Bernie Sanders campaign calls cops on project veritas


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010

Insane shit, they are not only talking like communists, but also acting like communists.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign in South Carolina calls cops on Project Veritas

Let's review what they said

A Project Veritas journalist asked one campaign staffer, “So if Trump gets reelected, what?”

The staffer, identified by Project Veritas as Kyle Jurek, responded, “F*cking cities burn.”

Another journalist asked a staffer, “Do you think that some of these, like, MAGA people could be ‘re-educated?'”

Jurek responded, “We gotta try. So like, in Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi party, there was a sh*t ton of the populace that was f*cking Nazi-fied.”

“Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f*cking people to not be Nazis,” Jurek continued. “We’re probably going to have to do the same f*cking thing here.”

Jurek explained that this is why Sanders is offering free education as one of his campaign promises.

“There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right,” continued Jurek. “And, actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us.”

He continued, “The greatest way to break a f*cking billionaire of their, like, privilege and idea that they’re superior, go out and break rocks for 12 hours a day.”

“You’re now a working class person and you’re going to learn what that means.”

In another recorded conversation, Jurek promised violence at the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if Sanders does not win the Democratic nomination.

“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or if it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn,” said Jurek.

“It’ll start in Milwaukee,” Jurek continued, “And when the police push back on that, other cities will just” explode.

“The cops are going to be the ones that are getting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee.”

Jurek went on to explain his views on free speech, suggesting that violence should be used if someone’s ideas do not meet his approval.

“If your speech is calling for the elimination of people based on race or gender, or religious, like, for whatever reason, like things that people can’t change,” said Jurek, “Then you should expect a f*cking violent reaction.”

“And you deserve a violent reaction.”

A other conversation:

Weissgerber said he’s ready for the “[expletive] revolution” and that he hopes to “guillotine the rich” and “send Republicans to reeducation camps.”

“Do we just dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the Judicial Branch and have somebody like Bernie Sanders and a cabinet of people make all decisions for the climate?” he said. “I mean, I’m serious. What will help is when we send all the Republicans to the ‘reeducation’ camps.”

So the entire Bernie campaign is populated by communists. To the person who keeps telling me that Bernie is no communist, he may want to read these comments and reconsider.
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So the entire Bernie campaign is populated by communists. To the person who keeps telling me that Bernie is no communist, he may want to read these comments and reconsider.

Wait...this is news?
So the entire Bernie campaign is populated by communists. To the person who keeps telling me that Bernie is no communist, he may want to read these comments and reconsider.

Wait...this is news?

Not to me but I had arguments today with a person who believes Bernie is there for the betterment of the average American.
Well, it's not like Bernie has promised his administration would be the most transparent evuh, like Barry did....

Not to me but I had arguments today with a person who believes Bernie is there for the betterment of the average American.
Sheep have been indoctrinated to believe that 'Power To The People' means you have to FORFEIT your rights and power to dictator-wannabe's like Bernie, and that 'power to the people' will then be returned from the TOP DOWN.

GIVING your Constitutional Rights, freedoms, and power to elitist, self-appointed leaders / rulers who have elevated themselves above the laws they impose on the rest of us will NOT result in 'Power to the people'.

The people do NOT exist to serve the government, as the Democrats believe. The Government is a creation of the people and exists to serve the people. 'Power' lies in the hands of the people...until they are convinced to surrender that power to people like Hilary and Bernie, who convince them they know how to run your life better than you do and can solve all of your problems.

Here in video format. The leftist on the video agrees 100% with the comments the staffers made. Unfortunately youtube banned veritas for not being to the left of Marx, so the video will have to do.

These are legitimately crazy people.

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