Be proud you are in USA, we just had our daily 15 min. update from the PM, 5-6 questions


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I watched Trump stand at the podium for 2 hours, then sit on a stream for many hours taking questions from governors.

I don't dislike Canada, though the lying, self serving covert police have destroyed my life, I provide the facts:

Of such few questions allowed, during an emergency, Such important questions among them:

"Will Canadian athletes still be going to the Olympics"

Two questions on "why the change in "irregular" migration being turned back to the U.S and vice versa"/

A couple of questions about ramping up industry to meet demand.

Not ONE question about the stimulus package for Canadians and businesses which most feel is narrow and focused on certain industries. Nothing asked about banks who have been avoiding helping Canadian with their mortgage issues as some are making it difficult to qualify for.

Be happy you live in America, Canada is NOT your ally by most measures. I speak from personal experience being abused by the state, we certainly don't share the qualities of civil liberties, transparency or the like. I wouldn't even be surprised if Canada pushed to shut down the border because they know Canadians are going to flee as some would Cuba 40 years ago.

It's astonishing to watch. Even state run CBC has a difficult time trying to put lipstick on this situation. Canadians are angry and left in the dark with little help. Such a national emergency, as it does with all socialist nations; exposes what is really going on for all to see (and for which I have learned the hard way).
Fuck Canada
No offense to you

Is that backhanded foreplay? LOL

Canada has to be better. From our Toronto Police on out. This emergency has exposed a great number of issues, just go to CBC and read the comments.

This is why I always believe, you want expansive government and to be dependent on them, then when the chips are down, what do you get?

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