Berkeley is speech is coming, free speech is coming!

Yep Here come the Nazis

Nazis also encouraged riots, boycots, and the shut down of free speech, dontcha know.

Background & Overview of Kristallnacht

You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?
Nazis also encouraged riots, boycots, and the shut down of free speech, dontcha know.

Background & Overview of Kristallnacht

You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

Seems the Antifa cowards stay in their own little enclaves. Strange how they don't dare wonder outside of it.
Nazis also encouraged riots, boycots, and the shut down of free speech, dontcha know.

Background & Overview of Kristallnacht

You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.
Ridiculous. Imagine if a bunch of right wing blowhards came to give a speech and no one gave a fuck and nobody showed up to listen except the KKK and young repugs. No violence, nobody gets hurt. The next night a bunch of left wing blowhards show up to give a speech and no one gives a fuck either. No violence, nobody gets hurt. It's the protesters that are giving them the power and attention they crave. Ignore them and their movement dies.

Thats exactly why the KKK had become irrelevant over the years. No one who is normal gives a shit about them. They are being given relevance

In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.


What exactly does the term ALT- Right mean to you? I'm aware somewhat of what people on the left think it means but Im not really clear on this
You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?
Be patient. Its scheduled for just after the extreme right wing trash sweep to power in France,Holland and Germany.

You are Off Topic, post something relevant to the Topic you fat Commie.
What exactly does the term ALT- Right mean to you? I'm aware somewhat of what people on the left think it means but Im not really clear on this

It's not a hate group, it's a love group for white people. Primary message is: stop masturbating, stop obsessing on videogames, stop being a degenerate; dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world. Study the classics, have babies. Teach your kids to embrace christ even if you don't believe in him.
The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.

Why are you defending Nazis and fascists?

You do not answer a question with a question.

You are in EVERY THREAD that is about the Far Left Antifa Fascists and you defend them, I don't even think you have a clue about even WTF they are....or the alternative is you are a member of the Far Left Antifa Fascists yourself.

Well which is it Snowflake?
What exactly does the term ALT- Right mean to you? I'm aware somewhat of what people on the left think it means but Im not really clear on this

It's not a hate group, it's a love group for white people. Primary message is: stop masturbating, stop obsessing on videogames, stop being a degenerate; dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world. Study the classics, have babies. Teach your kids to embrace christ even if you don't believe in him.

"dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world"

Is it okay to keep your iPhone or do you have to throw it out of the window?

I have thrown several televisions out of windows and I once dispatched a mini bar out of a window....but this would be very difficult to part with the iPhone :smoke:
They act like Attila the Hun is on his way. Berkeley staff are carping (now) about how they must allow speech they don't agree with in order to protect free speech (hey, where have we heard that before? Oh yeah! It's what everybody said when Berkeley shut down Milo, and Coulter, and whoever else their students threatened to kill while pelting each other with feces, urine and ejaculate)....apparently they have climbed on board with this novel concept and are effusively embracing it.

Ben Shapiro..the ORTHODOX going to speak tonight. I'm sure he's a huge RACIST.

He's certainly a HOMOPHOBE as well, at least..according to Berkeley communists, who apparently aren't aware that he's there as part of a joint effort with Milo (openly homosexual and decidedly swish).

And I'm POSITIVE that Ann Coulter is a misogyist..she'll be coming too. And Steve Bannon is the anti-Christ himself! Breitbart! OMG!

They're bringing in concrete reinforcements, they've shut down classrooms and have (gasp!) told the cops they may use PEPPER SPRAY for the more violent assaults.

Berkeley staff and students of course pretend the threat of harm comes from the dangerous right wing speakers and ticket holders....but we all know that the real threat is from the communists themselves.

