Best thing about a Sanders victory, nobody will ever have to work again

Giving money to government is not an "investment." It's pissing money down the toilet bowl. Government schools don't educate, and government healthcare costs 5 times what it would cost otherwise.

You are not giving to the government tho, you are giving it to the schools to educate the youth of this nation, so they don't become criminals or deadbeats, but educated people who are capable of contributing to the economy of this country, increasing the output, therefore creating wealth for all.

What do you mean by "government schools", you talking about elementary schools or colleges?

I think Sanders talking about tuition free colleges, which are doing pretty well overall, top ranking colleges all over the planet...

Horseshit. You're giving money to the government. To be more accurate, government is taking the money by force. The theory that people wouldn't educate their children if government didn't force them to is an insult to every parent in this country. It has also been disproven by the facts of history. government schools are not an investment. They are suckholes for money that return nothing.

Government schools are where kids turn into criminals and deadbeats.

Yes, government takes the money from you, and invest in educating the young people to be able to provide them a good future, so they are not hopeless deadbeats at the end.

I agree, most parents are concerned with their childrens education, but a lot of them having difficulty to provide it to them. As a nation looking to progress and prosper, it is no brainer to go down the route to invest in knowledge and health of your society.

You can think of this as investing in infrastructure which will bring growth and wealth as an roi for the country.

And seems like American people buying into this too, he might WIN, especially against Trump, if he could make it of course :)

Free college is no more infrastructure than free cars so people can get to work. How parenting became a social obligation is beyond me. It doesn't take a village, it takes responsible people to decide whether they can afford to have children and give them the things they need. If they can't, don't have children.
A lot can happen in 18 years. I imagine that's why young people today are choosing not to have kids.

You mean young working responsible people choosing not to have kids. The welfare people don't care, and in fact, it's a benefit to them. The more kids they have, the more their social goodies increase.
Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
quoting that hypocritical drug addict? :rofl:

what are you? In your 20's?

Right, I'm just quoting somebody you can't dispute. Speaking of hypocritical drug addict, how is DumBama doing these days????
"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

Based on success, you mean like an academic scholarship?

Did you know that 2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC high school require remedial help in English and math? Is that the group you want in college?

Indeed I do. They need education more than anybody else, don't you agree???

How is turning 18 and not being able to read "success"?

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"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

So only certain individuals will get to go to college, so it won't be for all? You only want the "right" people. Interesting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can debate who got to go, or not to go all day

But what you can't debate is: Educated societies do much better economically, than the less educated ones.

This is a fact you can rely on. America has been a superpower and maintained that position for so long, because it was thriving in a golden age of knowledge, inventing from left and right.

A 60 year old fart rich ass billionaire or his sex addicted spoiled kid is not going to give you any of that.

It is the diamonds hidden inside the heads of those individuals among us, who will bring us the success, if we could mine it properly. Thats all its about, a numbers game.......

very true, and dumbing down the educational standards and replacing real curriculum with studies in political correctness make those diamonds almost impossible to find.

BTW, do you know how much college Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had?

They got enough of it obviously. That means they had a very good elementary/high school background. We know for a fact that a children can learn much more efficiently when they were young, than they were at older ages.

Thats why making colleges tuition free is a great idea, because that way you remove the high school from being a dead end for a lot of children, and hope for a better life will hopefully bring hard working and at the end success.

At least, thats what seems to be the plan here... Which sounds, smart imo....

Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

What do social programs have anything to do with educating people?

You re educating people, so that they can learn to do a better job, on whatever they are about to do, which will improve their productivity, which will improve the output of this country, which will increase the income for everybody, which will flow into the same economy, which will benefit you too at the end one way or another.

It is simple, not sure why you are having hard time to understand this is not something against your interests...
And he says he will not be taking the money for this investment from you, but the rich...

Unless of course, if you are rich, which I highly doubt...
You forget. Barack Obama was a BLACK, MUSLIM, MARXIST and got elected lol.

Remember how all the nuts on RW talk radio used to call him Barack HUSSEIN Obama thinking if they said it enough he'd lose the election?

No, not really.. but I'll take your word for it.

