BDS and "The Color Purple."

Agrexco no longer exists, telling the world everything about the truth here.
The mark of the dogmatic propagandist.

Ignoring REALITY in favor of what you WANT it to be.

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Desmond Tutu, who remains active in his BDS work was just honored with an award by an international Christian organization. "The former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu is known for using his position within the church in the 1970s and 1980s to bring an end to the apartheid policies in South Africa. He chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1990s, which helped the country to overcome divisions and make a transition to democracy.Tutu has advocated for human rights, climate justice and dialogue worldwide. He engaged with the WCC on issues of violence, racism and in promoting Christian unity." WCC general secretary congratulates Desmond Tutu on receiving Templeton Prize ? World Council of Churches
Frau Sherri can post all of her Arab and Leftist propaganda she likes, but I think I will take the word of non Jews who are living or have lived in Israel who say there is no apartheid there. Meanwhile, those Muslim women sure like to throw Israeli products into their shopping carts when they are in Middle East markets here in America. Perhaps Frau Sherri can get away from her computer for a while and stand outside some Middle East market in her own area and tell these Muslim women how bad, bad, bad Israel is and that they shouldn't be buying Israeli goods. Think of all the fresh air she would get.

A myth-illogical apartheid
et al,

I'm not cognizant of what recent event SherriMunnerlyn has been involved, that has warranted action; but, in her General Defense, I would like to say:

SherriMunnerlyn is a passionate protagonist to many of us. But, she is a needed voice in much of the discussions we have on the various topics and aspects pertaining to the issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (I-PC). I know that I have often (most of the time) found myself on the opposite end of the spectrum (more times then there are stars in the sky) when it comes to specifics. It has been on very rare occasions that I have found myself even in marginal agreement with any position she has taken. Yet, it is important to all of us, I think, that we understand that we should allow the dissenting views to be heard.

In fairness, we all know that neither side (pro-Palestinian or pro-Israeli) has a corner on the market in truth, fairness, honesty, and character. As I have said many times, neither side has clean hands.

A year and a half ago, I was one that straddled the fence. In many respects, I still do on some aspects of the I-PC. But there were several people that in their passionate presentations of their views, that I was pushed to one side - off the rail and firmly on the ground to one side of the issues. It was largely (although not entirely) through SherriMunnerlyn's views that I made that decision; actually changing my views.

You don't have to agree with SherriMunnerlyn, but the views she sets before us are not unique. Just recently (I should say October 2012), the fourth session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine [(RToP) is a court of the people (NGO), a Tribunal of conscience created in reaction to injustices and violations of international law that are not dealt with by existing international jurisdictions] met in NYC. It set its findings before the UN Human Rights Council. It set the tone, outlining the "Israeli breaches of international (law) towards Palestine and Palestinians and the responsibility of its ally" ( A/HRC/22/NGO/6 11 February 2013). It is actually sounded, in many respects, like the voice of SherriMunnerlyn. It is important that we understand the scope and nature of the grievances being made on behalf of the Palestinian. And SherriMunnerlyn has been, if nothing else, a pulse on that information outlet; a voice we should be careful not to suppress even if it hurts us.

Just My Opinion.

It's not so much what she says, but HOW she says it.
If you read her posts enough times, she repeatedly calls the IDF Baby-killers and Nazis. At least once a day ! She constantly gets caught up in her own lies.

Then there are her two famous threads which got moved to the Badlands:

Rocco, I recommend you open the second link I posted, and read all of her posts in that thread. Then get back to me
Wave of Pop Stars Defy Boycotters to Perform in Israel
More and more pop stars flock to Tel Aviv for first-time performances in Israel; unlike in previous years, stars refuse to bow to BDS.

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/6/2013, 5:14 PM

Several pop stars have reportedly planned for Tel Aviv tour stops in the upcoming year, in a clear failure for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement - a network of anti-Israel extremists who have been pushing celebrities to boycott the Jewish state.

