'Betrayed by Biden... but I fight on in the valley that's my nation's last hope': Afghanistan's vice-president Amrullah Saleh gives a brave despatch w


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

'Betrayed by Biden... But I fight on in the valley that's my nation's last hope': Afghanistan's vice-president Amrullah Saleh gives a brave dispatch while under siege from the Taliban in his snow-capped mountain stronghold​

Amrullah Saleh, 48, is the former vice president of Afghanistan, who escaped Kabul as the Taliban advanced to join Ahmad Massoud and the National Resistance Front in the Panjshir Valley.
The remote, 70 mile long valley, bordered by high mountains, is a geographical stronghold and the last province in Afghanistan to hold out against the Taliban. After peace negotiations failed, battle has now been joined with each side claiming territorial gains and heavy casualties in the past 48 hours.
In a courageous and moving dispatch from the frontline, Saleh - whose leader, President Ashraf Ghani, fled Kabul for the UAE - reveals his anger at Afghanistan's betrayal by America but urges the West not to abandon his beloved nation.
Yesterday I attended the burial ceremony of two of the best commanders I ever knew who were killed last night.
The fighting here is heavy now, with casualties on both sides. The Taliban are using American munitions against us and Blackhawk helicopters are being flown in to reinforce their attacks.
Survival does not necessarily mean defending each and every inch of the territory. It means ensuring that the enemy will never gain control here.
We know we are not alone. Other Afghans are with us - in the nearby Andarab Valley, in parts of Kapisa Province, and in pockets in Parwan. And we have contacts all over the country, particularly in northern and central Afghanistan.
Many fighters are flocking here to join the National Resistance Front (NRF) - anti-Taliban fighters, former Afghan security forces and ordinary Afghans who want to stop us returning to the rule of the Taliban.
It is the Pakistanis who are in charge as effectively a colonial power. But this is not going to last because they and their clients will not be able to erect a functioning economy or create a civil service.
They may have territorial control, but as our history has shown, control of land does not necessarily mean control over the people or stability. And I do not see Taliban having any idea about governance.
The betrayal of Afghanistan by the West is colossal.
The Americans may boast about evacuating some 123,000 people from the country (of whom 6000 were Americans), but there are 40 million of us.
Now, with the closure of the airport in Kabul, the Afghan exodus is continuing at the other border crossings and it is worse than it was during the Soviet occupation of the 1980s.
This is not only shameful for President Biden, it is shameful for the whole of Western civilization.
Your politicians know that Pakistan is running the show.
They know al Qaeda is back in the streets of Kabul. And they know the Taliban have not reformed. They have been displaying their suicide vests in Kabul.
But there's still time for the West to save its reputation and credibility.
Biden was determined to end America's 'longest war' and would no longer countenance keeping even a few thousand soldiers in my country to support our own Afghan forces - despite our enormous sacrifices and the advice of his own generals.
When we reached Panjshir, we got a message that the elders of the community had gathered in the mosque. I spoke to them for an hour and afterwards each of them rose in support.
Panjshir has been a tourist destination for 20 years. We had no military equipment, no ammunition here.
But that night I drew up a strategy to toughen the province's defences.
Then I received a call informing me that Ahmed Massoud was heading to Panjshir by helicopter. I felt a surge of hope course through me. We had our first meeting to strategise that night.
Has it been easy to take up resistance? Absolutely not. I'm in a difficult situation, no doubt. I'm not made of steel I'm a human being. I have emotions. I'm aware that the Taliban want my head. But this is history. And we are in the centre of the history.

Now there’s the person who should have been Afghanistan’s president not the cowardly chosen man. Amrullah Saleh is a brave honorable man that will receive no help from this president or the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They are the root of all evil and always have been.
The Bai Dung Regime wants the Taliban to win and are probably supplying intelligence and surveillance in addition to the equipment we have already given them.
Lara Logan is all over this story, Her Tweets have developed an ominous tone.

