Law to Remedy the Distress of People and the Reich" - also called the "Enabling Act."

The decisive sentence in the five-paragraph law read: "In addition to procedures prescribed by the constitution, laws of the Reich may also be enacted by the government of the Reich."

That second clause had drastic implications. With no need for parliamentary approval, Hitler's government could enact laws and enter into agreements or alliances with other countries. Practically speaking, Germany's parliament was being asked to render itself impotent.

Beyond that, fundamental laws written into the Weimar constitution were now to be done away with. For citizens, constitutional guarantees would be rendered void.

Summoning An Imaginary Specter Of White Supremacy, The Administration Declares War On All Who Oppose The Powerful.​

By Pedro Gonzalez
Simply put, the key positions of the Right today—anti-interventionism, anti-globalism, and immigration restrictionism—are directly opposed to the United States regime’s interests. Some of these right-wing positions used to be shared by the Left, but no longer. Now, MSNBC host Joy Reid, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, Citigroup, and the Democratic Socialists of America have virtually identical policy preferences and, with one voice, denounce “white rage.” Indeed, Biden, who is regularly impugned as a socialist by conservatives, has made protecting the most powerful and corrupt financial institutions a national security priority. The Left has collapsed as a revolutionary movement; it is fundamentally an establishment faction and is striking back to consolidate its hegemony.
Highlighting the regime’s contradictions, showing that its anti-racism and egalitarianism merely mask its political-industrial-financial interests, will accelerate the decline of traditional divisions of Left and Right. The conflict thus becomes one between beneficiaries and overseers of the established political order and those who refuse to be hunted and exploited in their own country.

When will American Patriots and the Right wake up that the GREATEST threat to our freedoms, lives and well being is BY FAR the 80% plus unconstitutional federal government which has become basically totalitarian STASI state.
It's no accident that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are unleashing critical race theory in the schools at this time. CRT is intended to provoke a reaction, and they hope the reaction turns violent, which will be a self-fulfilling prophecy that they were right all along about the dangers of white-supremacy.
The author Pedro Gonzalez writes:
"It is no accident that they are unleashing critical race theory in the schools at this time. CRT is INTENDED to provoke a reaction, and they hope the reaction turns violent, which will be a self-fulfilling prophecy that they were right all along about the dangers of white-supremacy."
That's exactly the way I read this. When White people, banding together or singly, start to defending themselves...they will be called White Supremacists and charged.
This illegitimate Marxist regime has declared war on Trump supporters, Whites, Asians and Hispanics. Anyone who is not considered Black is at risk of being tracked down by those Blacks who are brainwashed racist, anti-Christian and the Muslims can do anything they want per usual.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”

Smokin' OP NBC was snagged lying multiple times-------------should there not be consequences for lying?

Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
There's a difference between you and I.

I can say Trump was wrong for that, as I can say Democrats are wrong for silencing voices.

You can only say Trump was wrong. You're okay with Democrats silencing voices.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”

Cora Mandy is a spokeswoman for America First Action, an organization in support of the Trump administration.
Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics, national spokesman for the America First PAC, and host of his own Salem Radio Show on AM560 Chicago. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.

The other is jus opinion piece by Kalev Leetaru, another Trumptard
Smokin' OP NBC was snagged lying multiple times-------------should there not be consequences for lying?

By Dan Bongino?
Jeff Dunetz The Conservative and Jewish Voice From the People's Republic of New York.
Scott McConnell, co-founded The American Conservative with Pat Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopolous in 2002.[3] At the end of 2004, McConnell became the sole editor of TAC.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
There's a difference between you and I.

I can say Trump was wrong for that, as I can say Democrats are wrong for silencing voices.

You can only say Trump was wrong. You're okay with Democrats silencing voices.
Sure, when it ever happens.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
There's a difference between you and I.

I can say Trump was wrong for that, as I can say Democrats are wrong for silencing voices.

You can only say Trump was wrong. You're okay with Democrats silencing voices.
Sure, when it ever happens.
It has happened. And you're okay with it.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
There's a difference between you and I.

I can say Trump was wrong for that, as I can say Democrats are wrong for silencing voices.

You can only say Trump was wrong. You're okay with Democrats silencing voices.
Sure, when it ever happens.
It has happened. And you're okay with it.
Leftists hate it that people are allowed to disagree with them.

They're working on changing that.
Right, as Trump wanted to pull FCC licenses from TV stations.

Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump sent out a loaded tweet about NBC and other televisions networks and their “Fake News.” While that part is nothing new, this time Trump went further, bringing up the idea of pulling their FCC licenses, which would take them off the air.

With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017

In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows. Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
There's a difference between you and I.

I can say Trump was wrong for that, as I can say Democrats are wrong for silencing voices.

You can only say Trump was wrong. You're okay with Democrats silencing voices.
Sure, when it ever happens.
It has happened. And you're okay with it.
I retract my charge, but only because you will deny every instance I present. So I'm not going to bother.

You can flounce off and pretend you won now.

“Learn How to Spot Suspicious Behaviors” – FBI Encourages Americans to Snitch on Their Own Family and Friends​

11 Jul 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
Where have we seen this before?
The FBI on Sunday encouraged Americans to snitch on their own family members and friends.
“Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI.” the FBI said Sunday.
The FBI outlined suspicious behaviors to watch out for in a 32-page bulletin.


First it was “door to door knocks” (covid vaccine inspection)
Second it was encouragement to report your neighbors to the “secret police”
Third is boxcars, camps, and mass graves???…
Really starting to look like the makings of a dictatorship here.
Just more indications that the takeover by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies is progressing within America....
Making the claim that Joey Xi Bai Dung is adopting STASI totalitarian methods of controlling America and it's citizens.

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