Bernie Sanders is not going to be president. Anyway, isn't his name Barack Hussein Obama?

While Sanders may never be President, it's frightening to see how much support by voters he has; truly a decay of our country.
yeah, people getting sick of a rigged-system = decay :cuckoo: Put down the Randian kool aid :alcoholic:

And by rigged system you mean what, taking care of yourself and your own?
Just out of curiosity, if you were replaced with a self driving truck, what would you do? Sounds like you've got medical bills and who knows what else. Would you just curl up and die rather than seeking assistance?

Well that will never happen in my lifetime. But I'm only ten years (or less) from retirement anyway so I really won't care after that. Computers and technology are wonderful but there are some things they won't be able to do without major problems.

They are testing cars that drive themselves, but it's like anything else: a few hundred tests don't mean perfection. Pass that technology to millions of people and see what happens.
Sanders with the fake utopia of stuff to offer to vulnerable 18 year old's. I see his strategy going after naive college kids.
Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
quoting that hypocritical drug addict? :rofl:

what are you? In your 20's?

Right, I'm just quoting somebody you can't dispute. Speaking of hypocritical drug addict, how is DumBama doing these days????
You and your made-up nic names for your betters On ignore kid until further notice. :bye1:
Based on success, you mean like an academic scholarship?

Did you know that 2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC high school require remedial help in English and math? Is that the group you want in college?

Indeed I do. They need education more than anybody else, don't you agree???

How is turning 18 and not being able to read "success"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So only certain individuals will get to go to college, so it won't be for all? You only want the "right" people. Interesting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can debate who got to go, or not to go all day

But what you can't debate is: Educated societies do much better economically, than the less educated ones.

This is a fact you can rely on. America has been a superpower and maintained that position for so long, because it was thriving in a golden age of knowledge, inventing from left and right.

A 60 year old fart rich ass billionaire or his sex addicted spoiled kid is not going to give you any of that.

It is the diamonds hidden inside the heads of those individuals among us, who will bring us the success, if we could mine it properly. Thats all its about, a numbers game.......

very true, and dumbing down the educational standards and replacing real curriculum with studies in political correctness make those diamonds almost impossible to find.

BTW, do you know how much college Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had?

They got enough of it obviously. That means they had a very good elementary/high school background. We know for a fact that a children can learn much more efficiently when they were young, than they were at older ages.

Thats why making colleges tuition free is a great idea, because that way you remove the high school from being a dead end for a lot of children, and hope for a better life will hopefully bring hard working and at the end success.

At least, thats what seems to be the plan here... Which sounds, smart imo....

Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

What do social programs have anything to do with educating people?

You re educating people, so that they can learn to do a better job, on whatever they are about to do, which will improve their productivity, which will improve the output of this country, which will increase the income for everybody, which will flow into the same economy, which will benefit you too at the end one way or another.

It is simple, not sure why you are having hard time to understand this is not something against your interests...
And he says he will not be taking the money for this investment from you, but the rich...

Unless of course, if you are rich, which I highly doubt...

Correct, I am far from rich. But I'm much closer to experience.

There is a philosophy that liberals hate. It's called Action/ Reaction.

Let's say we decide to meet in person at a bar. When we meet, I reach out to shake your hand. In return, you reach out to shake mine. That is Action/ Reaction. I made a positive action and the result (in most cases) is a positive reaction.

Same deal, except when we meet, I shove you against the wall. You're most likely reaction is to shove me right back, and thereafter a fight may pursue. This too is Action/ Reaction. I put forth a negative action and received a negative reaction.

When you take money from anybody, they are met with a negative action and of course, more than likely that will result in a negative reaction.

Yea unions. Unions mean a person can do a monkey job and get superior wages and benefits for doing that job. Worked great until employers moved out of the country or replaced us with automation.

More taxation, more regulations, more environmental and safety rules. That will teach those evil rich guys! The result was less pay increases, increase in prices of our products we buy at the store, and of course, leaving the US for lower cost labor and business.
Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
quoting that hypocritical drug addict? :rofl:

what are you? In your 20's?

