Basically Someone Can Release Anthrax in the White House and Never Get Caught

It was found in an area the public is not allowed in, Dufus.
Yawn, from the same article.

"The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

"What I wanted to be very clear is that this is a heavily, heavily trafficked, heavily traveled, to be more accurate, area of the campus of the White House," Jean-Pierre told reporters Wednesday. "It is where visitors to the West Wing come through.”
You are lying. Either on purpose or your media outlets lied to you and you were gullable enough to simply believe it.

They never said it was Russian disinformation; they said it had the appearance of Russian disinformation.
Bullshit they knew that the laptop was real and Russian collusion was a lie from the beginning. Fact is they lied to influence an election, which is against the law.
Bullshit they knew that the laptop was real and Russian collusion was a lie from the beginning. Fact is they lied to influence an election, which is against the law.
Link where they said they knew it was real.

You are ignorant. It's hard to debate people who are so lacking in understanding.

It was never about "collusion".

Collusion is not a federal crime.

It was about potential "coordination" between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The Mueller investigation was a republican investigation, not a Democrat one.

Durham investigated Republicans own investigation and recommended no indictments.

Mueller found multiple examples of obstruction from Trump but would not charge a sitting president.

Congress found out Manafort gave Russians internal polling information.

When you get an indictment based on legal facts instead of right wing talking points from the same, get back to me.

Anything else is you throwing a temper tantrum.

In the interim, quit deflecting. The Mueller report is over. It's time to move on. It's not healthy to cling to the past. It's like one long meltdown. Take some deep breaths and everything will be fine.
Link where they said they knew it was real.

You are ignorant. It's hard to debate people who are so lacking in understanding.

It was never about "collusion".

Collusion is not a federal crime.

It was about potential "coordination" between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The Mueller investigation was a republican investigation, not a Democrat one.

Durham investigated Republicans own investigation and recommended no indictments.

Mueller found multiple examples of obstruction from Trump but would not charge a sitting president.

Congress found out Manafort gave Russians internal polling information.

When you get an indictment based on legal facts instead of right wing talking points from the same, get back to me.

Anything else is you throwing a temper tantrum.

In the interim, quit deflecting. The Mueller report is over. It's time to move on. It's not healthy to cling to the past. It's like one long meltdown. Take some deep breaths and everything will be fine.
They had the laptop in 2019, they knew it was real. Our government is corrupt on your side. That's why you don't care. But it could turn and your stupid ass won't be able to do anything.
They had the laptop in 2019, they knew it was real. Our government is corrupt on your side. That's why you don't care. But it could turn and your stupid ass won't be able to do anything.
Link me where Trump's FBI said it was real.

You telling me what you think Trump's FBI knew, is not enough.
Joe and Hunter snorting cocaine. Good quality pure coke. Poor Peasants in the day snorted crank as it was the poor man's coke if they experimented with drugs. Hunter is in his 35th year of experimenting. Of course, Joe is much longer. When the girl scout troop entered the White House oval office with all the coke on the desk Joe spouted, "Say hello to my little friend!" This is not about attacking Joe and his family as much as Joe and his family has attacked others and gotten away with it for decades as the government is a tyrannical organization now where questions of integrity are locked and accusations to those who are not in agreement are pushed.
Link where they said they knew it was real.

You are ignorant. It's hard to debate people who are so lacking in understanding.

It was never about "collusion".

Collusion is not a federal crime.

It was about potential "coordination" between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The Mueller investigation was a republican investigation, not a Democrat one.

Durham investigated Republicans own investigation and recommended no indictments.

Mueller found multiple examples of obstruction from Trump but would not charge a sitting president.

Congress found out Manafort gave Russians internal polling information.

When you get an indictment based on legal facts instead of right wing talking points from the same, get back to me.

Anything else is you throwing a temper tantrum.

In the interim, quit deflecting. The Mueller report is over. It's time to move on. It's not healthy to cling to the past. It's like one long meltdown. Take some deep breaths and everything will be fine.
Congratulations, you're a pretzel.
Yawn, from the same article.

"The sources maintain that the area is highly trafficked, in keeping with Jean-Pierre's characterization Wednesday. The area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

"What I wanted to be very clear is that this is a heavily, heavily trafficked, heavily traveled, to be more accurate, area of the campus of the White House," Jean-Pierre told reporters Wednesday. "It is where visitors to the West Wing come through.”
Tourists can leave their coats, phones and crack inside a WH closet?
Basically there are cocaine parties in Joe Potatohead's White House and somebody forgot to take the left overs home.
The Secret Service's responsibility is to protect the President. I doubt they could give a poop about a small bag of cocaine. They are not narcotics officers or any type of general law enforcement officers.
The Secret Service's responsibility is to protect the President. I doubt they could give a poop about a small bag of cocaine. They are not narcotics officers or any type of general law enforcement officers.
We need to know who's it was, if it was Hunter's, that means he broke his agreement to stay off drugs. Means prison time, any other American would go to jail.
We need to know who's it was, if it was Hunter's, that means he broke his agreement to stay off drugs. Means prison time, any other American would go to jail.

Yet you have NOTHING that indicates that this was left by Hunter. Just some wild MAGGOT fantasy.

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