Benghazi and why everything you thought you knew about it, is a lie:

Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

It should be important for All Americans to elect a Commander in Chief that won't abandon the people that work for him/her. Are you suggesting that all Democrats really don't care? I can name one that has publicly testified that they didn't matter to her.
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

It should be important for All Americans to elect a Commander in Chief that won't abandon the people that work for him/her. Are you suggesting that all Democrats really don't care? I can name one that has publicly testified that they didn't matter to her.
No one abandoned anybody as investigations have pointed out. Feel free to maintain your delusions though.

And it's funny you mentioned embassy security earlier since it was republicans who blocked funding for increased security.
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
They were abandoned before the fact, as evidenced by the denied and actual removal of security they knew they needed.
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

It should be important for All Americans to elect a Commander in Chief that won't abandon the people that work for him/her. Are you suggesting that all Democrats really don't care? I can name one that has publicly testified that they didn't matter to her.
No one abandoned anybody as investigations have pointed out. Feel free to maintain your delusions though.

And it's funny you mentioned embassy security earlier since it was republicans who blocked funding for increased security.

Well, they actually did not only abandon them, they arrested and fired those who were determined to send help.

Republicans did not block funding for increased security... The State Department has a budget, it was FULLY FUNDED... THE JOB OF THE SEC' O'STATE IS TO EFFECTIVELY USE HER BUDGET... if she pissed away her budget and didn't have the money to effectively secure the mission, she should have closed the mission.

Now that's just business 101.

So we know from THAT a couple of things.

First, she was intent upon reducing security at that mission, because she had plenty of money.

Second, there was a REASON that they needed that mission to be open and poorly defended.

Once that question is answered, we start looking for a suitable branch and a couple of short ropes.
They were abandoned before the fact, as evidenced by the denied and actual removal of security they knew they needed.
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
Cool. So what investigations have declared Obama and Clinton at fault like you cons keep desperately fantasizing about?
Benghazi es muy importante :thup: :wink_2:
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:

Yes... we're extreme.

Just like the people who founded the United States.

And the Sweet irony you're chewin' on HERE... is the same one the King of England chewed on when he was tickled about those CRAZY ASS COLONISTS!

If it helps, let me remind ya of what this country started with... and I know for YOU, this will look like a LOT to consider. But you should at least TRY to read it, because it's going to be important to you someday... and it might even help you to avoid what promises to be a very nasty closing chapter:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God {<< That means "GOD"} entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator {<< That means "GOD"}with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. ...

WE, THEREFORE, the REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world {<< That means "GOD"} for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown and that all political connection between them and the state of the British Crown is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence{<< That means "GOD"}, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

None of those principles have changed.
They were abandoned before the fact, as evidenced by the denied and actual removal of security they knew they needed.
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
Cool. So what investigations have declared Obama and Clinton at fault like you cons keep desperately fantasizing about?

It ain't over 'til it's over!
They were abandoned before the fact, as evidenced by the denied and actual removal of security they knew they needed.
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
Cool. So what investigations have declared Obama and Clinton at fault like you cons keep desperately fantasizing about?


Once again the Ideological Left struggles to understand the simplicities of "Cause and Effect".

Obama was the Chief Executive of the United States, therefore HE is responsible for everything that happens within the scope of his offices.

The Department of State rests squarely within and is SOLELY the responsibility of the Executive Branch.

The Head of THAT DEPARTMENT was Hillary Clinton.

Therefore with NO POTENTIAL FOR RESERVATION and without the RISK OF REFUTATION: Obama and Clinton were RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FAILURE TO ADEQUATELY SECURE THE BENGHAZI MISSION, the result of which was the death of FOUR US CITIZENS, and the severe injury to DOZENS MORE US CITIZENS.

That's not even a debatable point.

All that is to be determined NOW is the scope of their complicity in the attack, which needs to be there, given their overt actions taken to mislead the US Public.

That such was a function of the campaign, because obama claimed that Al Qaeda was done does not wash. First, no one alive ever believed it and second, no one alive, BELIEVED IT.

My position is that obama was at the very least, FULLY AWARE of the pending attack, that he did everything he COULD DO as PRESIDENT OF THE US TO PREVENT THOSE ATTACKING THE MISSION FROM FAILING.

He fired a General, had him relived of his command to prevent General Hamm from rendering the assets of his command to the assistance of those US Citizens who were under attack.

Now, as far as I am concerned, THAT proved that obama was intent upon the success of that attack.

I am also convinced that Trey Gowdy's committee will dig up the buried bodies and he will bring obama's ass DOWN... and that such will fall directly upon Bubba's old lady.
Last edited:
Its all laid out. BUt here ya go.
1. The cover up is that Obama and his administration for days maintained the culprit was a video while they knew it was a terrorist attack.
2. The fact that it was a terrorist attack and not a spontaneuous demonstrtion
3. Obama, Clinton, and their staffs, including Susan Rice
4. Obama was near an close election and campaigned that terrorism was on the run on his watch. A terrorist incident would undermine that claim
5. See 4
6. No. Instead the tragedy came about from neglect by Clinton and the state department in failing to address the security needs of the embassy
7. Probably. But so what if they werent?

Your so-called answers are hilariously stupid - but thanks for playing...
Translation: I didnt get the answers I wanted so I'll dismiss them
Yes you truly are a dumb-ass.

That's right, sparky. Plus, you left out the "credible" proof.
A You Tube video of the event with a signed affirmation by Jesus witnessed by Sonia Sotomayor would not be enough for you.

Well, why don't you provide such proof and we'll find out?
I already know the answer.
Clinton was head of the state dept which is responsible. Charlene Lamb under her, was responsible for some of the denials. Once all witnesses are actually able to be interviewed we will find out more.
They were abandoned before the fact, as evidenced by the denied and actual removal of security they knew they needed.
Only to the families of the for dead Americans. It really doesn't matter to their boss who ignored their pleas for additional security.
It's more important for republicans who think they can squeeze some more mileage out of those poor dead Americans and their families for the 2016 elections :cool:

Yes we expect that the truth will result in the charges of treason against your peasantpimp and his Sec' O'State at the time, which, upon their respective conviction, we expect that both will be summarily executed for Treason.

And, it would not be fair to point out that this thread will also be used to round up "The Problem" once the looming US Civil War is kicked off and the servers of this site are secured, to provide evidence for the trials/execution of those who publicly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States.


Stand up for what you BELIEB! POWUH TO THE PEOPLES! :banana:
^the new republican base :cuckoo:
Cool. So what investigations have declared Obama and Clinton at fault like you cons keep desperately fantasizing about?

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