Right, I'm just quoting somebody you can't dispute. Speaking of hypocritical drug addict, how is DumBama doing these days????
You and your made-up nic names for your betters On ignore kid until further notice. :bye1:

Then let's hope that notice is not until the end of Trump's second term. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Indeed I do. They need education more than anybody else, don't you agree???

How is turning 18 and not being able to read "success"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can debate who got to go, or not to go all day

But what you can't debate is: Educated societies do much better economically, than the less educated ones.

This is a fact you can rely on. America has been a superpower and maintained that position for so long, because it was thriving in a golden age of knowledge, inventing from left and right.

A 60 year old fart rich ass billionaire or his sex addicted spoiled kid is not going to give you any of that.

It is the diamonds hidden inside the heads of those individuals among us, who will bring us the success, if we could mine it properly. Thats all its about, a numbers game.......

very true, and dumbing down the educational standards and replacing real curriculum with studies in political correctness make those diamonds almost impossible to find.

BTW, do you know how much college Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had?

They got enough of it obviously. That means they had a very good elementary/high school background. We know for a fact that a children can learn much more efficiently when they were young, than they were at older ages.

Thats why making colleges tuition free is a great idea, because that way you remove the high school from being a dead end for a lot of children, and hope for a better life will hopefully bring hard working and at the end success.

At least, thats what seems to be the plan here... Which sounds, smart imo....

Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

What do social programs have anything to do with educating people?

You re educating people, so that they can learn to do a better job, on whatever they are about to do, which will improve their productivity, which will improve the output of this country, which will increase the income for everybody, which will flow into the same economy, which will benefit you too at the end one way or another.

It is simple, not sure why you are having hard time to understand this is not something against your interests...
And he says he will not be taking the money for this investment from you, but the rich...

Unless of course, if you are rich, which I highly doubt...

Correct, I am far from rich. But I'm much closer to experience.

There is a philosophy that liberals hate. It's called Action/ Reaction.

Let's say we decide to meet in person at a bar. When we meet, I reach out to shake your hand. In return, you reach out to shake mine. That is Action/ Reaction. I made a positive action and the result (in most cases) is a positive reaction.

Same deal, except when we meet, I shove you against the wall. You're most likely reaction is to shove me right back, and thereafter a fight may pursue. This too is Action/ Reaction. I put forth a negative action and received a negative reaction.

When you take money from anybody, they are met with a negative action and of course, more than likely that will result in a negative reaction.

Yea unions. Unions mean a person can do a monkey job and get superior wages and benefits for doing that job. Worked great until employers moved out of the country or replaced us with automation.

More taxation, more regulations, more environmental and safety rules. That will teach those evil rich guys! The result was less pay increases, increase in prices of our products we buy at the store, and of course, leaving the US for lower cost labor and business.

Oh they will run away ha :)
Where tho?

You gotta understand what "USA" represents, FREEdom is not FREE, for nobody, including the rich!!!
Sanders with the fake utopia of stuff to offer to vulnerable 18 year old's. I see his strategy going after naive college kids.

It's not a completely new idea. It has been going on for years only to selected people.

Years ago I was with a company where I repaired home medical equipment. My company wanted me to go to electronics school, so I went.

The first day in class our teacher went to his blackboard and drew a picture of a 12 volt battery. In line down from that battery he drew two resistors of the same value. He went on to explain that because the resistors were of equal value, each absorbed 6 volts of that 12 volt battery. Then he stopped and asked if there were any questions. Most of us smiled and smirked except this one guy.

He had no idea that 6+6=12. He went on to ask the dumbest questions anybody could think of. We just sat there for 15 minutes rolling our eyes and paging through our studies book because it dragged on so long.

Not to be rude, I whispered to my fellow student next to me "I don't think this guy is going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is the third time he's taking this class.

He was a black kid that got some sort of government grant to attend this school. The school--doing anything for money passed him right through the entrance exam.
Sanders with the fake utopia of stuff to offer to vulnerable 18 year old's. I see his strategy going after naive college kids.

It's not a completely new idea. It has been going on for years only to selected people.

Years ago I was with a company where I repaired home medical equipment. My company wanted me to go to electronics school, so I went.

