Bibi Expands Lead in Israeli Polls; U.S. Democrats Hardest Hit


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It looks like Obama's little temper tantrum is backfiring on him:

Bibi Expands Lead in Israeli Polls U.S. Democrats Hardest Hit - Breitbart

Despite–or perhaps because of–the outrage of the Obama administration and left-wing Democrats in Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party continue to surge in Israeli polls, reaching their widest lead of the election thus far, according to a Jerusalem Post/Maariv Sof Hashavua poll. The poll, which shows Likud leading its closest rival by four seats in the 120-seat Knesset, is the widest lead that the Likud has enjoyed leading up to the Mar. 17 election.

In addition, the Post notes, “For the first time since Netanyahu initiated the election on December 2, the proportion of respondents saying they want him to remain prime minister was higher than those saying they want him replaced, 46-45 percent.” The Likud surge is reflected in other polls. Of six polls released in the past two days, according to Jeremy’s Knesset Insider, four show Likud in the lead, one shows it tied with ZIonist Union, and one shows it behind by one seat.

Netanyahu and the Likud received a boost during the border clashes with Hezbollah last week. However, the controversy surrounding Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress next month seems to be helping him as well. While Democrats have charged Netanyahu with seeking to use the speech to boost his election prospects, the Israeli press has focused on alleged efforts by former Obama aides to use U.s taxpayer funds to promote Netanyahu’s political rivals.
Since you believe in no government, how can you believe in a government that forces you and me to send tax dollars to Israel?

Do you have any idea how fucking goofy you sound, in sum total?
It looks like Obama's little temper tantrum is backfiring on him:

Bibi Expands Lead in Israeli Polls U.S. Democrats Hardest Hit - Breitbart

Despite–or perhaps because of–the outrage of the Obama administration and left-wing Democrats in Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party continue to surge in Israeli polls, reaching their widest lead of the election thus far, according to a Jerusalem Post/Maariv Sof Hashavua poll. The poll, which shows Likud leading its closest rival by four seats in the 120-seat Knesset, is the widest lead that the Likud has enjoyed leading up to the Mar. 17 election.

In addition, the Post notes, “For the first time since Netanyahu initiated the election on December 2, the proportion of respondents saying they want him to remain prime minister was higher than those saying they want him replaced, 46-45 percent.” The Likud surge is reflected in other polls. Of six polls released in the past two days, according to Jeremy’s Knesset Insider, four show Likud in the lead, one shows it tied with ZIonist Union, and one shows it behind by one seat.

Netanyahu and the Likud received a boost during the border clashes with Hezbollah last week. However, the controversy surrounding Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress next month seems to be helping him as well. While Democrats have charged Netanyahu with seeking to use the speech to boost his election prospects, the Israeli press has focused on alleged efforts by former Obama aides to use U.s taxpayer funds to promote Netanyahu’s political rivals.

NY said it ... maybe Obama pissed off Bibi so bad he'll refuse the 4 billion $$ we give him every year. Damn , I hope so.
Since you believe in no government, how can you believe in a government that forces you and me to send tax dollars to Israel?

Do you have any idea how fucking goofy you sound, in sum total?

"When you have civilized men fighting savages, you always support the civilized men, no matter who they are".

Of course your kind always supports the savages.
Since you believe in no government, how can you believe in a government that forces you and me to send tax dollars to Israel?

Do you have any idea how fucking goofy you sound, in sum total?

In theory I don't, but a lot of other things can be cut before we cast Israel to the wolves - your heroes, that is.

Furthermore, I love it when liberal antisemites get their nose rubbed in it.
obama didn't consider how much he is personally disliked. Sending emissaries to influence a foreign election wouldn't sit well with any people. obama's emissaries less than most.
Our nutters primary interest in this entire episode is the possibility that president Obama will be embarrassed.
Pissed is more like it. And as for working with the Congress, Congress just pissed into the wind. Obama's response should be Fuck You and the Horses Asses who voted you in. A one-term Congress should be the goal.
Since you believe in no government, how can you believe in a government that forces you and me to send tax dollars to Israel?

Do you have any idea how fucking goofy you sound, in sum total?

Yet you see nothing wrong in sending 10 times the amount of tax dollars to ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS who then buy weapons to kill US soldiers and civilians. Pretty warped and twisted POV you have there my friend.

