...Benjamin Netanyahu's Excellent Adventure


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!
Netanyahu wanted war, he just got one and its expanding. Soon Jordan will become part of the front with Jihadists which were born of Arab frustration resulting in the Arab spring...
Benjamin Netanyahu's Excellent Adventure | The National Interest Blog

The last few months have gone rather well for the right-wing Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, in the sense of advancing its prime objective of indefinitely extending the occupation and colonization of Palestinian territory by ensuring failure of any diplomatic efforts to end the occupation. Netanyahu's success in this regard has been due both to his own tactical skill and to the luck of outside events.

Netanyahu achieved failure of the latest U.S. attempt to revive a peace process worthy of that name partly through the preemptory demand for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” He also successfully used the stratagem of striking a deal with the Palestinian Authority that involved release of Palestinian prisoners, reneging on that deal by construing its meaning differently than originally intended, and then blaming the P.A. for not proceeding anyway with substantive talks as if nothing untoward had happened. The Israelis had to take some mild off-the-record blame for the breakdown from the Americans, but nothing that wasn't manageable.
Benjamin Netanyahu's Excellent Adventure | The National Interest Blog

The Hamas-Fatah deal and subsequent creation of a cabinet of technocrats clearly involved Hamas moving toward Mahmoud Abbas's position rather than the other way around. This latest reconciliation appeared even more threatening to Netanyahu's approach than the previous ones because it showed more sign of sticking. Perhaps most disturbing to Netanyahu is that the Obama administration indicated it was willing to work with any jointly supported Palestinian government that emerged from the deal.

Netanyahu has given the same vehement and unyielding reaction he has given to the previous efforts at Palestinian reconciliation, such as withholding tax revenue that belongs to the Palestinians. What most enabled him, however, to sustain his strategy in the face of this latest challenge—and here is one place where the luck of events has helped him—was the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank. Netanyahu immediately blamed Hamas and repeatedly promised evidence, which still hasn't been forthcoming, that the group was responsible for the crime.
"“Under the cover of searching for the kidnapped youths, Netanyahu launched a massive operation to cripple Hamas in the West Bank, further humiliate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and punish the entire Palestinian population for calling for a halt to the charade of the 'peace process' and, worse, moving toward a unified leadership.”

Never a truer word...
Time for Jordan to take back the squatters and invaders.
Benjamin Netanyahu's Excellent Adventure | The National Interest Blog

The Hamas-Fatah deal and subsequent creation of a cabinet of technocrats clearly involved Hamas moving toward Mahmoud Abbas's position rather than the other way around. This latest reconciliation appeared even more threatening to Netanyahu's approach than the previous ones because it showed more sign of sticking. Perhaps most disturbing to Netanyahu is that the Obama administration indicated it was willing to work with any jointly supported Palestinian government that emerged from the deal.

Netanyahu has given the same vehement and unyielding reaction he has given to the previous efforts at Palestinian reconciliation, such as withholding tax revenue that belongs to the Palestinians. What most enabled him, however, to sustain his strategy in the face of this latest challenge—and here is one place where the luck of events has helped him—was the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank. Netanyahu immediately blamed Hamas and repeatedly promised evidence, which still hasn't been forthcoming, that the group was responsible for the crime.

Islamo Nazi pigs remain islamo Nazi pigs-----their HEROIC MURDERING LUMPS of excrement
have not yet been apprehended and ----of course, not yet tried-----the ISLAMO NAZI PIGS---
are fully aware of the fact that the details of the filth they love to lick cannot be openly
revealed at this time because doing to would compromise the trial-----but islamo Nazi pigs ---
are THAT DESPERATE -----they spin what ever they discern could possibly impress the most
limited mind
It's all going according to plan. The squatters in the West Bank will go back to Jordan, where they came from, Israel will annex the West Bank and call it by its rightful name for three thousand years, Judea and Samaria, and Egypt will get sick of the Hamas terrorists and take over Gaza. Game over, dude, game over.
"“Under the cover of searching for the kidnapped youths, Netanyahu launched a massive operation to cripple Hamas in the West Bank, further humiliate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and punish the entire Palestinian population for calling for a halt to the charade of the 'peace process' and, worse, moving toward a unified leadership.”

Never a truer word...
Sounds like Netanyahu has reached the same conclusion that Egypt who outlawed Hamas and called it a terrorist organization has. An Islamist animal is an Islamist animal.
Amen! Let there be peace already!

it's all going according to plan. The squatters in the west bank will go back to jordan, where they came from, israel will annex the west bank and call it by its rightful name for three thousand years, judea and samaria, and egypt will get sick of the hamas terrorists and take over gaza. Game over, dude, game over.
"“Under the cover of searching for the kidnapped youths, Netanyahu launched a massive operation to cripple Hamas in the West Bank, further humiliate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and punish the entire Palestinian population for calling for a halt to the charade of the 'peace process' and, worse, moving toward a unified leadership.” Never a truer word...
Bullshit, actually. How can one humiliate an illegal presidente, bth.?
Netanyahu wanted war, he just got one and its expanding. Soon Jordan will become part of the front with Jihadists which were born of Arab frustration resulting in the Arab spring...
Funny, guess jordanians will appreciate ruining of their county by their own arabs. Some iraqi/syrian-style islamistic gangsterism on rampage throughout.
Funny same old shit. Jordan ain't going to do shit. You forget that they actually like Israel and hate the violence and terrorism as much as the Israelis do.
Syria is a shambles, and in no shape to do Israel any real harm.

Iraq is a shambles, and in no shape to do Israel any real harm.

Lebanon is a shambles, and in no shape to do Israel any real harm.

Egypt likes Israel, nowadays, and collaborates with Israel, to blockade and wall-off the mad-dog Palestinians.

Jordan likes Israel, nowadays, and collaborates with Israel, to monitor andwall-off the mad-dog Palestinians.

Saudi Arabia isn't gonna do diddly-squat... they only fight by proxy.

Not to worry.

If it DOES blow-up into a larger war, we can have a movie night, with popcorn, and Raisinets, and Milk-Duds, and SnowCaps, and Good-N-Plenty, and stuff ourselves while we watch the latest installment of the comedy series that the IDF puts-on for us from time to time...
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