Among the planned appearances include Julio Iglesias, set to play in Tel Aviv on November 24; Cyndi Lauper, on January 4, 2014; and Justin Timberlake in May 2014. Beyonce is also expected to perform in Tel Aviv sometime this summer, though dates are as yet unconfirmed, several travel sites report.

The announcements follow a wave of other recent celebrity and music legend visits to Israel. Just this week, Paula Abdul celebrated a Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall and met with President Shimon Peres. Alicia Keys and Rihanna have also made Israel appearances this year.

International music stars seem to be increasingly interested in the Israeli market, bucking persistent BDS efforts to encourage celebrities to snub Tel Aviv in solidarity with anti-Israel sentiments. While several bands in years past have famously booked concerts in Israel and then cancelled - including Elvis Costello and Carlos Santana - not only are celebrities flocking to Israel, but some are even publicly snubbing BDS protests.

One example is Welsh musician Tom Jones, who British news outlets reported suffered particularly virulent BDS attacks for agreeing to play in Tel Aviv. Jones categorically rejected BDS claims, playing in Tel Aviv as scheduled last month.

Even hardened anti-Israel bands seem to be joining the neutrality trend; Coldplay - who caused public outrage with anti-Semitic footage in videos and a "Free Palestine" link in a prominent music video - unceremoniously removed the link sometime in early 2012.

Pop Stars to Perform in Israel, Defying Boycotters - Music - News - Israel National News
Wave of Pop Stars Defy Boycotters to Perform in Israel
More and more pop stars flock to Tel Aviv for first-time performances in Israel; unlike in previous years, stars refuse to bow to BDS.

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/6/2013, 5:14 PM

Several pop stars have reportedly planned for Tel Aviv tour stops in the upcoming year, in a clear failure for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement - a network of anti-Israel extremists who have been pushing celebrities to boycott the Jewish state.

Among the planned appearances include Julio Iglesias, set to play in Tel Aviv on November 24; Cyndi Lauper, on January 4, 2014; and Justin Timberlake in May 2014. Beyonce is also expected to perform in Tel Aviv sometime this summer, though dates are as yet unconfirmed, several travel sites report.

The announcements follow a wave of other recent celebrity and music legend visits to Israel. Just this week, Paula Abdul celebrated a Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall and met with President Shimon Peres. Alicia Keys and Rihanna have also made Israel appearances this year.

International music stars seem to be increasingly interested in the Israeli market, bucking persistent BDS efforts to encourage celebrities to snub Tel Aviv in solidarity with anti-Israel sentiments. While several bands in years past have famously booked concerts in Israel and then cancelled - including Elvis Costello and Carlos Santana - not only are celebrities flocking to Israel, but some are even publicly snubbing BDS protests.

One example is Welsh musician Tom Jones, who British news outlets reported suffered particularly virulent BDS attacks for agreeing to play in Tel Aviv. Jones categorically rejected BDS claims, playing in Tel Aviv as scheduled last month.

Even hardened anti-Israel bands seem to be joining the neutrality trend; Coldplay - who caused public outrage with anti-Semitic footage in videos and a "Free Palestine" link in a prominent music video - unceremoniously removed the link sometime in early 2012.

Pop Stars to Perform in Israel, Defying Boycotters - Music - News - Israel National News
Another perspective on those who $ing for settler-colonialism:

"'Music speaks its mind and knows no borders,' says a video on the CCFP home page. “'Music is our gift to each other … Don’t let Israel’s detractors politicize art.'

"Through this message, CCFP hopes to convince artists that performing in Israel during a boycott does not mean taking a political position.

"But CCFP is actually a front for StandWithUs, the notorious right-wing pro-settler organization that works closely with the Israeli Foreign Ministry. And CCFP provides cover for StandWithUs to fight cultural boycott without exposing its own political pro-Israel agenda.

"An article in the Jewish Daily Forward, published online Tuesday, hints at the ties between CCFP and StandWithUs and claims that CCFP 'partnered with StandWithUs' for tax-exempt purposes while awaiting approval of its own nonprofit registration. However, this explanation is inadequate."

