Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

No wonder he never made general.
"The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over, all of the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the Southeast of 30 or 40,000 of them, and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them."

Col. Douglas MacGregor, February 27, 2022
Why? the UAF has far more men in the field (more then double and all super NATO trained), then the RF and it's weaponry is more or less in the same quantity league as those of the RF - and/or certainly superior to the Russian fielded hardware to equalize on quantity figures. Could it be that the UAF (Zelinsky) and Western Media propagated military accounts and e.g. (RF all calling home to mama and complaining) and loss statistics are exaggerated/falsified Bull....? especially in regards to those of the UAF? just saying
Strange, above you wrote that Ukraine didn't have strategic and tactical abilities to do that, and now you are asking 'why'.

Because the Russians mobilized some of their reserves, shortened the front-line, engineered their positions. They prepared for this possible move.

Maybe you know that the last big Ukrainian counter-offensive, in Kherson direction, was done with great difficulty and with high casualties. The only thing that made it successful was cutting off Russians supply routs over the Dnieper.

The possible new offensive, in Melitopol-Berdyansk direction, doesn't have this advantage. It is basically the steppe.

I don't believe in a major offensive in this direction. Maybe some counter-offensives will be carried our, but they can bring only tactical advances. Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Marinka, maybe some advance in Zaporizhzhia region.
Strange, above you wrote that Ukraine didn't have strategic and tactical abilities to do that, and now you are asking 'why'.
Nothing strange really - independent of not having shown strategic and tactical abilities so far, (aside from Kharkiv) I had already hinted at another reason to you - losses.
Ukraine simply or rather Zelinsky politically, can't afford high losses - therefore the endless false propaganda via Ukraine and that of the Western Media.

E.g. Jewgeni Prigoschin is a nobody, he takes and gets his orders from the Russian MoD and the GUR. It was and is the UAF and the Western Media that started and continues to highlight these Wagner troops in the first place - not Russia, super important, super trained etc. etc. Naturally the FSB and GUR will take advantage of this and construe "dissatisfaction" between Prigoschin, Putin and the Russian MoD.
Ukraine and the Western Media then immediately jump onto that nonsense and again propagate false information, trying to highlight the end of e.g. RF offensives or highlights chances for UAF victory, due to Prigoschin being unhappy or running out of troops, etc. etc.

So the UAF and the Western Media does everything they can think off to maintain the foremost Ukrainian peoples support towards this ridiculous war - why?
IMO, a country that is honestly defending it's sovereignty and democracy and has a capable military (which the UAF, NATO and the Western Media endlessly highlight) - is not in need for that kind of propaganda.

Well, maybe Ukrainians are simply like this e.g. due to culture and traditions - you would/should know better then me.
The OP headline by Skye is …
“Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia.”

Of course the battle — and the war — is not yet “won” by either side. Yet ten USMB members gave this false OP statement an enthusiastic “thumbs up.” Why? Why do they “jump the gun”? Do they just want reactionary Russia to win?

Many of these types are blinded by their party partisanship. They want Russia to take this city in order to humiliate the Biden Administration, NATO, Ukraine and ultimately “liberal democracy” itself in Europe. They are rooting for Putin’s anti-liberal dictatorship, at least subliminally.

All the talk of NATO & U.S. hypocrisy and our government’s own wars to control oil and petrodollars in the Middle East, of the U.S. wanting to remain top dog in a changing world and having military bases all over the globe … is absolutely true. It is, imo, even true that our country’s historic bipartisan policy toward Ukraine & Ukrainian nationalism (& Russia) has been flawed for decades.

But the genuine “Left” and many liberals too opposed U.S. wars, overseas adventures and occupations, starting with Vietnam and right up through Iraq and Afghanistan, while most Republicans were from the start busy waving American flags & supporting those imperial adventures out of mistaken “patriotism.”

Now, finally, when Russia is actually bombing and invading an independent country to satisfy its own brutal imperial pretensions in Europe, while we are only providing military and financial aid to Ukraine, a significant part of the MAGA right actually roots for Putin.

Why? Because the “Liberal Demonrats” are now in power, and authoritarians and reactionaries have a lot of “cultural” baggage in common. It is partisan insanity.

This is not to say there should not be discussions of limits to the kind of military assistance we should provide, or of what sort of final geographical borders may be accepted if both sides become exhausted and are willing to stop the fighting at some point. In fact, those would be healthy and sober discussions … compared to the ones we generally have here.
Bahmut cauldron is basically closed.

Yup, for all intent and purposes the Bakhmud cauldron is basically closed now!