'Betrayed by Biden... But I fight on in the valley that's my nation's last hope': Afghanistan's vice-president Amrullah Saleh gives a brave dispatch while under siege from the Taliban in his snow-capped mountain stronghold​

Amrullah Saleh, 48, is the former vice president of Afghanistan, who escaped Kabul as the Taliban advanced to join Ahmad Massoud and the National Resistance Front in the Panjshir Valley.
The remote, 70 mile long valley, bordered by high mountains, is a geographical stronghold and the last province in Afghanistan to hold out against the Taliban. After peace negotiations failed, battle has now been joined with each side claiming territorial gains and heavy casualties in the past 48 hours.
In a courageous and moving dispatch from the frontline, Saleh - whose leader, President Ashraf Ghani, fled Kabul for the UAE - reveals his anger at Afghanistan's betrayal by America but urges the West not to abandon his beloved nation.
Yesterday I attended the burial ceremony of two of the best commanders I ever knew who were killed last night.
The fighting here is heavy now, with casualties on both sides. The Taliban are using American munitions against us and Blackhawk helicopters are being flown in to reinforce their attacks.
Survival does not necessarily mean defending each and every inch of the territory. It means ensuring that the enemy will never gain control here.
We know we are not alone. Other Afghans are with us - in the nearby Andarab Valley, in parts of Kapisa Province, and in pockets in Parwan. And we have contacts all over the country, particularly in northern and central Afghanistan.
Many fighters are flocking here to join the National Resistance Front (NRF) - anti-Taliban fighters, former Afghan security forces and ordinary Afghans who want to stop us returning to the rule of the Taliban.
It is the Pakistanis who are in charge as effectively a colonial power. But this is not going to last because they and their clients will not be able to erect a functioning economy or create a civil service.
They may have territorial control, but as our history has shown, control of land does not necessarily mean control over the people or stability. And I do not see Taliban having any idea about governance.
The betrayal of Afghanistan by the West is colossal.
The Americans may boast about evacuating some 123,000 people from the country (of whom 6000 were Americans), but there are 40 million of us.
Now, with the closure of the airport in Kabul, the Afghan exodus is continuing at the other border crossings and it is worse than it was during the Soviet occupation of the 1980s.
This is not only shameful for President Biden, it is shameful for the whole of Western civilization.
Your politicians know that Pakistan is running the show.
They know al Qaeda is back in the streets of Kabul. And they know the Taliban have not reformed. They have been displaying their suicide vests in Kabul.
But there's still time for the West to save its reputation and credibility.
Biden was determined to end America's 'longest war' and would no longer countenance keeping even a few thousand soldiers in my country to support our own Afghan forces - despite our enormous sacrifices and the advice of his own generals.
When we reached Panjshir, we got a message that the elders of the community had gathered in the mosque. I spoke to them for an hour and afterwards each of them rose in support.
Panjshir has been a tourist destination for 20 years. We had no military equipment, no ammunition here.
But that night I drew up a strategy to toughen the province's defences.
Then I received a call informing me that Ahmed Massoud was heading to Panjshir by helicopter. I felt a surge of hope course through me. We had our first meeting to strategise that night.
Has it been easy to take up resistance? Absolutely not. I'm in a difficult situation, no doubt. I'm not made of steel I'm a human being. I have emotions. I'm aware that the Taliban want my head. But this is history. And we are in the centre of the history.

Now there’s the person who should have been Afghanistan’s president not the cowardly chosen man. Amrullah Saleh is a brave honorable man that will receive no help from this president or the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They are the root of all evil and always have been.
The Bai Dung Regime wants the Taliban to win and are probably supplying intelligence and surveillance in addition to the equipment we have already given them.
Lara Logan is all over this story, Her Tweets have developed an ominous tone.

Betrayed by Joe Biden? Doesn't he realize it was tRump that went around his government and surrendered his country to the Taliban?
Betrayed by Joe Biden? Doesn't he realize it was tRump that went around his government and surrendered his country to the Taliban?
Trump made a conditional deal with the Taliban.....if they had lived up to what the deal required of them then Trump would have withdrew in a orderly fashion.

