Bet on the US - and lost...

I'm still here. Ask me if you want. I might tell you. I might not. You have the ability to prove either way. I know this. I've been a site admin. I still don't care. It was a game and I never said I didn't. I never said I did.

That's my right. My choice Unless you take it away from me. Which you did.

So, that's where the swaggering came from. You see it as much as I see my word game that did not answer ekrem when he asked me if I had done the edit.

Pictures of kittens notwithstanding del. I have seen the dead and killed the living. If I withhold the truth in a word game with an opponent, then fine.

Regardless of your kittens.

save it for your shrink, otay?

i took nothing away from you; i just called you what you are.

i took nothing away from you; i just called you what you are.

You have never lied del?


Oh, and I note an edit. :razz:
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I'll put my knowledge and foresight ala geo-politics to the test anytime Ekrem.

Czechoslovakia , Poland etc. were several weight classes below their regional neighbors seem, uhm, influence deprived.

I have not posted any judgments either as to who will come out on top either, so I don't know what you are basing your judgments on as to my thinking along those lines. And this Gulf cooperative is a basket full of snakes. They'd eat each other in a heartbeat.

I didn't challenge your geo-political foresight.
Economic expansion also happens in the region and contributes to the power-base of the countries.
But the real cake is Iraq.
Turkey has secured the North of Iraq, which has a smaller population base and a lower geo-political value (quantity of oil) then the South, but has the South by the balls through Tigris and Euphrat.
Iran will control the S. of Iraq and will become the dominant power in the Gulf region. This is not really much of a concern for Turkey, but for the Gulf-Cooperation-Council.
Both Iran and Gulf-Cooperation-Council will very likely keep each other busy in this area by diverting a big chunk of their capabilities to this competition trying to contain the other, whilst Turkey will continue to focus on economical and soft-power outreach.
What do we expect?

Egypts government is still another shamocractic kakatocracy.

Corrupt governments bleed the vitality out of a nation and Mubarak's regime is replete with insiders sucking the life out of the economy.

"Prices are rising like fire and I can't keep up, with the money I make and the big family I have," says 67-year-old Ali Abu Issa, serving tea in a truck-stop cafe on the outskirts of town. A grizzled ex-soldier who fought in Yemen and in the 1967 and 1973 wars against Israel, he has eight children.

"I call out to Mubarak to help us," he says, asserting that the president has a self-interested entourage which keeps him in the dark about the plight of the people.

"Officials are corrupt and greedy. They take everything and leave us only scraps."

Rich-poor contrasts in Egypt seem starker than ever, but the government denies that only a privileged few have benefited from economic reform.

Wealth is trickling down, insists Finance Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali. "The quality of life of the average Egyptian has improved significantly, despite what you hear in the street."

The USA has a persistent pattern of supporting corrpt governments, tyrants, shamocracies and even feudal Monarchies and then wonder why the PEOPLE of those states HATE the USA?

Our insiders benefit from these corrupt puppet regimes, folks.

That exactly why our national foreign policy is laothed by so many foreignors who suffer at the hands of it.
What do we expect?

Egypts government is still another shamocractic kakatocracy.

Corrupt governments bleed the vitality out of a nation and Mubarak's regime is replete with insiders sucking the life out of the economy.

"Prices are rising like fire and I can't keep up, with the money I make and the big family I have," says 67-year-old Ali Abu Issa, serving tea in a truck-stop cafe on the outskirts of town. A grizzled ex-soldier who fought in Yemen and in the 1967 and 1973 wars against Israel, he has eight children.

"I call out to Mubarak to help us," he says, asserting that the president has a self-interested entourage which keeps him in the dark about the plight of the people.

"Officials are corrupt and greedy. They take everything and leave us only scraps."

Rich-poor contrasts in Egypt seem starker than ever, but the government denies that only a privileged few have benefited from economic reform.

Wealth is trickling down, insists Finance Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali. "The quality of life of the average Egyptian has improved significantly, despite what you hear in the street."

The USA has a persistent pattern of supporting corrpt governments, tyrants, shamocracies and even feudal Monarchies and then wonder why the PEOPLE of those states HATE the USA?

Our insiders benefit from these corrupt puppet regimes, folks.

That exactly why our national foreign policy is laothed by so many foreignors who suffer at the hands of it.

You seem to forget that the U.S. has only been an ally of the Egyptian government since Carter before that the Russians were supporting Egypt You idiots act like we installed a puppet government over there. The problem with you people is you blame the U.S. first and ask questions later.. You're clueless.
What do we expect?