But that doesn't come as any surprise, we knew that long before!
Any dem would have taken the same nazi route. That is why POSPOTUS needs to be removed. An intelligent view of a situation on the verge of nuclear war:
Douglas Macgregor

Another amazing interview by Colonel McGregor~:clap: he is always spot on! Bravo Colonel!
Another amazing interview by Colonel McGregor~:clap: he is always spot on! Bravo Colonel!
Another absolutely ridiculous and disproven post by Skye. Macgregor has been utterly wrong in his military views about the war from the very beginning …
Three days after the war began, he said "The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over," and predicted "If [Ukraine] don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them." Macgregor said he believed Russia should be allowed to seize whatever parts of Ukraine it wanted. In his second appearance, he revised his prediction: "The first five days Russian forces I think frankly were too gentle. They've now corrected that. So, I would say another 10 days this should be completely over...
— excerpted from Wikipedia
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The OP headline by Skye is …
“Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia.”

Many of these types are blinded by their party partisanship. They want Russia to take this city in order to humiliate the Biden Administration, NATO, Ukraine and ultimately “liberal democracy” itself in Europe. They are rooting for Putin’s anti-liberal dictatorship, at least subliminally.
All the talk of NATO & U.S. hypocrisy and our government’s own wars to control oil and petrodollars in the Middle East, of the U.S. wanting to remain top dog in a changing world and having military bases all over the globe … is absolutely true. It is, imo, even true that our country’s historic bipartisan policy toward Ukraine & Ukrainian nationalism (& Russia) has been flawed for decades.
But the genuine “Left” and many liberals too opposed U.S. wars, overseas adventures and occupations, starting with Vietnam and right up through Iraq and Afghanistan, while most Republicans were from the start busy waving American flags & supporting those imperial adventures out of mistaken “patriotism.”
Now, finally, when Russia is actually bombing and invading an independent country to satisfy its own brutal imperial pretensions in Europe,
Disagree - since 1990 and respectively since 2000 (Putin) Russia had been involved in two minor conflicts - one due to Muslim terrorists and one in regards to supporting separatists in a Georgian breakaway province. NATO wooing Georgia is simply a bad idea. same goes for Ukraine. Now the USA and NATO since 1990 and respectively 2000 have been in several wars, that resulted in endless wars and total chaos and destruction in those countries.
So to interpret Putin's action towards only one country (where the reasons are obvious) - to be brutal imperial pretensions - simply doesn't stick. That's pure Western Media aka NATO hype.
Why? Because the “Liberal Demonrats” are now in power, and authoritarians and reactionaries have a lot of “cultural” baggage in common. It is partisan insanity.
This is not to say there should not be discussions of limits to the kind of military assistance we should provide, or of what sort of final geographical borders may be accepted if both sides become exhausted and are willing to stop the fighting at some point. In fact, those would be healthy and sober discussions … compared to the ones we generally have here.
Nothing strange really - independent of not having shown strategic and tactical abilities so far, (aside from Kharkiv) I had already hinted at another reason to you - losses.
Ukraine simply or rather Zelinsky politically, can't afford high losses - therefore the endless false propaganda via Ukraine and that of the Western Media.

E.g. Jewgeni Prigoschin is a nobody, he takes and gets his orders from the Russian MoD and the GUR. It was and is the UAF and the Western Media that started and continues to highlight these Wagner troops in the first place - not Russia, super important, super trained etc. etc. Naturally the FSB and GUR will take advantage of this and construe "dissatisfaction" between Prigoschin, Putin and the Russian MoD.
Ukraine and the Western Media then immediately jump onto that nonsense and again propagate false information, trying to highlight the end of e.g. RF offensives or highlights chances for UAF victory, due to Prigoschin being unhappy or running out of troops, etc. etc.

So the UAF and the Western Media does everything they can think off to maintain the foremost Ukrainian peoples support towards this ridiculous war - why?
IMO, a country that is honestly defending it's sovereignty and democracy and has a capable military (which the UAF, NATO and the Western Media endlessly highlight) - is not in need for that kind of propaganda.

Well, maybe Ukrainians are simply like this e.g. due to culture and traditions - you would/should know better then me.
We don't know true figures about the loses, every side proposes their figures but hardly they can be trusted. What can be said almost for sure is that the loses are high for the both sides.

But if say 100 000 lost servicemen is quite bearable figure for Russia, the same number for Ukraine is significant social and political factor.

Popularity (if this word is correct in this case) of Prigozhyn is based on his activity on Internet platforms and his ability to create a structure that really brings viable results. Virtually the only one in the Russian army structure. But I wouldn't say that he gets too much attention in Ukraine.
Ukraine nazis think they're solving two problems when they target "volunteers" who speak Russian. Zachistka ('cleansing operation'):
^^^ the desperation of Zelensky and his thugs is showing!

Oh well, they will have to face reality sooner or later!:dunno:
Ukraine nazis think they're solving two problems when they target "volunteers" who speak Russian. Zachistka ('cleansing operation'):

It is always amusing to see Putinheads complain about cruelty after a full day of Russia bombing apartment buildings, schools and hospitals.

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