Unfortunately biden threw that deal out the window and declared a UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL...meaning the taliban could dow whatever they wanted and we would with-draw irregardless.

Unfortunately....we now see the result of such a stupid decision by biden.

As has been said before...biden could have come out smelling like a rose had he followed the deal made by Trump with the taliban man.

'Betrayed by Biden... But I fight on in the valley that's my nation's last hope': Afghanistan's vice-president Amrullah Saleh gives a brave dispatch while under siege from the Taliban in his snow-capped mountain stronghold​

Amrullah Saleh, 48, is the former vice president of Afghanistan, who escaped Kabul as the Taliban advanced to join Ahmad Massoud and the National Resistance Front in the Panjshir Valley.
The remote, 70 mile long valley, bordered by high mountains, is a geographical stronghold and the last province in Afghanistan to hold out against the Taliban. After peace negotiations failed, battle has now been joined with each side claiming territorial gains and heavy casualties in the past 48 hours.
In a courageous and moving dispatch from the frontline, Saleh - whose leader, President Ashraf Ghani, fled Kabul for the UAE - reveals his anger at Afghanistan's betrayal by America but urges the West not to abandon his beloved nation.
Yesterday I attended the burial ceremony of two of the best commanders I ever knew who were killed last night.
The fighting here is heavy now, with casualties on both sides. The Taliban are using American munitions against us and Blackhawk helicopters are being flown in to reinforce their attacks.
Survival does not necessarily mean defending each and every inch of the territory. It means ensuring that the enemy will never gain control here.
We know we are not alone. Other Afghans are with us - in the nearby Andarab Valley, in parts of Kapisa Province, and in pockets in Parwan. And we have contacts all over the country, particularly in northern and central Afghanistan.
Many fighters are flocking here to join the National Resistance Front (NRF) - anti-Taliban fighters, former Afghan security forces and ordinary Afghans who want to stop us returning to the rule of the Taliban.
It is the Pakistanis who are in charge as effectively a colonial power. But this is not going to last because they and their clients will not be able to erect a functioning economy or create a civil service.
They may have territorial control, but as our history has shown, control of land does not necessarily mean control over the people or stability. And I do not see Taliban having any idea about governance.
The betrayal of Afghanistan by the West is colossal.
The Americans may boast about evacuating some 123,000 people from the country (of whom 6000 were Americans), but there are 40 million of us.
Now, with the closure of the airport in Kabul, the Afghan exodus is continuing at the other border crossings and it is worse than it was during the Soviet occupation of the 1980s.
This is not only shameful for President Biden, it is shameful for the whole of Western civilization.
Your politicians know that Pakistan is running the show.
They know al Qaeda is back in the streets of Kabul. And they know the Taliban have not reformed. They have been displaying their suicide vests in Kabul.
But there's still time for the West to save its reputation and credibility.
Biden was determined to end America's 'longest war' and would no longer countenance keeping even a few thousand soldiers in my country to support our own Afghan forces - despite our enormous sacrifices and the advice of his own generals.
When we reached Panjshir, we got a message that the elders of the community had gathered in the mosque. I spoke to them for an hour and afterwards each of them rose in support.
Panjshir has been a tourist destination for 20 years. We had no military equipment, no ammunition here.
But that night I drew up a strategy to toughen the province's defences.
Then I received a call informing me that Ahmed Massoud was heading to Panjshir by helicopter. I felt a surge of hope course through me. We had our first meeting to strategise that night.
Has it been easy to take up resistance? Absolutely not. I'm in a difficult situation, no doubt. I'm not made of steel I'm a human being. I have emotions. I'm aware that the Taliban want my head. But this is history. And we are in the centre of the history.

Now there’s the person who should have been Afghanistan’s president not the cowardly chosen man. Amrullah Saleh is a brave honorable man that will receive no help from this president or the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They are the root of all evil and always have been.
The Bai Dung Regime wants the Taliban to win and are probably supplying intelligence and surveillance in addition to the equipment we have already given them.
Lara Logan is all over this story, Her Tweets have developed an ominous tone.

