Berkeley is speech is coming, free speech is coming!

Thats exactly why the KKK had become irrelevant over the years. No one who is normal gives a shit about them. They are being given relevance

In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?
They're not afraid of them, they're just leveraging any available excuse to shut down opposing speech.

They're willing to raise a generation (at least) of kids who think it's perfectly fine to shut down people who disagree with them, and/or run to a safe space to hide.

This is what we're doing to our kids. Incredible.
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.

Why are you defending Nazis and fascists?

You do not answer a question with a question.

You are in EVERY THREAD that is about the Far Left Antifa Fascists and you defend them, I don't even think you have a clue about even WTF they are....or the alternative is you are a member of the Far Left Antifa Fascists yourself.

Well which is it Snowflake?

Well Alex, Can I call a friend?
No, I'm not a member of Antifa, but I do know groups of Antifa have historically formed when there was a real fascist threat in many countries around the world. I don't agree with all their tactics, but their target is always well defined, undoubtedly tied to fascist, or fascist themselves, and the antifa always disbands after the threat is dealt with. I don't expect the Nazis or KKK to disband if they get their way.

^^^^ So this below isn't Satire, this is literally what you think:


Another mind reading RWNJ who thinks they know what I think. So far all you nuts who claim that power have been wrong.

Well I'm not a RWNJ, but of course you have lost an argument you did not have to begin with this illustrated with you now reduced to the usual name calling.
Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.


WTF planet are you on? It's BASIC logic, we know that Leftists are devoid of Logical Thinking skills though.

I repeat, now pay attention this time:

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.
Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.


View attachment 149221

My uncle died in a car crash too. Heart attack evidently brought on by the crash.

She's standing there casually several feet away as the perpetrator is backing up. She was morbidly obese and a heavy smoker of menthol cigarettes, walking around in the sun all day...

In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

"Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people."

Pity that you Leftists do not exhibit the same chronic hysteria when your Islamic Pets do the above thing on an ALARMINGLY FREQUENT basis.

The Charlottesville thing is so damn suspicious on many fronts and it almost sounds as if Bulldog is amenable to learning the truth. It's difficult to accept that nothing is as it seems and you've been fed lies for years, maybe even decades...but when you open your mind you might finally realize why us so called nazis and nut jobs are so obstinate. Just open your mind and stop being a pawn....

She got squished w
Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.


View attachment 149221
I thought she was squished when a bunch of shit throwing, stick wielding antifa goons terrified a 20 year old kid and he tried to get away.

Anyway, who cares. Not me, that's for sure. Antifa get what they have coming.
I thought she was squished when a bunch of shit throwing, stick wielding antifa goons terrified a 20 year old kid and he tried to get away.

Anyway, who cares. Not me, that's for sure. Antifa get what they have coming.

I'm not even sure if she actually died that day TBH.
The fools who were stabbed on the Max by that unhinged Bernie supporter were antifa too.
The chicks started harassing the guy, who was known to be nuts, and when he started raving, they all jumped him.

And he had a big fucking knife stashed. What a shame. Seriously, I'm all choked up over it.
I thought she was squished when a bunch of shit throwing, stick wielding antifa goons terrified a 20 year old kid and he tried to get away.

Anyway, who cares. Not me, that's for sure. Antifa get what they have coming.

I'm not even sure if she actually died that day TBH.
Don't believe any of the shit the media spews.
Yeah...don't believe any of what the news tells particular the warnings of flash floods or fires or tornados......ok?
The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?
Be patient. Its scheduled for just after the extreme right wing trash sweep to power in France,Holland and Germany.
Mr. Tainted, we are talking about Berkeley in the U.S.A. and not Europe.
Yes I know. If people misbehave why dont your police arrest them ? This just seems to be an excuse to whine.
Yeah...don't believe any of what the news tells particular the warnings of flash floods or fires or tornados......ok?

Don't believe what your eyes tell you because it's easier to let someone else do your thinking for you.
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.
Link ?
Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.
Link ?

Duurrr "link?" is all you 'tards ever say. Link me to one of them "far right wing propaganda conspiracy websites" so I can dismiss it without even bothering to read or watch it.
So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.
Link ?

Duurrr "link?" is all you 'tards ever say. Link me to one of them "far right wing propaganda conspiracy websites" so I can dismiss it without even bothering to read or watch it.
If you make outlandish claims its not unreasonable to be asked to back it up. Otherwise its just lying.
I thought she was squished when a bunch of shit throwing, stick wielding antifa goons terrified a 20 year old kid and he tried to get away.

Anyway, who cares. Not me, that's for sure. Antifa get what they have coming.

I'm not even sure if she actually died that day TBH.
Don't believe any of the shit the media spews.
Yeah...don't believe any of what the news tells particular the warnings of flash floods or fires or tornados......ok?

But but but Hurricane Irma was hitting as a Category 4....and then it hit at a Category 2 :uhoh3:
If you make outlandish claims its not unreasonable to be asked to back it up. Otherwise its just lying.

That's not the point. You guys reject sources outside of the mainstream without even looking at them. Like "OMG I've never heard of this site before, must be alex jones conspiracy crap" *close window*

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