Because Obama is anti-business, business owners are having to lay off people..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Another THREAD erroneously titled Boss threatens workers if they vote for Obama as usual didn't give the whole story!
Here is the message the Boss shared saying he was concerned if Obama re-elected, the boss due to government rules regulations continuing to cost more and more, the boss said he MAY have to let people go to cover the costs!

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best. [...]

Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me. [...]

Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

[[ Editors' Note: Black actress Stacey Dash defends Romney after facing racist attacks: ‘I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character’ ]]

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

David Siegel

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |
ANOTHER example of a myopic idiot Pub dupe CEO- Pffft!! Like adding 4% to his taxes is like adding 50% to his workers' rate. BS
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good lord! OP, you need to take a chill pill.

My GF owns a bakery in FL. We just opened a new store and hired 12 people who were previously out of work.

Obama had zip to do with anything. We worked hard and saved our money.
good lord! OP, you need to take a chill pill.

My GF owns a bakery in FL. We just opened a new store and hired 12 people who were previously out of work.

Obama had zip to do with anything. We worked hard and saved our money.

What are you talking about asshole?!?! YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT! You owe Obama for ALL of it! If it weren't for Obama, you wouldn't have anything.

Those are his own words - don't shoot the messenger.
good lord! OP, you need to take a chill pill.

My GF owns a bakery in FL. We just opened a new store and hired 12 people who were previously out of work.

Obama had zip to do with anything. We worked hard and saved our money.

According to Obama your GF did not build that
Another THREAD erroneously titled Boss threatens workers if they vote for Obama as usual didn't give the whole story!
Here is the message the Boss shared saying he was concerned if Obama re-elected, the boss due to government rules regulations continuing to cost more and more, the boss said he MAY have to let people go to cover the costs!

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best. [...]

Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me. [...]

Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

[[ Editors' Note: Black actress Stacey Dash defends Romney after facing racist attacks: ‘I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character’ ]]

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

David Siegel

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |


Pure, unadulterated, stinks to high heaven BULLSHIT.
good lord! OP, you need to take a chill pill.

My GF owns a bakery in FL. We just opened a new store and hired 12 people who were previously out of work.

Obama had zip to do with anything. We worked hard and saved our money.

According to Obama your GF did not build that

C'mon. We all know that President Obama did not say that.

Congrats Nole, on the bakery. My business is doing well too. My personal investments took a hit with the Bush crash but I'm back up. Pisses me off that I lost that money but as long as our country's growth continues, we should be okay.

And, of course, that means, vote for Obama.

Every time i think about RobMe winning, I feel queasy. I can't afford to support that crook and his one percent cronies.
good lord! OP, you need to take a chill pill.

My GF owns a bakery in FL. We just opened a new store and hired 12 people who were previously out of work.

Obama had zip to do with anything. We worked hard and saved our money.


Wait a minute. Helllllllllllllllooooooooooo? I thought you didn't build it?
Another THREAD erroneously titled Boss threatens workers if they vote for Obama as usual didn't give the whole story!
Here is the message the Boss shared saying he was concerned if Obama re-elected, the boss due to government rules regulations continuing to cost more and more, the boss said he MAY have to let people go to cover the costs!

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best. [...]

Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me. [...]

Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

[[ Editors' Note: Black actress Stacey Dash defends Romney after facing racist attacks: ‘I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character’ ]]

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

David Siegel

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |

Either Siegel is a moron, or he's convinced his employees are.

Westgate Resorts financial problems are well known, or should be to anyone who keeps up. Just a couple of years ago, the company was $1 billion in debt and Siegel had to suspend construction on "Versailles," his $100 million Orlando mansion and had to sort of rein in his 30 year younger Trophy Wife, whose excesses were the stuff of movies and reality TV shows. The Siegel's are poster children for all that is WRONG with the 1%.

Though the company has recovered its financial equilibrium (thanks to some very generous lenders and the loss of 2000 employees), and Siegel was able to keep his palace, the point is that none of that could be laid at the feet of Barack Obama. The company's problems were solely the making of David Siegel.

