Biased / Deceptive Anti-Gun CNN - Host Costello Crushed by Facts on Gun Violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During a June 23 appearance on CNN, Gun Owners of America’s Erich Pratt shut down host Carol Costello’s gun violence inquisition by reminding her that she had omitted defensive gun uses.

1. Pratt’s statement came after Costello referenced Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures and said more than “100,000” people are wounded by gun shots annually, with “33,600” killed in 2013. She said the death figures included suicides but she did not point out that suicides constitute 66 percent of the death figures.
- CNN / Costello FAIL!

2. Costello then began an inquisition of Pratt based on the number of wounded and killed. Pratt fired back, saying, “Well, what you failed to point out Carol is that the CDC also–pursuant to President Obama issuing a decree to have them study this issue–they found that anywhere from 500,000 to 3 million times a year guns are being used for self-defense.”
- CNN / Costello FAIL!

3. Costello argued that the CDC is not allowed to do gun research, by which she meant to demonstrate that the CDC could not have come up with the numbers Pratt listed. Pratt then reminded Costello of Obama’s post-Sandy Hook executive order–issued January 2013–ordering the CDC to do the research.
- CNN / Costello FAIL!

CNN / Costello was BUSTED on Live Television trying to push the Left's Anti-Gun agenda by ignoring key facts and figures, continuing to prove that CNN is a JOKE and a 'mouthpiece' for the Left!

CNN Host Costello Crushed by Facts on Gun Violence - Breitbartmention-defensive-gun-uses/

Th Facts doesn't suit the Liberal agenda for gun control. So they ignore them.

To me it's stunning how people can be so deliberately ignorant, that they choose to believe and parrot reactionary regressive gibberish. They're zealots to a dogma that is second only in it's destructive capacity to islam. Which is a cult of slavery, death and conquest. It is content in the 1400's. Regressivism's consequences wouldn't be much worse if they're fully realized.

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