Best looking women come from which region?

OMG. How could I forget Israel??

Kosher all the way baby!!!!!!!!!!!


You havent seen gorgeous until you have seen a Black goddess.


Yes, there are some beautiful black women, just like there are beautiful women from every where.

None of those pics do much for me. I agree that there are pretty women in every area. I just dont like the bleached out look. Dark Indian women are gorgeous too.

Yeah, but you're a racist, dude. That's your problem. Not mine. I love beautiful women no matter what color their skin. White, black, brown, it simply doesn't matter. First they have to be intelligent, then if they are beautiful it's a plus. But pigmentation is unimportant.
You havent seen gorgeous until you have seen a Black goddess.


Yes, there are some beautiful black women, just like there are beautiful women from every where.

None of those pics do much for me. I agree that there are pretty women in every area. I just dont like the bleached out look. Dark Indian women are gorgeous too.

Yeah, but you're a racist, dude. That's your problem. Not mine. I love beautiful women no matter what color their skin. White, black, brown, it simply doesn't matter. First they have to be intelligent, then if they are beautiful it's a plus. But pigmentation is unimportant.
I disagree. I love beautiful women but I find that the most beautiful have nice lips, nice body, and some color to them. Most white women have lips like razor blades and a flat bootie. I simply cant deal with that. Call me shallow.
I'd say somewhere in Eastern Europe, probably the Baltic region.

But, I'm sure many others have different opinions?

You would be wrong. Gorgeous women come from all over the planet. You need to get out more.

Not at proportionate levels, however.

Oh, that is untrue. I have traveled all over the world multiple times. The Baltic region isn't special compared to anywhere else. If you want to know the truth, the highest rate of pretty women to plain to ugly was Iceland. I never saw an ugly Icelandic woman. Ever.
There are beautiful women all over the globe. To suggest that one region is responsible for the for the majority of beautiful women is idiotic.

Not to mention the fact that what is beautiful to one may be offensively ugly to another... to put it another way, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That being said, Gal Gadot is criminally beautiful... woof...

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