It seems to me that he's blaming the President and threatening the jobs of his employees to cover up the fact that his own super-lavish lifestyle and idiotic business decisions nearly wrecked his life and his company.
Ok here is. What I do not understand. Last month we had 144,000 new jobs created. So people say oh we are in dire straights..........if you remember the last 6 months of the bush years, we were losing 600,000 jobbs a month. Do you want to go back to policy the promotes job loss on a mass scale? Or do you want a slow but sure recovery?
Another THREAD erroneously titled Boss threatens workers if they vote for Obama as usual didn't give the whole story!
Here is the message the Boss shared saying he was concerned if Obama re-elected, the boss due to government rules regulations continuing to cost more and more, the boss said he MAY have to let people go to cover the costs!

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best. [...]

Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me. [...]

Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

[[ Editors' Note: Black actress Stacey Dash defends Romney after facing racist attacks: ‘I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character’ ]]

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

David Siegel

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |
Businesses are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in profits and regulations are no more than they were during the early to mid 90's, when we had 8 years of economic growth.

This "Obama is anti-business" rap, doesn't wash.
Ok here is. What I do not understand. Last month we had 144,000 new jobs created. So people say oh we are in dire straights..........if you remember the last 6 months of the bush years, we were losing 600,000 jobbs a month. Do you want to go back to policy the promotes job loss on a mass scale? Or do you want a slow but sure recovery?

YOU ARE A FU...king LIAR!!!
YOU say if you remember the last 6 months of the bush years, we were losing 600,000 jobbs a month."
Where is your proof because HERE THE FACTS you dumb shit....!
A) WE NEVER LOST 600,000 jobbs!!! (Jobs... BIDENidiot!!... is not a 5 letter word!!!)

$5 trillion was LOST in the bust that bubbled under Bubba!
GUESS WHAT?? That is a tax write off meaning starting in 2002 over $166 billion was not
collected as federal revenue! $166 billion!
2) $2 trillion from a minor event that happened 9/11/2001! and it cost
hundreds of thousands of JOBS, 18,000 businesses.. remember airlines didn't fly for 3 days???
That after 2003 added another $66 billion in REVENUE that wasn't paid to Federal govt.. now $233 billion!
3) Oh obviously you forgot... THE WORST HURRICANE SEASONS!!!! happened 2003 to 2008 another $1 trillion!

Bush added 52,135 jobs EVEN after 9/11, worst hurricane seasons IN history..

total employed gain/loss from previous year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Reflected 9/11/2001 BLS found that as of December 29th
there were 408 extended mass layoff events, involving
114,711 workers, directly or indirectly attributed to the attacks.
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000 An estimated 400,000 jobs were lost as a result of Hurricane
Katrina sending the Gulf Coast into a financial crisis.
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000

gain from 2001 to 2008 5,005,000

Average per month 52,135 added each month over 96 months!!!

2009...... 130,807,000 -5,983,000
2010...... 129,818,000 -989,000

SO WHERE dumb.fuc...k>>> in the above YeARS was there EVER a period where" we losing 600,000 jobbs a month "?
The worst year was 2002 where the job loss for the year was an average of 123,750 jobs lost per month!!!
WHERE WAS THERE EVER A period where we were "losing 600,000 jobbs a month"???
Ok here is. What I do not understand. Last month we had 144,000 new jobs created. So people say oh we are in dire straights..........if you remember the last 6 months of the bush years, we were losing 600,000 jobbs a month. Do you want to go back to policy the promotes job loss on a mass scale? Or do you want a slow but sure recovery?

YOU ARE A FU...king LIAR!!!
YOU say if you remember the last 6 months of the bush years, we were losing 600,000 jobbs a month."
Where is your proof because HERE THE FACTS you dumb shit....!
A) WE NEVER LOST 600,000 jobbs!!! (Jobs... BIDENidiot!!... is not a 5 letter word!!!)