OH! and did you know that for every $ received by Israel they pay back $1.10 and keep many thousands of Americans employed, paying taxes and boosting the American economy. Now imagine what your credit rating would be if you lost all those jobs ? ? ? ?
It looks like Obama's little temper tantrum is backfiring on him:

Bibi Expands Lead in Israeli Polls U.S. Democrats Hardest Hit - Breitbart

Despite–or perhaps because of–the outrage of the Obama administration and left-wing Democrats in Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party continue to surge in Israeli polls, reaching their widest lead of the election thus far, according to a Jerusalem Post/Maariv Sof Hashavua poll. The poll, which shows Likud leading its closest rival by four seats in the 120-seat Knesset, is the widest lead that the Likud has enjoyed leading up to the Mar. 17 election.

In addition, the Post notes, “For the first time since Netanyahu initiated the election on December 2, the proportion of respondents saying they want him to remain prime minister was higher than those saying they want him replaced, 46-45 percent.” The Likud surge is reflected in other polls. Of six polls released in the past two days, according to Jeremy’s Knesset Insider, four show Likud in the lead, one shows it tied with ZIonist Union, and one shows it behind by one seat.

Netanyahu and the Likud received a boost during the border clashes with Hezbollah last week. However, the controversy surrounding Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of the U.S. Congress next month seems to be helping him as well. While Democrats have charged Netanyahu with seeking to use the speech to boost his election prospects, the Israeli press has focused on alleged efforts by former Obama aides to use U.s taxpayer funds to promote Netanyahu’s political rivals.

NY said it ... maybe Obama pissed off Bibi so bad he'll refuse the 4 billion $$ we give him every year. Damn , I hope so.

If you had any brains at all you would know that the US wont allow him to refuse the loans, they are tied to an agreement that forbids Israel from turning down the money. All they could do would be to not spend the money and pay it back by the end of the year with interest. But you should be more interested in the $10 billion given to ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS every year that is used to fund the murder of Americans..
Our nutters primary interest in this entire episode is the possibility that president Obama will be embarrassed.
Pissed is more like it. And as for working with the Congress, Congress just pissed into the wind. Obama's response should be Fuck You and the Horses Asses who voted you in. A one-term Congress should be the goal.

So you advocate an Islamic caliphate to rule the US do you, I winder how soon you would be crying about the mass murders of non muslims when that happened ?
Our nutters primary interest in this entire episode is the possibility that president Obama will be embarrassed.
Pissed is more like it. And as for working with the Congress, Congress just pissed into the wind. Obama's response should be Fuck You and the Horses Asses who voted you in. A one-term Congress should be the goal.

So you advocate an Islamic caliphate to rule the US do you, I winder how soon you would be crying about the mass murders of non muslims when that happened ?

Congratulations! You have figured out the true motive for all of us progressives! You win!
Our nutters primary interest in this entire episode is the possibility that president Obama will be embarrassed.
Pissed is more like it. And as for working with the Congress, Congress just pissed into the wind. Obama's response should be Fuck You and the Horses Asses who voted you in. A one-term Congress should be the goal.

So you advocate an Islamic caliphate to rule the US do you, I winder how soon you would be crying about the mass murders of non muslims when that happened ?

Congratulations! You have figured out the true motive for all of us progressives! You win!

Given their behavior one has to wonder if that's the case.
Our nutters primary interest in this entire episode is the possibility that president Obama will be embarrassed.
Pissed is more like it. And as for working with the Congress, Congress just pissed into the wind. Obama's response should be Fuck You and the Horses Asses who voted you in. A one-term Congress should be the goal.

So you advocate an Islamic caliphate to rule the US do you, I winder how soon you would be crying about the mass murders of non muslims when that happened ?

Congratulations! You have figured out the true motive for all of us progressives! You win!
I would say regressive's as this would set the world back 1400 years
The little Jewish Nazis love another good little Jewish Nazi, so it is his to lose I'm sure.

The only Jewish Nazis are those that side with the arab muslims

The Nazis were devout Catholics and Hitler was hand chosen by the Vatican. That is a historical FACT.

The Nazis were not devout Catholics. In fact, they tried to bring back paganism.

I've never seen such an egregious lie in my life.

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