Honestly, who cares about him. You never cared prior to Biden withdrawing and now you're feeling sorry for him.
You hypocrit.
I am on record saying Trump made a mistake advocating withdrawal....and just as bad the majority of the America people wanted to withdraw.

That is why biden thought he would be proclaimed a hero....not understanding how he fuked up the withdrawl would reveal how utterly stupid he is.

His numbers went down bigtime not because of his desire to withdraw but for the way he did it.

Biden wanted all the credit for the withdrawal that is why he threw trumps deal out the window.

Then when he fuked everything up(do not forget obama warned how biden was prone to fuk everything up) he then tried to blame Trump.
They can't mention that the echo chamber has forbidden the subject

You mean all you Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies that all want to forget the clusterfuck your illegitimate president Bai Dung has created one more time within the first 7 months of his reign.
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'Betrayed by Biden... But I fight on in the valley that's my nation's last hope': Afghanistan's vice-president Amrullah Saleh gives a brave dispatch while under siege from the Taliban in his snow-capped mountain stronghold​

Amrullah Saleh, 48, is the former vice president of Afghanistan, who escaped Kabul as the Taliban advanced to join Ahmad Massoud and the National Resistance Front in the Panjshir Valley.
The remote, 70 mile long valley, bordered by high mountains, is a geographical stronghold and the last province in Afghanistan to hold out against the Taliban. After peace negotiations failed, battle has now been joined with each side claiming territorial gains and heavy casualties in the past 48 hours.
In a courageous and moving dispatch from the frontline, Saleh - whose leader, President Ashraf Ghani, fled Kabul for the UAE - reveals his anger at Afghanistan's betrayal by America but urges the West not to abandon his beloved nation.
Yesterday I attended the burial ceremony of two of the best commanders I ever knew who were killed last night.
The fighting here is heavy now, with casualties on both sides. The Taliban are using American munitions against us and Blackhawk helicopters are being flown in to reinforce their attacks.
Survival does not necessarily mean defending each and every inch of the territory. It means ensuring that the enemy will never gain control here.
We know we are not alone. Other Afghans are with us - in the nearby Andarab Valley, in parts of Kapisa Province, and in pockets in Parwan. And we have contacts all over the country, particularly in northern and central Afghanistan.
Many fighters are flocking here to join the National Resistance Front (NRF) - anti-Taliban fighters, former Afghan security forces and ordinary Afghans who want to stop us returning to the rule of the Taliban.
It is the Pakistanis who are in charge as effectively a colonial power. But this is not going to last because they and their clients will not be able to erect a functioning economy or create a civil service.
They may have territorial control, but as our history has shown, control of land does not necessarily mean control over the people or stability. And I do not see Taliban having any idea about governance.
The betrayal of Afghanistan by the West is colossal.
The Americans may boast about evacuating some 123,000 people from the country (of whom 6000 were Americans), but there are 40 million of us.
Now, with the closure of the airport in Kabul, the Afghan exodus is continuing at the other border crossings and it is worse than it was during the Soviet occupation of the 1980s.
This is not only shameful for President Biden, it is shameful for the whole of Western civilization.
Your politicians know that Pakistan is running the show.
They know al Qaeda is back in the streets of Kabul. And they know the Taliban have not reformed. They have been displaying their suicide vests in Kabul.
But there's still time for the West to save its reputation and credibility.
Biden was determined to end America's 'longest war' and would no longer countenance keeping even a few thousand soldiers in my country to support our own Afghan forces - despite our enormous sacrifices and the advice of his own generals.
When we reached Panjshir, we got a message that the elders of the community had gathered in the mosque. I spoke to them for an hour and afterwards each of them rose in support.
Panjshir has been a tourist destination for 20 years. We had no military equipment, no ammunition here.
But that night I drew up a strategy to toughen the province's defences.
Then I received a call informing me that Ahmed Massoud was heading to Panjshir by helicopter. I felt a surge of hope course through me. We had our first meeting to strategise that night.
Has it been easy to take up resistance? Absolutely not. I'm in a difficult situation, no doubt. I'm not made of steel I'm a human being. I have emotions. I'm aware that the Taliban want my head. But this is history. And we are in the centre of the history.