'Apolitical' arts organization is front group for StandWithUs
Just recently (I should say October 2012), the fourth session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine [(RToP) is a court of the people (NGO), a Tribunal of conscience created in reaction to injustices and violations of international law that are not dealt with by existing international jurisdictions] met in NYC.
Ah, another special-interst busybody.
"On Monday November 7, I attended the post Tribunal press conference. Organisers of the Russell Tribunal recognised me from a different press conference last week where I asked a question about Hamas’ violations of human rights. When attempting to ask a question this time, the organisers called me a “serious heckler” and a “Zionist activist”.
The first accusation is patently untrue, as I did not engage in any heckling whatsoever. As to the second accusation, I have no problem wearing this title. However, their labelling of me as a “Zionist activist” was their attempt to delegitimise my argument and me as a person. This is not only against any democratic convention, it is contrary to the stated intention of the Russell Tribunal itself - which is hears all evidence and seek the truth.
Simply for asking an uncomfortable question, which apparently did not fit with the agenda of the Tribunal, I was forcibly removed from the Russell Tribunal's official press conference. Not only was I not allowed to ask any questions, but in attempting to raise issues of concern, I was thrown to the floor, dragged out of the conference and threatened with more violence."...
docmauser1, et al,

Many of the special interest assemblies are one-sided; used as reenforcement mechanisms to promote their own cause. They are not intended for debate, but merely self-recognition.

Just recently (I should say October 2012), the fourth session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine [(RToP) is a court of the people (NGO), a Tribunal of conscience created in reaction to injustices and violations of international law that are not dealt with by existing international jurisdictions] met in NYC.

Ah, another special-interst busybody.

"On Monday November 7, I attended the post Tribunal press conference. Organisers of the Russell Tribunal recognised me from a different press conference last week where I asked a question about Hamas’ violations of human rights. When attempting to ask a question this time, the organisers called me a “serious heckler” and a “Zionist activist”.
The first accusation is patently untrue, as I did not engage in any heckling whatsoever. As to the second accusation, I have no problem wearing this title. However, their labelling of me as a “Zionist activist” was their attempt to delegitimise my argument and me as a person. This is not only against any democratic convention, it is contrary to the stated intention of the Russell Tribunal itself - which is hears all evidence and seek the truth.
Simply for asking an uncomfortable question, which apparently did not fit with the agenda of the Tribunal, I was forcibly removed from the Russell Tribunal's official press conference. Not only was I not allowed to ask any questions, but in attempting to raise issues of concern, I was thrown to the floor, dragged out of the conference and threatened with more violence."...


The RToP is a Kangaroo Court. They even call themselves a "jury." You cannot expect to hear both sides of the issue in such an environment. They have an agenda and stick to that agenda, the verdict is predetermined with no chance for a defense or opposing view to be heard.

Most Respectfully,
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It's not so much what she says, but HOW she says it...
And how intolerant she is of the opinions of others who disagree with her...

And how viciously she attacks those advocates of opposing opinion...

And how disingenuously and obtusely she presents jaded, opaque, lop-sided, cherry-picked renderings and interpretations, while hiding behind a shield of Literalism and Spin-Doctored Technicalities...

Having strong advocates of opposing viewpoints on such gripping issues is one thing...

Allowing a dogmatic extremist to spew propaganda Goebbels-style all day long - unchallenged and uncriticized - is quite another...

Not to mention the Irritation Factor in dealing with obsessive-compulsive Guardhouse Lawyer personality manifestations...

If the broader Israel-Palestine online debate here could be attributable to a baseball game, and if the object of this sidebar was a pitcher, the Manager would probably call 'time' and bring-in a relief pitcher from the bullpen, 'cause the one at the mound has been throwin' 'em in the dirt for quite some time now, and walking so many batters that its tenure on the mound has become something of a joke, for both teams, and the crowd watching the game...

We've all got our strong points and weak points, and things we do that others enjoy, and things we do that annoy and offend others...