The first day in class our teacher went to his blackboard and drew a picture of a 12 volt battery. In line down from that battery he drew two resistors of the same value. He went on to explain that because the resistors were of equal value, each absorbed 6 volts of that 12 volt battery. Then he stopped and asked if there were any questions. Most of us smiled and smirked except this one guy.

He had no idea that 6+6=12. He went on to ask the dumbest questions anybody could think of. We just sat there for 15 minutes rolling our eyes and paging through our studies book because it dragged on so long.

Not to be rude, I whispered to my fellow student next to me "I don't think this guy is going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is the third time he's taking this class.

He was a black kid that got some sort of government grant to attend this school. The school--doing anything for money passed him right through the entrance exam.
Some actually use it to not base government in their lives the right way. And others... yeah, they abuse the shit out of it. Can't pander to a latino like me.
How is turning 18 and not being able to read "success"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
very true, and dumbing down the educational standards and replacing real curriculum with studies in political correctness make those diamonds almost impossible to find.

BTW, do you know how much college Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had?

They got enough of it obviously. That means they had a very good elementary/high school background. We know for a fact that a children can learn much more efficiently when they were young, than they were at older ages.

Thats why making colleges tuition free is a great idea, because that way you remove the high school from being a dead end for a lot of children, and hope for a better life will hopefully bring hard working and at the end success.

At least, thats what seems to be the plan here... Which sounds, smart imo....

Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

What do social programs have anything to do with educating people?

You re educating people, so that they can learn to do a better job, on whatever they are about to do, which will improve their productivity, which will improve the output of this country, which will increase the income for everybody, which will flow into the same economy, which will benefit you too at the end one way or another.

It is simple, not sure why you are having hard time to understand this is not something against your interests...
And he says he will not be taking the money for this investment from you, but the rich...

Unless of course, if you are rich, which I highly doubt...

Correct, I am far from rich. But I'm much closer to experience.

There is a philosophy that liberals hate. It's called Action/ Reaction.

Let's say we decide to meet in person at a bar. When we meet, I reach out to shake your hand. In return, you reach out to shake mine. That is Action/ Reaction. I made a positive action and the result (in most cases) is a positive reaction.

Same deal, except when we meet, I shove you against the wall. You're most likely reaction is to shove me right back, and thereafter a fight may pursue. This too is Action/ Reaction. I put forth a negative action and received a negative reaction.

When you take money from anybody, they are met with a negative action and of course, more than likely that will result in a negative reaction.

Yea unions. Unions mean a person can do a monkey job and get superior wages and benefits for doing that job. Worked great until employers moved out of the country or replaced us with automation.

More taxation, more regulations, more environmental and safety rules. That will teach those evil rich guys! The result was less pay increases, increase in prices of our products we buy at the store, and of course, leaving the US for lower cost labor and business.

Oh they will run away ha :)
Where tho?

You gotta understand what "USA" represents, FREEdom is not FREE, for nobody, including the rich!!!

What about the freedom from paying for other people instead of them paying for themselves?

Every time we discuss a funding or financial issue, liberals always say TAX THE RICH! Well, we have been taxing the rich, and what do we have to show for it?

Yes, businesses do move because of expenses. Rich people move because of taxation. In fact, we now have record amounts of Americans renouncing their citizenship just to get away from all the taxes. Those are Americans who work in other countries and get taxed here for making that income.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
No, not really.. but I'll take your word for it.

Bernie Sanders is not going to be president. Anyway, isn't his name Barack Hussein Obama?

While Sanders may never be President, it's frightening to see how much support by voters he has; truly a decay of our country.
yeah, people getting sick of a rigged-system = decay :cuckoo: Put down the Randian kool aid :alcoholic:

And by rigged system you mean what, taking care of yourself and your own?
Just out of curiosity, if you were replaced with a self driving truck, what would you do? Sounds like you've got medical bills and who knows what else. Would you just curl up and die rather than seeking assistance?

Well that will never happen in my lifetime. But I'm only ten years (or less) from retirement anyway so I really won't care after that. Computers and technology are wonderful but there are some things they won't be able to do without major problems.

