Beto shatters texas fund raising record.

Are you saying Texas is not big enough for multiple frauds? Does it have to wait till Cruz is gone to bring in another fraud?
Comparatively, Cruz doesn’t need to manufacture being Hispanic. O’Rourke chooses to keep “Beto” (a nickname given to him by his parents’ Latino domestic staff) because he believes it will fool Latinos into voting for him.

It’s insulting and pathetic.
The media spin machine is in high gear... A poll over sampling dems by 15% and then with that lie in place to demoralize republican voters the money from out of state to make it appear he has more support that this moron does... DONT BUY THE BULL SHIT TEXAS>>>> GET OUT AND VOTE...
Sure if I was a Democrat I'd like to that close and motivate Republicans to get to the polls. Your theory doesnt make sense.
The only poll that matters is the one on election day.
And that's the one you will most certainly lose. Any precinct that goes over 100% registered voters gets a rectal inspection to see how it occurred... None of this 200% of registered voters crap is going to be allowed. stuffing the ballot box was how Biden was installed, just like a toilet.
Comparatively, Cruz doesn’t need to manufacture being Hispanic. O’Rourke chooses to keep “Beto” (a nickname given to him by his parents’ Latino domestic staff) because he believes it will fool Latinos into voting for him.

It’s insulting and pathetic.
Sounds like you believe Latinos are easily fooled......I wonder how they think about that.
Comparatively, Cruz doesn’t need to manufacture being Hispanic. O’Rourke chooses to keep “Beto” (a nickname given to him by his parents’ Latino domestic staff) because he believes it will fool Latinos into voting for him.

It’s insulting and pathetic.
😆 🤣 what is his real name?
And that's the one you will most certainly lose. Any precinct that goes over 100% registered voters gets a rectal inspection to see how it occurred... None of this 200% of registered voters crap is going to be allowed. stuffing the ballot box was how Biden was installed, just like a toilet.
What is it about Republican white-wingers and their butt sex and rape imagery?
So no you can't prove it. Just like everything you proclaim.
Its an ongoing campaign so up to the minute data is not available

But I’m surprised at your ignorance about o’Rourke

When he ran against ted ctuz for senstor it was national headlines about how libs across the country were funding his campaign

Here’s some info to bring you somewhat up to speed


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