Biased Clinton News Network Caught On "Hot Mic" Coaching "Independent" Focus Group (Video)

The MSM's dishonest and unfair reporting is more apparent in this election than ever before. I fear too many Americans today are too dumb to comprehend (see poster directly above mine for proof) and will believe the lies and distortions.
Thanks for posting, but there was no question of it beforehand. They fully bang the drums of the Clinton's... no surprise, she has funneled 300 million into TV ads and such. She is attempting to buy the election, because her history, her actions, or her position can't get her anywhere (except prison maybe).
They just can help themselves, can they?

Why couldn't they just let the woman answer the question on her own?

CNN have their talking points and agenda and are instructing their town hall participants on how to answer.

So funny.

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