Some of us just weigh a bit more on one side of that scale than others...

Some of us have far more difficulty in admitting our own faults and negative characteristics than others...

Some of us are even totally blind to them...

Some of us are aware of them but just don't care, because the Propaganda Mission is everything, and the rest are just means to an end...

Give the majority of your colleagues credit, Rocco, for knowing and appreciating the difference between a challenging and sincere and persistent voice of opposition, and a disingenuous obsessive-compulsive propaganda faucet...

That said, it was a decent piece on your part, and you get a 'Thanks' and 'Rep' from me for Style and Courage on that one, if not Accuracy...
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docmauser1, et al,

Many of the special interest assemblies are one-sided; used as reenforcement mechanisms to promote their own cause. They are not intended for debate, but merely self-recognition.

Just recently (I should say October 2012), the fourth session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine [(RToP) is a court of the people (NGO), a Tribunal of conscience created in reaction to injustices and violations of international law that are not dealt with by existing international jurisdictions] met in NYC.

Ah, another special-interst busybody.

"On Monday November 7, I attended the post Tribunal press conference. Organisers of the Russell Tribunal recognised me from a different press conference last week where I asked a question about Hamas’ violations of human rights. When attempting to ask a question this time, the organisers called me a “serious heckler” and a “Zionist activist”.
The first accusation is patently untrue, as I did not engage in any heckling whatsoever. As to the second accusation, I have no problem wearing this title. However, their labelling of me as a “Zionist activist” was their attempt to delegitimise my argument and me as a person. This is not only against any democratic convention, it is contrary to the stated intention of the Russell Tribunal itself - which is hears all evidence and seek the truth.
Simply for asking an uncomfortable question, which apparently did not fit with the agenda of the Tribunal, I was forcibly removed from the Russell Tribunal's official press conference. Not only was I not allowed to ask any questions, but in attempting to raise issues of concern, I was thrown to the floor, dragged out of the conference and threatened with more violence."...


The RToP is a Kangaroo Court. They even call themselves a "jury." You cannot expect to hear both sides of the issue in such an environment. They have an agenda and stick to that agenda, the verdict is predetermined with no chance for a defense or opposing view to be heard.

Most Respectfully,

The Jury


Alice Walker, author and poet, USA


John Dugard, Profesor of International Law, Former Special rapporteur for both UN Commission on Human Rights and International Law Commission


Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace laureate 1976, Northern Ireland


Gisèle Halimi, lawyer, former Ambassador to UNESCO, France


Ronald Kasrils, writer, activist and former government minister, South Africa


Michael Manfield, Queens Council, Master of the Bench, Greys Inn; Professor of Law, City University, London; Fellow of Law, University of Kent; President of the Haldane Society and Amicus; practising Human Rights lawyer for 45 years.


José Antonio Martin Pallin, emeritus judge, Chamber II, Supreme Court, Spain


Cynthia McKinney, former member of the US Congress and 2008 presidential candidate, Green Party, USA


Alberto San Juan, actor, Spain


Aminata Traoré, author and former Minister of Culture of Mali


Yasmin Sooka, Foundation for Human Rights


Lord Anthony Gifford, British hereditary peer and senior barrister


Angela Davis, American political activist, scholar and author.


Dennis Banks, activist and writer, co-founder of American Indian Movement


Miguel Angel Estrella, Argentine Pianist and UNESCO goodwill ambassador


Stephane Hessel, Ambassadeur de France and former French resistant


Roger Waters is a founding member of the band Pink Floyd; a songwriter, bass guitar player and vocalist

Ii looks like a wide variety of outstanding people to me.
"...Ii looks like a wide variety of outstanding people to me."
Funny how different people see different things.

Looks like a lunatic-asylum of Leftists, Actors, Ambulance-Chasers and Professional Bureaucrats to me...

A regular Socialist Circle-Jerk Paradise of Foregone Conclusions...

All it took was seeing Angela Davis on the list, to start making me chuckle...
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