'Behavior Detection Officers' Now at Airports...Do You Approve?


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007


Smile … Or Else

‘Behavior Detection Officers’ are now watching passengers’ facial expressions for signs of danger. It’s a new level of absurdity for America.

By Patti Davis
Special to Newsweek
Updated: 12:40 p.m. ET Aug 16, 2007
Aug. 16, 2007 - It was bound to happen. Now even a frown or grimace can get you into trouble with The Man.

“Specially trained security personnel” will be watching passengers for “micro-expressions” that will reveal treacherous agendas and insidious intentions at airports around the country. These agents, who may literally hold your fate in their hands have been given a lofty, Orwellian name: "Behavior Detection Officers."

Did anyone ever doubt that George Orwell’s prophecies in “1984” would arrive? In that novel, he wrote, “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”

In the study of “micro-expressions”—yes, it is actually a field of study and there are some who are arrogant enough to call it a science—it has been decided that when people wish to conceal emotions, the truth of their feelings is revealed in facial flashes. These experts have determined that fear and disgust are the key things to look for because they can hint of deception.

Let’s see, fear and disgust in an airport? I’m frightened and disgusted weeks before I have to show up at an airport. In fact, I’ve pretty much sworn off the whole idea of going anywhere by airplane. It’s bad enough that I might be trapped in a crowded plane with no food or water and nonworking toilets for hours; now there are security agents interpreting our facial expressions. The face police, in place at more than a dozen U.S. airports already, aren’t identified as such. But the watcher could be at curbside baggage, the ticket counter or near the metal detectors and X-ray machines. The Transportation Security Administration hopes to have as many as 500 Behavior Detection Officers on the job by the end of 2008.
I think that it is questionable science but this falls under reasonable suspicion for me. If someone seems to be acting peculiar I might mention it to someone. It depends on how peculiar one is acting. It is a gray area. Where is the line between reasonable concern and paranoia?
I think if you kept male Arabs off airplanes, that would go a long way toward solving the problem. But we won't do that, so my advice is that we all STFU about "terrorism" and how we're going to stop it. We aren't. You can either have political correctness or safety, not both.
Who cares?----if they screw up some innocent persons life for awhile they will be sued and fired. If they bust a terrorist they outta get a million dollar reward.
Behavior Detection Officers' Now at Airports...Do You Approve?

Saw a show last night on facial expresstion and what they communicate etc.
Think about it, it's a major part of communication.

Anyway they ran a test on detecting lies via facial expression, all groups could do no better identifying a lie than just chance, except one group they called spies. That group ID'd 80% of the lyre's. Works for me.

Saw a show last night on facial expresstion and what they communicate etc.
Think about it, it's a major part of communication.

Anyway they ran a test on detecting lies via facial expression, all groups could do no better identifying a lie than just chance, except one group they called spies. That group ID'd 80% of the lyre's. Works for me.

fuckin A......
So those people who are running late for their flights, and have that helpless look of frustration on their face as they try and make it through the terminal on time, are now going to be scrutinized by some airport face-gestapo...AWESOME. Maybe they'll be stopped and harrassed just long enough to completely miss their flights.

If i'm a little shaky bout flying to begin with, and i have that look of uneasiness on my face, i'm now a target for the gestapo to harrass me because i may be planning something...AWESOME.

This shit is utterly ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as when they were confiscating people's liquids that could potentially be explosive, and pouring them all into one big container.

The fucking genious of these people never ceases to amaze me. And you guys are ACCEPTING it, because you think it makes you safer.

I hope one of you who is ok with this gets stopped and harrassed by some fat TSA official on your way to your gate because you didn't stop to piss, and your face is whincing, and you miss your flight.
Sweet Jesus and Buddha on a swing...EVERYBODY is disgusted, to one degree or another, about being in an airport. And, for the love of God, what about the agoraphobics...? Fear of flying...? Fear of having some TSA employee doing a body cavity search because they didn't like the way you look at them. What utter bullshit.

Cavity search ?--Did you have to throw that in for some hysterical hyperbole or did it sound like something you were interested in applying for?
I'm guessing the Magic Mind Reader Committee can see through a fake smile, anyway.
I just think it's a *really* bad idea to judge someone on facial expressions...
I just think it's a *really* bad idea to judge someone on facial expressions...

It was a bad idea to "Nationalize" the TSA in order to "professionalize" them too. But they did it. Now we have "professional" MORONS that wield the power of GOVERNMENT. And the left is bitching? :rofl: They got what they wanted. I sure look forward to National health care. :rolleyes:

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