Beans may be spreading Covid-19


Gold Member
Aug 24, 2015
Second World
Great. First it was bats and bat meat.
Today it came from stray dogs in WooHoo who ate throw away bat meat and then the mutts gave it to humans.Now this.
Coronavirus 'could be spreading across the globe through farts' claim doctors

Tomorrow: Corona virus experts(2 months experience) have now determined that a popular world food staple is now partially included in the additional risk category for contracting C-19. It's is recommended that all people stop consuming any legumes during this crisis and to run at least 22 feet if even getting a mild whiff of what seems to be a fart.
Experts in Germany are now doing a similar study to see if the generally milder cabbage fart may be complicit in catapulting their cases. A smaller group is checking the same gas emissions to see if beer may be an additional factor due to it's "turbo effect" in catapulting these aromas to extreme distances possibly making recommended social distancing ranges to increase from 2 meters to 6 meters.

**Doctors at USC Berkely have asked pResident tRump for a $ 272,000,911.02 grant to conduct studies on this matter locally and immediately due to the emissions created by the local population who consume both frijoles negro and frijoles rojo, often multiple times daily.
Also noted in the UK article is the possibility that pants may have an effect at filtering these deadly Covid-19 emissions. 3M has said that filtration systems may be a challenge due to the extremely varied sizes and shapes of the human posterior.
X-spurts at USF,SanFran have recommended no rimming or ass eating take place until all of these studies are concluded.

This message brought to you by Won Bored Mofo,PHD(Ace hardware)
Could be Roundup resistant beans aka GMO, (genetically modified organism).
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Great. First it was bats and bat meat.
Today it came from stray dogs in WooHoo who ate throw away bat meat and then the mutts gave it to humans.Now this.
Coronavirus 'could be spreading across the globe through farts' claim doctors

Tomorrow: Corona virus experts(2 months experience) have now determined that a popular world food staple is now partially included in the additional risk category for contracting C-19. It's is recommended that all people stop consuming any legumes during this crisis and to run at least 22 feet if even getting a mild whiff of what seems to be a fart.
Experts in Germany are now doing a similar study to see if the generally milder cabbage fart may be complicit in catapulting their cases. A smaller group is checking the same gas emissions to see if beer may be an additional factor due to it's "turbo effect" in catapulting these aromas to extreme distances possibly making recommended social distancing ranges to increase from 2 meters to 6 meters.

**Doctors at USC Berkely have asked pResident tRump for a $ 272,000,911.02 grant to conduct studies on this matter locally and immediately due to the emissions created by the local population who consume both frijoles negro and frijoles rojo, often multiple times daily.
Also noted in the UK article is the possibility that pants may have an effect at filtering these deadly Covid-19 emissions. 3M has said that filtration systems may be a challenge due to the extremely varied sizes and shapes of the human posterior.
X-spurts at USF,SanFran have recommended no rimming or ass eating take place until all of these studies are concluded.

This message brought to you by Won Bored Mofo,PHD(Ace hardware)

I knew my farts were deadly and hell...
I don't eat beans much unless you count coffee beans or cocoa beans, both of which are the most commonly contaminated food products in the U.S.A. since 2010. And although these food products can be proven to be contaminated in nearly all instances of large retail, the FDA hasn't addressed this and hasn't taken action to end the contamination.
Great. First it was bats and bat meat.
Today it came from stray dogs in WooHoo who ate throw away bat meat and then the mutts gave it to humans.Now this.
Coronavirus 'could be spreading across the globe through farts' claim doctors

Tomorrow: Corona virus experts(2 months experience) have now determined that a popular world food staple is now partially included in the additional risk category for contracting C-19. It's is recommended that all people stop consuming any legumes during this crisis and to run at least 22 feet if even getting a mild whiff of what seems to be a fart.
Experts in Germany are now doing a similar study to see if the generally milder cabbage fart may be complicit in catapulting their cases. A smaller group is checking the same gas emissions to see if beer may be an additional factor due to it's "turbo effect" in catapulting these aromas to extreme distances possibly making recommended social distancing ranges to increase from 2 meters to 6 meters.

**Doctors at USC Berkely have asked pResident tRump for a $ 272,000,911.02 grant to conduct studies on this matter locally and immediately due to the emissions created by the local population who consume both frijoles negro and frijoles rojo, often multiple times daily.
Also noted in the UK article is the possibility that pants may have an effect at filtering these deadly Covid-19 emissions. 3M has said that filtration systems may be a challenge due to the extremely varied sizes and shapes of the human posterior.
X-spurts at USF,SanFran have recommended no rimming or ass eating take place until all of these studies are concluded.

This message brought to you by Won Bored Mofo,PHD(Ace hardware)

The Daily Star? Man-O-man Disee y me likee u MonkeyBoy .... maybe! :D

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