They are testing cars that drive themselves, but it's like anything else: a few hundred tests don't mean perfection. Pass that technology to millions of people and see what happens.
Ok, so it will never happen in your lifetime... I doubt that's true but even if you are just a few years from retiring, the world is changing at pretty breakneck speed and I don't get that you give a shit about people who are younger than you. A safety net is going to be important even for kids who are a hell of a lot more capable than you ever thought of being.
They got enough of it obviously. That means they had a very good elementary/high school background. We know for a fact that a children can learn much more efficiently when they were young, than they were at older ages.

Thats why making colleges tuition free is a great idea, because that way you remove the high school from being a dead end for a lot of children, and hope for a better life will hopefully bring hard working and at the end success.

At least, thats what seems to be the plan here... Which sounds, smart imo....

Right, about as smart as the belief that our social programs would end poverty instead of increase it.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent while the rest of us measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

What do social programs have anything to do with educating people?

You re educating people, so that they can learn to do a better job, on whatever they are about to do, which will improve their productivity, which will improve the output of this country, which will increase the income for everybody, which will flow into the same economy, which will benefit you too at the end one way or another.

It is simple, not sure why you are having hard time to understand this is not something against your interests...
And he says he will not be taking the money for this investment from you, but the rich...

Unless of course, if you are rich, which I highly doubt...

Correct, I am far from rich. But I'm much closer to experience.

There is a philosophy that liberals hate. It's called Action/ Reaction.

Let's say we decide to meet in person at a bar. When we meet, I reach out to shake your hand. In return, you reach out to shake mine. That is Action/ Reaction. I made a positive action and the result (in most cases) is a positive reaction.

Same deal, except when we meet, I shove you against the wall. You're most likely reaction is to shove me right back, and thereafter a fight may pursue. This too is Action/ Reaction. I put forth a negative action and received a negative reaction.

When you take money from anybody, they are met with a negative action and of course, more than likely that will result in a negative reaction.

Yea unions. Unions mean a person can do a monkey job and get superior wages and benefits for doing that job. Worked great until employers moved out of the country or replaced us with automation.

More taxation, more regulations, more environmental and safety rules. That will teach those evil rich guys! The result was less pay increases, increase in prices of our products we buy at the store, and of course, leaving the US for lower cost labor and business.

Oh they will run away ha :)
Where tho?

You gotta understand what "USA" represents, FREEdom is not FREE, for nobody, including the rich!!!

What about the freedom from paying for other people instead of them paying for themselves?

Every time we discuss a funding or financial issue, liberals always say TAX THE RICH! Well, we have been taxing the rich, and what do we have to show for it?

Yes, businesses do move because of expenses. Rich people move because of taxation. In fact, we now have record amounts of Americans renouncing their citizenship just to get away from all the taxes. Those are Americans who work in other countries and get taxed here for making that income.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

You still don't realize what "USA" represents...

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'"
-Matthew 19:23-24
Mao Tse Sanders avoids specifics, he speaks in generalities, knowing that his followers are stupid as dirt and won't have the intellectual curiosity to question his bullshit.

Sanders promises free shit, paid for by "the rich."

You lack the IQ needed to wonder just how this is going to work.

Hey, you're not a democrat because you're smart, after all....
You're such an idiot. It's amazing that you will just lie and say you've heard his speeches or watched the democrat debates. All of his policy ideas are very clear:

1) Free tuition paid for with a tax on Wall Street speculation
2) Medicare for all paid for with tax hikes replacing the higher cost of monthly premiums
3) Repairing our infrastructure system and creating jobs in the process
4) Raising the minimum wage
5) More aggressive climate change regulation

That's not even all of them. Perhaps you should try visiting his campaign website.

1) Free tuition paid for with a tax on Wall Street speculation - Raise taxes!
2) Medicare for all paid for with tax hikes replacing the higher cost of monthly premiums - Raise taxes!
3) Repairing our infrastructure system and creating jobs in the process - Raise taxes!
4) Raising the minimum wage - Raise the cost of everything!
5) More aggressive climate change regulation - Raise the cost of everything and taxes!
I really don't understand how you people don't understand the concept of the EFFECTIVE tax rate. The effective tax rate on corporations, for example, is 12%.

