Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD

Did we hear about the results of the last 2 under the previous head or were they kept quiet?
Carson didn't find the accounting problems. This is the fourth audit which has found these problems. The previous three preceded Carson.

Carson is a brain surgeon, not an expert on housing or accounting. He should have been made the Surgeon General for his fealty to Trump, not put in charge of something for which he has no experience whatsoever.

I think your answer is found in the fact that G was able to tell you about them.
Wrong. It was in the article.
Did we hear about the results of the last 2 under the previous head or were they kept quiet?
Carson didn't find the accounting problems. This is the fourth audit which has found these problems. The previous three preceded Carson.

Carson is a brain surgeon, not an expert on housing or accounting. He should have been made the Surgeon General for his fealty to Trump, not put in charge of something for which he has no experience whatsoever.

I think your answer is found in the fact that G was able to tell you about them.
Golly gee. Secretary Carson orders an audit and the results were not unexpected. And, we can rest assured there's a whole lot more out there lurking in the shadows.

And what about the other departments and agencies? The president has ordered audits of all government entities and there can be no doubt a lot more dirt will be found under the rugs.

The same problems were detailed for each of the last three audits, and the auditors say the continued problems “were due to an inability to establish a compliant control environment, implement adequate financial accounting systems, retain key financial staff, and identify appropriate accounting principles and policies."

More @ Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD

This is bound to have a punchline.

Wait for it ...

I thought April Fools' Day was over.
Once again....Benghazi!

You talking about the Benghazi probe, we knew you might see the light some day.

Dr. Carson is pretty savvy about real estate, which is the main thing that HUD is dealing with. Even before assuming his duties, he bought a home in Vienna, VA- where he got a lot more for the dollar than he would have in Washington proper. Keen eye for a good deal, I have confidence he'll be able to help keep costs under control at this wasteful agency.

HUD Nominee Ben Carson Finds a Home of His Own in Virginia
Looks like Carson's sole qualification for his job is that he owns a home. That makes as much sense as everything else in this disaster of an administration .
Ever heard the saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is called insanity? It was WELL past time to change things up. Stop your crybaby whining.
Another snowflake we haven't seen since election day :D
Oh and I was wrong Carson has been confirmed since March 2nd! Wow...a fucking month and these whiny bitches want the world to be rebuilt or something.....time to just put these whiners on ignore.
Would you remind us just what Carsons qualifications are for his job? So far, we have heard that he bought a home in VA. Is that it
Would you like to remind us WHY we need another politician with ties to lobbying groups who would get NOTHING accomplished back at the job? Repeating same thing over and over is the definition of insanity if you paid ANY attention to President Trumps campaign you would know he doesn't do things the same way as EVERY past politician.
Once again....Benghazi!

You talking about the Benghazi probe, we knew you might see the light some day.

Dr. Carson is pretty savvy about real estate, which is the main thing that HUD is dealing with. Even before assuming his duties, he bought a home in Vienna, VA- where he got a lot more for the dollar than he would have in Washington proper. Keen eye for a good deal, I have confidence he'll be able to help keep costs under control at this wasteful agency.

HUD Nominee Ben Carson Finds a Home of His Own in Virginia
Looks like Carson's sole qualification for his job is that he owns a home. That makes as much sense as everything else in this disaster of an administration .
Ever heard the saying doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is called insanity? It was WELL past time to change things up. Stop your crybaby whining.
Another snowflake we haven't seen since election day :D
Oh and I was wrong Carson has been confirmed since March 2nd! Wow...a fucking month and these whiny bitches want the world to be rebuilt or something.....time to just put these whiners on ignore.
Would you remind us just what Carsons qualifications are for his job? So far, we have heard that he bought a home in VA. Is that it
Would you like to remind us WHY we need another politician with ties to lobbying groups who would get NOTHING accomplished back at the job? Repeating same thing over and over is the definition of insanity if you paid ANY attention to President Trumps campaign you would know he doesn't do things the same way as EVERY past politician.
Cry Cry Cry snowflake.

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