CDZ Being offended excuses everything?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I am easily offended. I am not burning down Wendys or tearing down statues of St. Stanislaus because left handed gingers with moles on their cheeks in 1697 did stuff...this is stupid. You are offended? Fine, its too bad. Slavery? Wow, Muslims cornered the market before the Europeans, they drove slavery and they still are NOW at this very moment. This is weird. Whites didn't create slavery, kids.
I am easily offended. I am not burning down Wendys or tearing down statues of St. Stanislaus because left handed gingers with moles on their cheeks in 1697 did stuff...this is stupid. You are offended? Fine, its too bad. Slavery? Wow, Muslims cornered the market before the Europeans, they drove slavery and they still are NOW at this very moment. This is weird. Whites didn't create slavery, kids.
I never really understood when becoming a victim was seen as some kind of power.
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Muslim slavers had a HUGE but hidden hand in American slavery. And Islam still to this minute practices slavery. Its ironic, that Cassius Clay changed his name to Mohamed Ali (ironically like Malcom X) and yet he was named after a white republican guy that fought slavery? Cassius Marcius Clay, an ex save owner and emancipationist.
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I voted for Trump. I put on a mask when I go the store. I recycle, I don't use plastics bags (cloth only) and I literally cycle 6 miles once week to the store to reduce my carbon footprint. , A repuplicrat? I am no saint., either. But right now, republicans are the most rational party . Democrats are borderline insane pandering weasels.
I voted for Trump. I put on a mask when I go the store. I recycle, I don't use plastics bags (cloth only) and I literally cycle 6 miles once week to the store to reduce my carbon footprint. , A repuplicrat? I am no saint., either. But right now, republicans are the most rational party . Democrats are borderline insane pandering weasels.


“We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child – in the middle of the hearing – started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”
I never really understood when becoming a victim was seen as some kind of power.
Somewhere along the line, it just happened. My guess is that the real power came from what would be said next:

"I'm offended by what you just said, so I'm choosing to issue consequences by getting you fired / shutting you up / destroying your business / ruining your life".

So, in practice, the phrase itself turned out to just be the beginning, a precursor, and a means of intimidation, threat and punishment.
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Somewhere along the line, it just happened. My guess is that the real power came from what would be said next:

"I'm offended by what you just said, so I'm choosing to issue consequences by getting you fired / shutting you up / destroying your business / ruining your life".

So, in practice, the phrase itself turned out to just be the beginning, a precursor, and a means of intimidation, threat and punishment.

Good point.

It's a justification to commit atrocities, ie...'you deserve bad things to happen to you because I find you offensive'.

It is an old, old often successful tactic - de-humanize, scapegoat, denigrate those you dislike/disagree with - which makes them fair game for persecution.
I am easily offended. I am not burning down Wendys or tearing down statues of St. Stanislaus because left handed gingers with moles on their cheeks in 1697 did stuff...this is stupid. You are offended? Fine, its too bad. Slavery? Wow, Muslims cornered the market before the Europeans, they drove slavery and they still are NOW at this very moment. This is weird. Whites didn't create slavery, kids.
I never really understood when becoming a victim was seen as some kind of power.

Because under the current "rules" it allows you to dismiss someone's argument out of hand without having to counter that argument.
I never really understood when becoming a victim was seen as some kind of power.
Somewhere along the line, it just happened. My guess is that the real power came from what would be said next:

"I'm offended by what you just said, so I'm choosing to issue consequences by getting you fired / shutting you up / destroying your business / ruining your life".

So, in practice, the phrase itself turned out to just be the beginning, a precursor, and a means of intimidation, threat and punishment.

It was probably created out the idea of trying to give people previously suppressed an equal voice in the political arena. The problem is that people are people, and those being given the bully pulpit realized they could use it to go beyond equality, and gain an advantage over the supposed dominating side of the equation.

Balance is difficult to achieve, swinging the pendulum to the other extreme is far far easier.
I am easily offended. I am not burning down Wendys or tearing down statues of St. Stanislaus because left handed gingers with moles on their cheeks in 1697 did stuff...this is stupid. You are offended? Fine, its too bad. Slavery? Wow, Muslims cornered the market before the Europeans, they drove slavery and they still are NOW at this very moment. This is weird. Whites didn't create slavery, kids.

Yeah, and the first legal slave owner in the US was a black. Why was that? Because he came here from Africa where slaves were legal, and wanted to keep his slaves.
I don't care who started it, who kept it going, who put it undercover, or how it evolved, Today we all know that the point is America promices equality, the problem is how do we get there.
I don't care who started it, who kept it going, who put it undercover, or how it evolved, Today we all know that the point is America promices equality, the problem is how do we get there.

We are there. What do you mean, how do we get there? We're there.

There is nothing to be achieved in this area, because we have already achieved it.
As we have seen in the thread about the young mother killed because she said all lives matter. It was alleged that someone in that group said the n word. That entitles the legal murder of anyone in that group.

That's where we are going.

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