So? Raise their taxes and you will just pay more for the products and services they provide! Corporations do not really pay taxes! They pass the costs on to the consumers.
Highly unlikely considering wages and consumer spending is so low.

So, you flunked Econ 101 how many times?
While Sanders may never be President, it's frightening to see how much support by voters he has; truly a decay of our country.
yeah, people getting sick of a rigged-system = decay :cuckoo: Put down the Randian kool aid :alcoholic:

And by rigged system you mean what, taking care of yourself and your own?
Just out of curiosity, if you were replaced with a self driving truck, what would you do? Sounds like you've got medical bills and who knows what else. Would you just curl up and die rather than seeking assistance?

Well that will never happen in my lifetime. But I'm only ten years (or less) from retirement anyway so I really won't care after that. Computers and technology are wonderful but there are some things they won't be able to do without major problems.

They are testing cars that drive themselves, but it's like anything else: a few hundred tests don't mean perfection. Pass that technology to millions of people and see what happens.
Ok, so it will never happen in your lifetime... I doubt that's true but even if you are just a few years from retiring, the world is changing at pretty breakneck speed and I don't get that you give a shit about people who are younger than you. A safety net is going to be important even for kids who are a hell of a lot more capable than you ever thought of being.

These safety nets you speak of can be more damaging to society than helpful.

A few years ago I evicted a couple with two children from one of my apartments. I've typed this story before, so if you read it, just skip over.

Anyway, it was an unmarried couple where the male worked and the female just stayed home supposedly home schooling the kids: one at the age of 3 and the other 14. When they got further and further behind in their rent, I knew this was a problem, so I asked them to come over so we can address it.

I suggested that since he didn't want to work an hour over 40, and she stayed home, perhaps she could get a part-time job somewhere on the weekends when he was home to watch the kids.

That didn't fly over very well with her. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps, and any money she made would go against her benefits.

Long story short, I had to evict them and later sued the male for back rent, damages to the apartment and my legal fees. Now he has a record that any potential landlord can find and likely never get a decent rental again. For what, food stamps?
What an idiotic thread.

You conservative twits piss & moan about nearly half the country paying no income taxes and then bemoan the fact that Sanders' economic plan is to have millions of workers making $15/hr and henceforth qualifying to PAY INCOME TAXES. Those higher wages would mean the conservative morons on here would be getting a tax break from having to subsidize millions of workers who work for multi-billion dollar corporations that can afford to pay their employees enough so they don't need Food Stamps and other welfare.

Bernie Sanders' economic vision actually benefits working class conservatives in a tangible way.

The willful stupidity on this thread is astounding.
What an idiotic thread.

You conservative twits piss & moan about nearly half the country paying no income taxes and then bemoan the fact that Sanders' economic plan is to have millions of workers making $15/hr and henceforth qualifying to PAY INCOME TAXES. Those higher wages would mean the conservative morons on here would be getting a tax break from having to subsidize millions of workers who work for multi-billion dollar corporations that can afford to pay their employees enough so they don't need Food Stamps and other welfare.

Bernie Sanders' economic vision actually benefits working class conservatives in a tangible way.

The willful stupidity on this thread is astounding.

Agreed, it is astounding. To think that anybody would pay income taxes making $15.00 an hour is funnier than Hillary having discussions with dead people.
What an idiotic thread.

You conservative twits piss & moan about nearly half the country paying no income taxes and then bemoan the fact that Sanders' economic plan is to have millions of workers making $15/hr and henceforth qualifying to PAY INCOME TAXES. Those higher wages would mean the conservative morons on here would be getting a tax break from having to subsidize millions of workers who work for multi-billion dollar corporations that can afford to pay their employees enough so they don't need Food Stamps and other welfare.

Bernie Sanders' economic vision actually benefits working class conservatives in a tangible way.

The willful stupidity on this thread is astounding.
It appears that the OP was making fun of Sanders and ALL THE FREE SHIT......................So, since you must be basically be the same kind of guy..........I guess we can just make fun of you as well.

How many jobs will go down the drain with that kind of increase??????????? That is the part you don't get..................Our jobs are already leaving the just want to speed that up......

Your an IDIOT......just like SANDERS...............I hope the lunatic wins the primaries..............


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