"Shapiro himself seems to find the preparations both surprising and amusing. In an interview with NBC Bay Area he said, “I’m just coming to campus to give a speech about the uselessness of violence in political discourse and in the United States generally as well as the problems with identity politics and now half the city’s being shut down.” He added, “Everyone’s treating it like Godzilla’s coming to town. I know I’ve been working out, but I don’t think I’m that threatening.”

"Asked about the change in policy regarding the use of pepper spray, Shapiro replied, “you get violent with a cop, you get pepper-sprayed. Why is this controversial?”

"Assuming the campus doesn’t burn down tonight, both Milo Yiannopolis and Steve Bannon are scheduled to speak at Berkeley later this month as part of what is being dubbed Free Speech Week. The response to those planned speeches is to literally evacuate the entire campus, at least that’s what 76 members of the Berkeley faculty called for yesterday."

I'm sorry, they're evacuating the campus to protect the students?

No they aren't. They're giving them hall passes and encouraging them to attack the speakers and the ticket holders.

I said yesterday that the staff would do this. They don't want to be anywhere near the action. But they will encourage their students to engage.

"The letter was co-written by seven faculty members, including campus associate teaching professor of African American studies Michael Cohen. It calls upon faculty to take three steps: cancel classes and tell students to stay home; close buildings and departments and allow staff to stay home; and not penalize students who are afraid of coming to campus."

Lol. I wish I could go.

Ben Shapiro on Berkeley: 'Everyone's treating it like Godzilla's coming to town' - Hot Air

Eric Blair was correct of course:


What the Far Left Snowflake Fascists cannot handle, they are anti-Free Speech and anti-Free Thought:

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.

Why are you defending Nazis and fascists?

You do not answer a question with a question.

You are in EVERY THREAD that is about the Far Left Antifa Fascists and you defend them, I don't even think you have a clue about even WTF they are....or the alternative is you are a member of the Far Left Antifa Fascists yourself.

Well which is it Snowflake?

Well Alex, Can I call a friend?
No, I'm not a member of Antifa, but I do know groups of Antifa have historically formed when there was a real fascist threat in many countries around the world. I don't agree with all their tactics, but their target is always well defined, undoubtedly tied to fascist, or fascist themselves, and the antifa always disbands after the threat is dealt with. I don't expect the Nazis or KKK to disband if they get their way.
Ridiculous. Imagine if a bunch of right wing blowhards came to give a speech and no one gave a fuck and nobody showed up to listen except the KKK and young repugs. No violence, nobody gets hurt. The next night a bunch of left wing blowhards show up to give a speech and no one gives a fuck either. No violence, nobody gets hurt. It's the protesters that are giving them the power and attention they crave. Ignore them and their movement dies.

Thats exactly why the KKK had become irrelevant over the years. No one who is normal gives a shit about them. They are being given relevance

In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?
What exactly does the term ALT- Right mean to you? I'm aware somewhat of what people on the left think it means but Im not really clear on this

It's not a hate group, it's a love group for white people. Primary message is: stop masturbating, stop obsessing on videogames, stop being a degenerate; dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world. Study the classics, have babies. Teach your kids to embrace christ even if you don't believe in him.

that seems fair enough as long as you are not for imposing beliefs on others. I think we should be a country that is a free marketplace of ideas. The problem is when we are at each other throat for having an opinion we don't agree with.
The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.

Why are you defending Nazis and fascists?

You do not answer a question with a question.

You are in EVERY THREAD that is about the Far Left Antifa Fascists and you defend them, I don't even think you have a clue about even WTF they are....or the alternative is you are a member of the Far Left Antifa Fascists yourself.

Well which is it Snowflake?

Well Alex, Can I call a friend?
No, I'm not a member of Antifa, but I do know groups of Antifa have historically formed when there was a real fascist threat in many countries around the world. I don't agree with all their tactics, but their target is always well defined, undoubtedly tied to fascist, or fascist themselves, and the antifa always disbands after the threat is dealt with. I don't expect the Nazis or KKK to disband if they get their way.