$5 trillion was LOST in the bust that bubbled under Bubba!
GUESS WHAT?? That is a tax write off meaning starting in 2002 over $166 billion was not
collected as federal revenue! $166 billion!
2) $2 trillion from a minor event that happened 9/11/2001! and it cost
hundreds of thousands of JOBS, 18,000 businesses.. remember airlines didn't fly for 3 days???
That after 2003 added another $66 billion in REVENUE that wasn't paid to Federal govt.. now $233 billion!
3) Oh obviously you forgot... THE WORST HURRICANE SEASONS!!!! happened 2003 to 2008 another $1 trillion!

Bush added 52,135 jobs EVEN after 9/11, worst hurricane seasons IN history..

total employed gain/loss from previous year
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 Reflected 9/11/2001 BLS found that as of December 29th
there were 408 extended mass layoff events, involving
114,711 workers, directly or indirectly attributed to the attacks.
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000 An estimated 400,000 jobs were lost as a result of Hurricane
Katrina sending the Gulf Coast into a financial crisis.
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000

gain from 2001 to 2008 5,005,000

Average per month 52,135 added each month over 96 months!!!

2009...... 130,807,000 -5,983,000
2010...... 129,818,000 -989,000

SO WHERE dumb.fuc...k>>> in the above YeARS was there EVER a period where" we losing 600,000 jobbs a month "?
The worst year was 2002 where the job loss for the year was an average of 123,750 jobs lost per month!!!
WHERE WAS THERE EVER A period where we were "losing 600,000 jobbs a month"???
Where's your link to prove what you claim is true?

Oh, BTW, it wasn't 600,000 jobs a month lost, it was 750,000!

job losses in late 2008 and early 2009 ended up being much worse than expected. A total of 3.8 million jobs were lost from December 2008 through April 2009, an average of just over 750,000 a month.
Another THREAD erroneously titled Boss threatens workers if they vote for Obama as usual didn't give the whole story!
Here is the message the Boss shared saying he was concerned if Obama re-elected, the boss due to government rules regulations continuing to cost more and more, the boss said he MAY have to let people go to cover the costs!

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best. [...]

Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me. [...]

Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

[[ Editors' Note: Black actress Stacey Dash defends Romney after facing racist attacks: ‘I chose him not by the color of his skin but the content of his character’ ]]

So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

David Siegel

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |
Businesses are sitting on $6 trillion dollars in profits and regulations are no more than they were during the early to mid 90's, when we had 8 years of economic growth.

This "Obama is anti-business" rap, doesn't wash.

So you tell me that when Obama SAYS HE prefers "Single Payer" that doesn't mean
1,300 health insurance companies will STAY in business IF THERE IS ONLY ONE PAYER??

To me when he said that he meant he wanted 1,300 companies to go out of business!

Tell me if this is a Pro business statement...
Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!!
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"
Why would ANY president want any business to go bankrupt?
Again where will the revenue come from that these companies pay in?

WHY in any good sense want a business to go bankrupt???
I mean wouldn't it make more sense to help companies NOT go bankrupt??
Bankruptcy means unemployment. Means NO profits driving employment!
Means NO tax revenue.

So what is there in that statement that DOES NOT show Obama being anti-business??

If you and Obama are such business savvy capitalists WHY then would he say these comments:

And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Why would ANY president want electricity rates to skyrocket???

Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
WHAT? A president WANTS YOU to pay HIGHER gas prices?
So you tell me that when Obama SAYS HE prefers "Single Payer" that doesn't mean
1,300 health insurance companies will STAY in business IF THERE IS ONLY ONE PAYER??

To me when he said that he meant he wanted 1,300 companies to go out of business!

Tell me if this is a Pro business statement...
Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!!
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"
Why would ANY president want any business to go bankrupt?
Again where will the revenue come from that these companies pay in?

WHY in any good sense want a business to go bankrupt???
I mean wouldn't it make more sense to help companies NOT go bankrupt??
Bankruptcy means unemployment. Means NO profits driving employment!
Means NO tax revenue.

