BBC reporter asks Yemeni, why do they support Palestine..

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of Yemen's Houthi supreme revolutionary committee, on Monday, justified his involvement in the ongoing Israel-Gaza war. In an interview with the BBC, al-Houthi also said the organisation could not openly support Palestine or they "will be fired."

Upon being asked about Houthi's involvement despite being "miles away from Gaza", the official said, "So, is Biden Netanyahu's neighbor? Does the French president live on the same floor? Does the British prime minister live in the same building with them?"

The official was also asked about the aim of all of their strikes and if it helped them achieve anything.

Responding, Mohammed al-Houthi said, "If we achieved nothing, so why is America calling for an alliance against us?"

The official also ruled out "not causing any harm to Israel".

"On what information do you rely that we do not cause any harm? While they themselves talk about what is happening in their ports. You should know that our actions are effective," he said.

On being asked if Houthi's strikes were aimed at reviving its weak popularity inside Yemen, al-Houthi said, "Whoever says that we want to revive our popularity, let them say so. Whoever says we do not have legitimacy, let them say so. If we did not have legitimacy, we would not be able to confront 17 countries, including Britain, America, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE."

The official further claimed, "The tone has remained with the BBC from 2015 until today, and they say we do not have legitimacy. The Yemini people stand with us in this matter, against aggression."

"The superiority of Israel is in your heads in the BBC. You made a big giant of Israel in your heads and you think its army is undefeatable," he told the BBC on being asked if the Houthi is "able to counter Israel's potentially violent response".

"You yourself know you cannot support the Palestine and you don't speak freely about what is happening in occupied Palestine. You in Britain well know that if you support or take the Palestinian side, you will be fired," he said.

Houthis, who control much of Yemen, have launched drones and missiles at more than 20 ships since November 19, saying that in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, they were targeting vessels with Israeli links or were sailing to Israel.

However, many vessels have had no Israeli connection and were not bound for Israeli ports, and major shipping lines have suspended their operations through the Red Sea, news agency Reuters reported.
Guess the woman was given a list of points prepared by a useless editor .
But BBC is generally as meddlesome as the US and very highly politicised .
It is full of those young Guardian types that Turdy Tainted relies on but are recruited straight out of University for being bright but stupid and very gullible .
The only thing that Shia Muslims are capable of doing is hate. They are seventh century primitives who would still be living in caves if westerners had not discovered oil under their land.
Love to hear a full blown Racist and someone also haemorrhaging panic .Hilarious .

I suppose it is bad upbringing and very indifferent education that throws these misfits into view .
The only thing that Shia Muslims are capable of doing is hate. They are seventh century primitives who would still be living in caves if westerners had not discovered oil under their land.
The Houthis aren't Shia.
The only thing that Shia Muslims are capable of doing is hate. They are seventh century primitives who would still be living in caves if westerners had not discovered oil under their land.

Do you know any Shia Muslims?

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