Best Football QB in the NFL

Well.. I was throwing Favre out there as a greatest of all time contender.

But I get it, you hate the Packers.

Pfft. I live here, and *I* hate the Packers. Buncha overpaid jellyrolls, if you ask me..:eusa_whistle:
Pfft. I live here, and *I* hate the Packers. Buncha overpaid jellyrolls, if you ask me..:eusa_whistle:

Well, when ya live in a state that has no pro team, ya gotta support someone.

I do truly hate wisconsin however... maybe I'll find another team to support... I always kind of liked the Miami Dolphins.
He threw like a gazillion TDs last year.

As a Vikings fan, I'm honoured you mentioned Tarkenton. But let's not forget that he lost three SBs while Brady has won three.

In today's NFL, its not even close. I used to think Manning was, but not after last year.

Pats win the SB this year.

Should have saved a few and one of those wins for the SB.:eusa_angel:
Well, when ya live in a state that has no pro team, ya gotta support someone.

I do truly hate wisconsin however... maybe I'll find another team to support... I always kind of liked the Miami Dolphins.

Their uniforms are prettier colors, at least.
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It's an Indian name, and the correct pronunciation of it is Mus-koo'-dah. However the locals say Mus'-ka-day. I'm just glad I'm out of there... :lol:

Looks cool. I can't deny I miss the cheese, and all the very cool little places to eat.

Only way you're eating there is if you sit in one of those 2 chairs on the little "porch". Otherwise, it's "to go". :D

But, they're the only place I've ever found that sells homemade huckleberry jam, and bonbons, which are to DIE for.
It's an Indian name, and the correct pronunciation of it is Mus-koo'-dah. However the locals say Mus'-ka-day. I'm just glad I'm out of there... :lol:

Looks cool. I can't deny I miss the cheese, and all the very cool little places to eat.

Oh, and **I** know how to pronounce it. :D
Only way you're eating there is if you sit in one of those 2 chairs on the little "porch". Otherwise, it's "to go". :D

But, they're the only place I've ever found that sells homemade huckleberry jam, and bonbons, which are to DIE for.
Is your first name "Peggy?" :lol:

Oh, and **I** know how to pronounce it. :D
Yeah but you don't want to go there... what an absolute SHIT hole.
Is your first name "Peggy?" :lol:

Yeah but you don't want to go there... what an absolute SHIT hole.

Actually, I've been there.. Not much to speak of..

If my first name were Peggy, I'd have either changed it, or committed suicide by now. :eek:
Actually, I've been there.. Not much to speak of..

If my first name were Peggy, I'd have either changed it, or committed suicide by now. :eek:

I just SHUDDER when I think of how many relatives I have buried there, including my brother, and parents when they pass away. I've already left STRICK instructions with my son and the rest of the family, DO NOT bury me there, or I will come back and HAUNT your ass.
It's an Indian name, and the correct pronunciation of it is Mus-koo'-dah. However the locals say Mus'-ka-day. I'm just glad I'm out of there... :lol:

Looks cool. I can't deny I miss the cheese, and all the very cool little places to eat.

My mother lives in a little town called Merrill. about 20 minutes north of Wausau. There's a pizza joint in town that cuts the pizza pie into little squares. I'm a jersey boy, I've never seen anything like it in my life. That's just not how pizza is eaten. Maybe Sicilian, but a pizza pie is not cut into squares.

Good sandwich shops though. The Dollar goes a long way around there, too. I'd move there if I didn't think I'd have problems finding work the way I can find it here in Jersey. There's plenty of money to made around here. There, not so much.
My mother lives in a little town called Merrill. about 20 minutes north of Wausau. There's a pizza joint in town that cuts the pizza pie into little squares. I'm a jersey boy, I've never seen anything like it in my life. That's just not how pizza is eaten. Maybe Sicilian, but a pizza pie is not cut into squares.

Good sandwich shops though. The Dollar goes a long way around there, too. I'd move there if I didn't think I'd have problems finding work the way I can find it here in Jersey. There's plenty of money to made around here. There, not so much.

It's commonly known fact, more people move 'out' of wisconsin than 'in.' The state is way far left liberal, and has some of the highest income, gas, and property taxes in the nation.

I'm afraid I just don't have anything good to say about the state.
A toss-up between Roger Staubach and Joe Montana, with honorable mention to Terry Bradshaw, Bart Starr, Johnny Unitas, Sonny Jurgensen, Fran Tarkenton and Troy Aikman.

But NOBODY could EVER beat Staubach or Montana, with few lucky exceptions. You could line a rifle squad up against them with loaded weapons and they'd STILL score. Indomitable will screws over athletic talent EVERY time, IMO.

If you're refererring to the current product ... you mean those pantywaists still call what they do football?:eusa_eh:

Rofl. You forgot the guys with all the numbers. Marino and Farve belong at the top of that list.
He had the best numbers last year. He'll never do that again. Nobody may ever do that again.

And he lost in the Super Bowl because a better defense put him on his back. Oh, and because he didn't have some video tape of the offensive plays ahead of time, as usual.
It's commonly known fact, more people move 'out' of wisconsin than 'in.' The state is way far left liberal, and has some of the highest income, gas, and property taxes in the nation.

I'm afraid I just don't have anything good to say about the state.

Compared to Jersey, Wisconsin would be a welcomed change politically.

I wouldn't say it's far left, they're pretty libertarian out there. I believe they had a libertarian governor not too long ago? Or maybe the libertarian finished second, I forget.

I know that Ron Paul did a lot better in their primaries than most others, so that should tell you something. Also, the Milwaukee GOP passed a resolution of no confidence in McCain as a conservative, which was a huge accomplishment for those grassrooters out there.

Anyway though, we're way off topic.