So what is there in that statement that DOES NOT show Obama being anti-business??

If you and Obama are such business savvy capitalists WHY then would he say these comments:

And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Why would ANY president want electricity rates to skyrocket???

Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
WHAT? A president WANTS YOU to pay HIGHER gas prices?
Obama didn't say any of that!

If we had a "public option" in the healthcare bill, medical costs would come down as a natural result of the mechanics of capitolism. The more competition, the more competitive businesses must be; the more competitive businesses must be, the more competitive are their prices.
If we had a "public option" in the healthcare bill, medical costs would come down as a natural result of the mechanics of capitolism. The more competition, the more competitive businesses must be; the more competitive businesses must be, the more competitive are their prices.

Then why aren't healthcare costs falling now? Why weren't they falling before Obamacare?
If we had a "public option" in the healthcare bill, medical costs would come down as a natural result of the mechanics of capitolism. The more competition, the more competitive businesses must be; the more competitive businesses must be, the more competitive are their prices.

Then why aren't healthcare costs falling now? Why weren't they falling before Obamacare?

And here's proof that healthcare costs have been going up for quite awhile.
Now I am not a supporter of Obamacare, I just don't like the mandated part at all. But, when total partisan hacks like healthmyths posts his typical partisan bullshit, I just can't help myself.
131% increase in ten years for the cost of healthcare insurance and healthcare insurance mirrors the increased cost of healthcare and this was before Obamacare. The last two years the rise of the cost of healthcare insurance has slowed. :confused:


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So you tell me that when Obama SAYS HE prefers "Single Payer" that doesn't mean
1,300 health insurance companies will STAY in business IF THERE IS ONLY ONE PAYER??

To me when he said that he meant he wanted 1,300 companies to go out of business!

Tell me if this is a pro-business statement...
Obama also said he wants companies to go bankrupt!!!
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"
Why would ANY president want any business to go bankrupt?
Again where will the revenue come from that these companies pay in?

WHY in any good sense want a business to go bankrupt???
I mean wouldn't it make more sense to help companies NOT go bankrupt??
Bankruptcy means unemployment. Means NO profits driving employment!
Means NO tax revenue.

So what is there in that statement that DOES NOT show Obama being anti-business??

If you and Obama are such business savvy capitalists WHY then would he say these comments:

And he went on to say: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Why would ANY president want electricity rates to skyrocket???

Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.."
WHAT? A president WANTS YOU to pay HIGHER gas prices?
Obama didn't say any of that!

If we had a "public option" in the healthcare bill, medical costs would come down as a natural result of the mechanics of capitolism. The more competition, the more competitive businesses must be; the more competitive businesses must be, the more competitive are their prices.

FIRST ALL DUMMY IT IS CAPITALISM not CAPITOLISM!!!! NO WONDER people like you are so ignorant... you don't even know what you are talking about!
Second: Here are the quotes exactly out of Obama's mouth!!!

"Full quote from Obama in 2003:
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
SOURCE:...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -
SO IDIOT... If I wants a single payer THAT MEANS 1,300 health insurance companies go out of BUSINESS!

"So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

DID OBAMA SAY "It's just that it will bankrupt them"???? Why would ANY President want to bankrupt companies??? Unless he is ANTI-BUSINESS!
SEEMS pretty clear to me!

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.
Obama: I’ll make energy prices “skyrocket” « Hot Air

THE IDIOT THINKS HE is being "smart"... "intelligent"... ETC...
HE's just a dumb union organizer! Never had to make a payroll and probably with this totally ignorant comments shows he LIKE YOU in all likelihood
have NO IDEA that employers for example PAY MORE in Social Security (6.2%) taxes and the same 1.45% for Medicare for employees!
AND YOU and that dumb f...k president WANT BUSINESSES to go bankrupt...
WELL YOU and that dumb...f...k... TELL ME!!!
Where if businesses go out of business will ALL of the SS and Medicare and unemployment taxes COME FROM?????
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