^^^^ So this below isn't Satire, this is literally what you think:

What exactly does the term ALT- Right mean to you? I'm aware somewhat of what people on the left think it means but Im not really clear on this

It's not a hate group, it's a love group for white people. Primary message is: stop masturbating, stop obsessing on videogames, stop being a degenerate; dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world. Study the classics, have babies. Teach your kids to embrace christ even if you don't believe in him.

"dig yourself out of the distractions of modern world"

Is it okay to keep your iPhone or do you have to throw it out of the window?

I have thrown several televisions out of windows and I once dispatched a mini bar out of a window....but this would be very difficult to part with the iPhone :smoke:

Well, the internet is most definitely a very important part of the movement. Trigger the degenerate with edgy memes and keeping them awake at night quaking in fear wondering how far we're willing to go. NO COMPROMISE WITH LEFTIST SCUM.
Thats exactly why the KKK had become irrelevant over the years. No one who is normal gives a shit about them. They are being given relevance

In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.
You mean like the Nazis at Charlottesville?

The Alt Left with the human slugs in the MSM said the below man was a "Nazi/KKK/White Supremacist"

View attachment 149211

When the above man is a Paid Antifa Agitator.

He is Antifa, his name is Matthew Karoly and he's from California.

View attachment 149212

Then you won't mind citing the credible source where you got that information.

The source is private and confidential, the information has been handed to the relevant American Federal Law Enforcement Agency, they know.

The Antifa have about two more months, every single member is known, they cannot hide, they soon will have nowhere to run to either.

So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?
Be patient. Its scheduled for just after the extreme right wing trash sweep to power in France,Holland and Germany.
Mr. Tainted, we are talking about Berkeley in the U.S.A. and not Europe.
So you're saying ANY DAY NOW ............again?

I said about two more months, is that any day now? No.

Get with the programme :rolleyes-41:

Why are you defending Antifa Far Left Fascists, you appear in EVERY thread where they are mentioned and nearly burst a vein to defend them.

Why are you defending Nazis and fascists?

You do not answer a question with a question.

You are in EVERY THREAD that is about the Far Left Antifa Fascists and you defend them, I don't even think you have a clue about even WTF they are....or the alternative is you are a member of the Far Left Antifa Fascists yourself.

Well which is it Snowflake?

Well Alex, Can I call a friend?
No, I'm not a member of Antifa, but I do know groups of Antifa have historically formed when there was a real fascist threat in many countries around the world. I don't agree with all their tactics, but their target is always well defined, undoubtedly tied to fascist, or fascist themselves, and the antifa always disbands after the threat is dealt with. I don't expect the Nazis or KKK to disband if they get their way.

^^^^ So this below isn't Satire, this is literally what you think:


Another mind reading RWNJ who thinks they know what I think. So far all you nuts who claim that power have been wrong.
In America the KKK number about 5,000 members, it's not 1926 when they had 5 MILLION members are were parading down Washington DC streets.

View attachment 149214

Why are the Leftist Maniacs Mega Bedwetting about the Confederate Flag? What flag are the KKK all holding? That is not the Confederate Flag.

View attachment 149215
Funny how you have to go back to the 1920s to find some kind of excuse for you Alt-Right Fascists.

Um no that is because the KKK are IRRELEVANT, they were last RELEVANT in the 1920s, the KKK are your crowd and that's Democrats.

So who were these guys, just a couple of weeks ago?

^^^^ They are clowns, why are you so afraid of them?

Because one of them was brave enough to drive into a crowd and kill one and injure several others. Those clowns have been known to kill lots of people.

They are NOT Nazi's, do you think if they WERE Nazi's they would openly advertise that they are? No.

So any time you see some low IQ clown waving a Swastika and shouting SLOGANS they are Professional Agitators paid to Agitate to cause EXACTLY the reaction that in America you witness after Charlottesville.

They are used to generate Paranoia, they are used so Freedom of Speech is Shut Down.

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