Egypts government is still another shamocractic kakatocracy.

Corrupt governments bleed the vitality out of a nation and Mubarak's regime is replete with insiders sucking the life out of the economy.

"Prices are rising like fire and I can't keep up, with the money I make and the big family I have," says 67-year-old Ali Abu Issa, serving tea in a truck-stop cafe on the outskirts of town. A grizzled ex-soldier who fought in Yemen and in the 1967 and 1973 wars against Israel, he has eight children.

"I call out to Mubarak to help us," he says, asserting that the president has a self-interested entourage which keeps him in the dark about the plight of the people.

"Officials are corrupt and greedy. They take everything and leave us only scraps."

Rich-poor contrasts in Egypt seem starker than ever, but the government denies that only a privileged few have benefited from economic reform.

Wealth is trickling down, insists Finance Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali. "The quality of life of the average Egyptian has improved significantly, despite what you hear in the street."

The USA has a persistent pattern of supporting corrpt governments, tyrants, shamocracies and even feudal Monarchies and then wonder why the PEOPLE of those states HATE the USA?

Our insiders benefit from these corrupt puppet regimes, folks.

That exactly why our national foreign policy is laothed by so many foreignors who suffer at the hands of it.

You seem to forget that the U.S. has only been an ally of the Egyptian government since Carter before that the Russians were supporting Egypt You idiots act like we installed a puppet government over there. The problem with you people is you blame the U.S. first and ask questions later.. You're clueless.

No I haven't forgotten a thing, lad.

You want to argue with your straw man, be my guest, but do not presume to tell me what I know or do not know.

If you want to comment on what I DO write, that's one thing. Be my guest to blast away at what I have said

however you imagine that you have the right to rewrite what I wrote, indicating that you are having an argument with only yourself.
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The USA has a persistent pattern of supporting corrpt governments, tyrants, shamocracies and even feudal Monarchies and then wonder why the PEOPLE of those states HATE the USA?

Our insiders benefit from these corrupt puppet regimes, folks.

That exactly why our national foreign policy is laothed by so many foreignors who suffer at the hands of it.

With this statement you attempt put the blame on the U.S. for the current problems in Egypt which is a bunch of bull. With or without any U.S. aid there will be problems there. If the U.S. was not giving them aid it would be someone else Russia, China some extremist Islamic regime ect...
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The average Egyptian dislikes the current government.

And hates the thought that their government caved in and kowtows to Israel.

Hopefully, a new leader will emerge and take up the Palestinian cause. :cool:

Should I just copy your generic answer for everything "It's the Jews "they screwed up everything. Try using an original thought in your little pea brain for once.
The average Egyptian dislikes the current government.

And hates the thought that their government caved in and kowtows to Israel.

Hopefully, a new leader will emerge and take up the Palestinian cause. :cool:

Should I just copy your generic answer for everything "It's the Jews "they screwed up everything. Try using an original thought in your little pea brain for once.
As I have stated before; "Anytime there is chaos, conflict, or war somewhere in the world"

"Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel and the Zionist cabal behind the event." :cool:
When the MB takes power they can put people to work dismantling those pyramid things, they are an affront to allah.
You mean bribing Egypt to play nice in the mid east isn't working out ? How come this always happens to the US ? I guess if we run out of resources to keep out own people happy we'll be in trouble similar to this.
I see a lot of people celebrating this upheaval in Egypt but i caution these people to not start the celebrations too early. What replaces this current Egyptian Government could be much worse. Remember what happened in Iran. When the Shah was over-thrown,he was replaced with deranged Islamic Clerics. Those nuts ushered in the dark age of Radical Islamic Terrorism all over the World. So i wouldn't start the celebrations just yet. Who will replace Mubarak in Egypt? People really should think about that a bit more before jumping for joy. Personally i'm gonna take a wait & see attitude on this and the Lebanon turmoil.
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I see a lot of people celebrating this upheaval in Egypt but i caution these people to not start the celebrations too early. What replaces this current Egyptian Government could be much worse. Remember what happened in Iran. When the Shah was over-thrown,he was replaced with deranged Islamic Clerics. Those nuts ushered in the dark age of Radical Islamic Terrorism all over the World. So i wouldn't start the celebrations just yet. Who will replace Mubarak in Egypt? People really should think about that a bit more before jumping for joy. Personally i'm gonna take a wait & see attitude on this and the Lebanon turmoil.

I can see nothing good in this revolution as far as the United States interests are concerned other than a few people may be enlightened as to the real nature of the politics of the region.

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