Bennett Backs Off Birther Threat: “If I Embarrassed The State, I Apologize”


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Nick R. Martin

After days of ridicule for launching a conspiracy theory-fueled investigation into Barack Obama’s birth certificate, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett on Tuesday backed off his threat to keep the president off the ballot in November and apologized to his state.

“If I embarrassed the state, I apologize, but that certainly wasn’t my intent,” Bennett said in an interview with Phoenix radio station KTAR. “He’ll be on the ballot as long as he fills out the same paperwork and does the same things that everybody else has.”

More: Secretary of State Ken Bennett Backs Off Birther Threat, Aplogizes To Arizona | TPMMuckraker
There's this, too:

Since he first revealed his conspiracy theory-fueled investigation into Obama’s birth certificate and threatened last week to keep the president off the state’s ballot, Bennett and his staff have been ducking for political cover behind the people they say really started it: the 1,200 constituents who sent angry emails begging him to take up their cause.

It was only because of them, Bennett said, that he began to look into the birth certificate issue in the first place. His spokesman, Matt Roberts, told TPM “with complete and utter honesty” it has nothing to do with Bennett’s affiliation as a Republican or his role as Romney’s Arizona campaign co-chair.


Ken Bennett, Arizona Secretary Of State, Has No Plans To Probe Romney’s Birth | TPMMuckraker
Here are some of the emails Bennett received from the 1,200 concerned Arizonians.


Dear Mr. Bennett:

It is with great surprise and disappointment that you are reluctant to follow through with the substantial evidence showing that the President of our country is not qualified to hold this position due to his fraudulent documentation. Not only is one of his documents fraudulently manufactured, but TWO OF HIS DOCUMENTS ARE fraudulently presented!

WE HAVE TO STAND UP FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND FOLLOW THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY! If we do not uphold our Constitution, there will be nothing holding our country together. Elected officials are elected to uphold the Constitution and the laws of our country, both Federally and locally. We realize there are many issues taking elected officials attention at this time, but non is as important as upholding our Constitution. IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT WITH MANY OTHERS OF US WHO ARE DEMANDING THE CONSTITUTION BE UPHELD AND THE LAWS FOLLOWED, WE SUGGEST YOU ARE NOT THE MAN FOR THE JOB.

We are watching this very closely. My husband was a Gynecologist at the Hospital in Honolulu at the time B. Obama claims to have been born there and the name of the hospital he claims to have been born in, wasn't even called that name at the time of his alleged birth in that hospital. Also "long form" birth certificates were given to many people who were not born at that hospital. Infants from out of the country, such as Japan, could record their birth and were given a "long form" birth certificate. So the Long Form birth Cert. does not prove B Obama was born in Hawaii. There are other discrpancies in Obama's claim to have been born in Honolulu that my husband has pointed out due to his knowledge of the hospital routine at that time. That aside, there are many experienced, capable experts in fraudulent documentation, that declare Obama's birth certificiate and his Selective Service (Draft card) are FRAUDULENT.

Please do the right thing, write the letter as requested and push this investigation forward!


Authors stricken

Emails received by Arizona in regards to Obama's eligibility -
Here are some of the emails Bennett received from the 1,200 concerned Arizonians.


Dear Mr. Bennett:

It is with great surprise and disappointment that you are reluctant to follow through with the substantial evidence showing that the President of our country is not qualified to hold this position due to his fraudulent documentation. Not only is one of his documents fraudulently manufactured, but TWO OF HIS DOCUMENTS ARE fraudulently presented!

WE HAVE TO STAND UP FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND FOLLOW THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY! If we do not uphold our Constitution, there will be nothing holding our country together. Elected officials are elected to uphold the Constitution and the laws of our country, both Federally and locally. We realize there are many issues taking elected officials attention at this time, but non is as important as upholding our Constitution. IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT WITH MANY OTHERS OF US WHO ARE DEMANDING THE CONSTITUTION BE UPHELD AND THE LAWS FOLLOWED, WE SUGGEST YOU ARE NOT THE MAN FOR THE JOB.

We are watching this very closely. My husband was a Gynecologist at the Hospital in Honolulu at the time B. Obama claims to have been born there and the name of the hospital he claims to have been born in, wasn't even called that name at the time of his alleged birth in that hospital. Also "long form" birth certificates were given to many people who were not born at that hospital. Infants from out of the country, such as Japan, could record their birth and were given a "long form" birth certificate. So the Long Form birth Cert. does not prove B Obama was born in Hawaii. There are other discrpancies in Obama's claim to have been born in Honolulu that my husband has pointed out due to his knowledge of the hospital routine at that time. That aside, there are many experienced, capable experts in fraudulent documentation, that declare Obama's birth certificiate and his Selective Service (Draft card) are FRAUDULENT.

Please do the right thing, write the letter as requested and push this investigation forward!


Authors stricken

Emails received by Arizona in regards to Obama's eligibility -

How does this person feel about alien abductions? Has anybody even bothered to ask?
And more:

In one e-mail, Brian Reilly of the Surprise Tea Party said that he would support Bennett for governor if Bennett refused to put Obama's name on the Arizona ballot unless the president or the Democratic National Committee could give "information that is satisfactory" to Bennett and the posse that Obama's Hawaii birth certificate is authentic.

Bennett replied to Reilly and assured him that Obama's name won't be on the ballot if Hawaii doesn't provide verification.

Now Bennett has sent out this email:

"I can tell from the tone and language of your letters that the only acceptable outcome for you is that his name not be on the ballot, period. That may be what happens, but under my watch, it won't happen based on opinions, petitions, probability or pledges to support or oppose me in the 2014 Governor's race. My oath of office is to uphold the Constitution and laws of our State and country, and I'm going to do that by following the law. I look forward to continuing to work this issue under those parameters. Otherwise, I will respectfully agree to disagree."

Bennett releases anti-Obama ballot emails -
Another stellar day for the great state of Arizona

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