Now there’s the person who should have been Afghanistan’s president not the cowardly chosen man. Amrullah Saleh is a brave honorable man that will receive no help from this president or the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left. They are the root of all evil and always have been.
The Bai Dung Regime wants the Taliban to win and are probably supplying intelligence and surveillance in addition to the equipment we have already given them.
Lara Logan is all over this story, Her Tweets have developed an ominous tone.

So Amrullah Saleh wants the US to send money?
Trump made a conditional deal with the Taliban.....if they had lived up to what the deal required of them then Trump would have withdrew in a orderly fashion.

Unfortunately biden threw that deal out the window and declared a UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL...meaning the taliban could dow whatever they wanted and we would with-draw irregardless.

Unfortunately....we now see the result of such a stupid decision by biden.

As has been said before...biden could have come out smelling like a rose had he followed the deal made by Trump with the taliban man.
tRump had already unconditionally removed all but 2500 troops. It was too late to do anything but leave. The whole situation was designed specifically to make the Biden administration look bad.

You mean all you Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies that all want to forget the clusterfuck your illegitimate president Bai Dung has created one more time within the first 7 months of his reign.

Your dog whistles and pejorative projections mean nothing to me since I know you are really a spam-bot. If, you would like to discuss something we can, but, leave all that bullshit behind, but you can't because that is all you be.
tRump had already unconditionally removed all but 2500 troops. It was too late to do anything but leave. The whole situation was designed specifically to make the Biden administration look bad.

Why must I always have to correct you? Can you not ever get anything right??? Trump had a deal with the Taliban and it was a conditional deal as in they had to meet certain conditons or Trump would not withdraw.

Biden however and most unfortunately threw trumps deal out the window and declared a UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL....that is what happened. Study up and get back with us.

Of course you could just be lying in an effort to spread fallacious propaganda....either way you are a scumbag.
Why must I always have to correct you? Can you not ever get anything right??? Trump had a deal with the Taliban and it was a conditional deal as in they had to meet certain conditons or Trump would not withdraw.

Biden however and most unfortunately threw trumps deal out the window and declared a UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL....that is what happened. Study up and get back with us.

Of course you could just be lying in an effort to spread fallacious propaganda....either way you are a scumbag.
dOnald tRump went around the established government in Afghanistan, the government we spent 20 years, billions of dollars, and thousands of American lives setting up, and unconditionally surrendered to the Taliban.

Deal with it.
So Amrullah Saleh wants the US to send money?
I think he understands the demented old fool in the white house too well to expect that.

I think former special ops people (true patriots) should come out of retirement and set up a well funded operation to help Saleh.

Even dumb ass General Milley recognizes there will be a civil war...since we cannot expect the biden regime to do anything to help the good guys then those private citizens that can and are able and willing to help the good guys are his only hope.
dOnald tRump went around the established government in Afghanistan, the government we spent 20 years, billions of dollars, and thousands of American lives setting up, and unconditionally surrendered to the Taliban.

Deal with it.
bull fuken shit.....you are not only a liar you are mudda rucking liar.

Trump was not even President when we pulled out ....what is wrong with you?

Trump did go around the useless Afghani government to get a conditional agreement with the Taliban...if biden had followed Trumps agreement there would have not been a chaotic and unconditional withdrawal which will go down in history as one of America's biggest mistakes.
bull fuken shit.....you are not only a liar you are mudda rucking liar.

Trump was not even President when we pulled out ....what is wrong with you?

Trump did go around the useless Afghani government to get a conditional agreement with the Taliban...if biden had followed Trumps agreement there would have not been a chaotic and unconditional withdrawal which will go down in history as one of America's biggest mistakes.
tRump had already pulled all but 2,500 troops out. It was add more or leave. He deliberately left President Joe in a no win situation.

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