Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

You’re an obnoxious, anti-religion, Israel-hating liberal who likes to taunt Jews.

For crying out loud, there are help wanted signs on every other business. Ignore these parasites! Make them go out and do something productive or let them starve. I just keep driving.
What really gets me is when they stand by the Help Wanted sign in front of Target, begging for money.
These homeless panhandlers that you're condemning for not working at "labor ready", as you were. Were you homeless, sleeping out in the street? Did you have a vehicle to drive to the worksite or did you have to ride two busses to get there? Who took you to the worksite? Labor ready, at best, in most cities, maybe if you're lucky, you'll get about $60, after a hard day's work. The homeless don't have a fridge where they can store groceries, so whatever food they buy is usually already made and expensive. Have you ever slept outside on the street? I have, it's extremely stressful and the reason people use drugs and drink is to numb the pain of being out there. It makes it a bit more bearable.

If you've never been homeless, you don't have a clue.
I have been homeless. For years. Out on the streets. It taught me one thing. An absolute blinding hatred of the do gooders who thought they were helping this small family. We got food, money, sometimes even a place to stay for awhile. All combined to do one thing, keep us on the streets. Make the streets bearable. Every one who thought they were helping has earned a place in their own circle of hell. Poverty in the United States doesn't hurt enough. They aren't hungry enough. Bellies should be swollen from starvation. Make it hurt until you will do anything, endure any pain to make a different decision. The drug addicts just need to be drugged enough that they slip away peacefully and blissfully.
What really gets me is when they stand by the Help Wanted sign in front of Target, begging for money.
In 1996, my dad wandered off on December 18th. In looking for him I told several of the homeless people in the area that I would pay a reward if they found him. More than one admitted they were just begging for extra money at Christmas time. They already had jobs and homes.
In 1996, my dad wandered off on December 18th. In looking for him I told several of the homeless people in the area that I would pay a reward if they found him. More than one admitted they were just begging for extra money at Christmas time. They already had jobs and homes.
Yeah, stories like that are all over the place. I was pulling out of the grocery parking lot and there was a young guy with a sign “Will work for food.” I offered him a few items from my bag, and he said he didn’t like that stuff.

P.S. Hope you found you dad!
I wonder which nasty liberal sock puppet Non-Christian Man is. Probably Conservative from Georgia. They both pick names opposite what they are. In fact, could be Rightwinger.

You're a hypocrite, whining about our government doing what's necessary to eliminate homelessness in America because we need to be "fiscally responsible", due to our "national debt", while not giving a hoot about those 3.8 billion dollars in welfare aid to your fellow Jews in the land of Israel.

Are you above criticism? If you call me a "libtard" and other pejoratives, lying and intentionally twisting what I'm saying, being disingenuous and hypocritical, you're fair game.

When did I ever say I wasn't for helping Israel, financially and otherwise? Never. I'm just exposing your hypocrisy. You pretend to be a religious Jew while pooping on the poor and homeless, pretending you and I don't have a moral and even a religious obligation to feed, clothe and house the poor and help them. That's both in TeNaK, Halacha and in the Christian NT. How are you a religious Jew, who doesn't keep Torah? You must keep God's commandments to be a religious Jew.
Yeah, stories like that are all over the place. I was pulling out of the grocery parking lot and there was a young guy with a sign “Will work for food.” I offered him a few items from my bag, and he said he didn’t like that stuff.
You're a hypocrite, whining about our government doing what's necessary to eliminate homelessness in America because we need to be "fiscally responsible", due to our "national debt", while not giving a hoot about those 3.8 billion dollars in welfare aid to your fellow Jews in the land of Israel.

Are you above criticism? If you call me a "libtard" and other pejoratives, lying and intentionally twisting what I'm saying, being disingenuous and hypocritical, you're fair game.

When did I ever say I wasn't for helping Israel, financially and otherwise? Never. I'm just exposing your hypocrisy. You pretend to be a religious Jew while pooping on the poor and homeless, pretending you and I don't have a moral and even a religious obligation to feed, clothe and house the poor and help them. That's both in TeNaK, Halacha and in the Christian NT. How are you a religious Jew, who doesn't keep Torah? You must keep God's commandments to be a religious Jew.
Damn but you leftists are nasty, hateful people. I’m not wasting any more time on a sock puppet.
I have been homeless. For years. Out on the streets. It taught me one thing. An absolute blinding hatred of the do gooders who thought they were helping this small family. We got food, money, sometimes even a place to stay for awhile. All combined to do one thing, keep us on the streets. Make the streets bearable. Every one who thought they were helping has earned a place in their own circle of hell. Poverty in the United States doesn't hurt enough. They aren't hungry enough. Bellies should be swollen from starvation. Make it hurt until you will do anything, endure any pain to make a different decision. The drug addicts just need to be drugged enough that they slip away peacefully and blissfully.

A bunch of incoherent gobbledygook. The solution to homelessness is simple and anyone with a half-brain knows it. Drug rehab, a good caseworker/social worker, regular drug testing, permanent housing, counseling, medical care, job training, and employment opportunities. That's the process or track to success. If they start drugging again, you institutionalize them again. That's the way you keep them off the street. Laws have to be enacted to give local and state governments the authority to force people into rehab camps and psych wards, when they're homeless and refuse to stop drugging and don't take care of their housing. You impose strict rules, and structure, into their lives, with light at the end of the tunnel.

"Do you see that light over there? That's you, clean and sober, healthy, with housing and a good-paying job. That's you over there, back on your feet, with your family."

You give them hope. There's a destination, a better life ahead. Something to focus on and work for. Saying that we should leave people out in the street, only leads to more unnecessary pain and suffering for everyone, not to speak of the high cost of homelessness on society. Each homeless person costs tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly. Property damage, theft, court costs, medical emergencies, loss of business, decreases in property value..etc.
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No more kindala:

The goy-gravy train from the United States, ends here right now. According to you, America is heavily in debt, it would be fiscally irresponsible for us to take the necessary measures to eliminate homelessness in America. Who do these welfare recipients think they are, burdening other people with their problems? Right zeeskeit? Sending Israel, a country thousands of miles away, 3.8 billion dollars in yearly welfare checks, has to end now. All of these thousands of Ultra-Orthodox Satmar Jews in Williamsburg are on welfare, living off the goyim. The Lubalubalubavitchers aren't that different eitha. You Makhasheyfe,

Anti-Semites are a special kind of stupid.
what gets to me is when I see young women with children or signs that indicate they have young children

asking for money

Doesn't welfare give them enough?

If I don't actually see a young child w/ this person, I don't believe them

We are supposed t o give to those who ask, but we are also called to be good stewards of what we have... so I can see Christians being confused... as I sometimes am
It's their full time job and they may make more money than you.
I used to take jobs at Labor Ready too when I was homeless. If I managed to get some sleep, and I wasn't too high or drunk. Sometimes I would coke up or smoke some meth to have some energy. I would sometimes have to ride a bus,
Gee, homeless, carless and complaining about the employer but you have enough cash to buy smoke and coke--Sounds like you need to have your head examined.
Gee, homeless, carless and complaining about the employer but you have enough cash to buy smoke and coke--Sounds like you need to have your head examined.
You're homeless? I haven't been homeless for decades. I'm clean and sober, so you have me confused with someone else.

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