Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

You don't like her or what she says, and you want to shut her down.

Now, tell us how you support freedom of speech and expression.

Go ahead.

Let's remind everyone what Mac really thinks of peaceful protest and freedom of speech:

The PC Police should apologize....
You're cowards.

You're an intellectually defective namecaller.
You're against free debate


It was not debate and it was not free.

It is Ann Coulter charging $20,000 to put on a performance for the entertainment of the RWnuts at Berkeley.

She wasn't charging it..It's expensive cost.

Now tell us how much Billy Clinton or Hillary charge's

Do you remember?

Over a hundred and 50 Grand

Yes, everyone please read that thread..
Sheesh....Look at that absolutely SHAMELESS self promotion going on here ..... :eek:
He's trying desperately to deflect and make this about me. He tried the same thing while trolling a freedom of expression thread of mine.
LOL, Look on the bright side Mac, at least it's a change of pace from the usual straw man arguments the moron posts all the time.:D

Still hurting I see. boo hoo. Try harder next time.
Let's remind everyone what Mac really thinks of peaceful protest and freedom of speech:

The PC Police should apologize....
You're cowards.

You're an intellectually defective namecaller.
You're against free debate


It was not debate and it was not free.

It is Ann Coulter charging $20,000 to put on a performance for the entertainment of the RWnuts at Berkeley.

She wasn't charging it..It's expensive cost.

Now tell us how much Billy Clinton or Hillary charge's

Do you remember?

Over a hundred and 50 Grand


She charges 20,000 to 50,000 per speech. She's just selling a product, or service if you prefer.
The have an enrollment of about 40,000 students. You don't even know if all the 200 or so Ninja fuckers are students at all do you?

Conflate much?
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
There is?

Where is that, coward?

Try a grown up version of that question and I might answer.
Come on, coward:

How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?

We both know what your answer is. Stop hating your country, it's ugly.
You do know they invited her?

It was a debate class..

Could you tell us what the course is? Who the professor is?
She was originally invited to speak by the Berkley College Republicans Group.

And being paid $20,000.

Good to know how you can research..

So you admit she was



I admit that you LIED in multiple ways.

She was not invited by a class to participate in debate YOUR LIE

She was not doing it for free. YOUR LIE

Now apologize. Distinguish yourself from the rest of the RWnut liars around here.

She got a phone call to speak there

Now you want to continue to admit she didn't?

We can blast on Berkely but they do have students that want to learn..
Yes, everyone please read that thread..
Sheesh....Look at that absolutely SHAMELESS self promotion going on here ..... :eek:
He's trying desperately to deflect and make this about me. He tried the same thing while trolling a freedom of expression thread of mine.
LOL, Look on the bright side Mac, at least it's a change of pace from the usual straw man arguments the moron posts all the time.:D

Still hurting I see. boo hoo.

I'm sorry to hear that, perhaps you should up your opioid dosage... .

Try harder next time.
Not necessary since I hit the target right in the center on the first try with little effort and generated the exact effect that I'd hoped for.
Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

And Progressives are an embarrassment to normal Americans - Americans who make their own decisions, take responsibility for them, get up when they fall down, learn how to do it better, and help the ones around them who need it.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"
The Democrat party has been hijacked. And thus far I've see no one stick their neck out & try to reign it back in.
Berkeley students do not exist in a vacuum. There is little doubt that they are encouraged to commit acts of violence by the faculty and the local government. It's even possible that local government hires thugs to rally students and spread anarchy. The use of violence is endemic in the progressive movement. Generations of students have been taught that assault is a legitimate expression of free speech and free speech only pertains to left wing ideology.
Teabaggers like you and the idiot in the white house is an embarrassment, along with his russian connection and hiring his family while they still have vested rights into businesses they are running.
Criminals , the lot.

The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"
I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here:

Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!!

How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.

It was a debate class..And she wasn't selling anything..
Can you prove she was?

What is it with retards? You dispute their nonsense, you post the PROOF that what they said was nonsense, they read your PROOF,

and then 5 minutes later come back demanding you prove it.
Berkeley students do not exist in a vacuum. There is little doubt that they are encouraged to commit acts of violence by the faculty and the local government. It's even possible that local government hires thugs to rally students to commit acts of violence.

I don't believe it..I kinda think 99 percent of Berkeley kids are fine kids

I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here: Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!! LOL
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.
Berkeley students do not exist in a vacuum. There is little doubt that they are encouraged to commit acts of violence by the faculty and the local government. It's even possible that local government hires thugs to rally students to commit acts of violence.

I don't believe it..I kinda think 99 percent of Berkeley kids are fine kids

Your first problem is acting as though they are kids.

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