Basic Gun Safety for the anti-gun extremists who now want guns because the police can't or won't help.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

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Gun Control- hit what you aim at. It's better to use 2 hands.

The number of NICS checks involving gun sales was 2.3 million in March. There is no month that comes even close to these sales, even when sales were booming during the Obama presidency. Compare it to March 2019 where the sales were 1.2 million or March 2018 where the sales were 1.4 million — so last month was a 91% or 64% increases over those comparable months. It is also up from 1.2 million in February, 1.1 million in January, and 1.49 in December (note Decembers are usually the highest month).

Some are incorrectly stating that the number sales is 3.7 million, but that includes background checks that have nothing to do with the sale of guns (e.g., it includes background checks on concealed handgun permit holders that are done monthly in some states to see if they have committed a crime and thus must lose their permit). The correct number is 2.3 million, which is still a big increase. That number is obtained by adding up the handgun, long gun, other and multiple NICS checks in the NICS check report that breaks out background checks by type of check.
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocholyces movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?
How about pResident me exec order 403 ?
No new gun sales unless you already have a minimum of 2 already registered in 2019 or before.Extra 10% ammo discount for those with 3 or more
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocholyces movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.

What fact is involved when one day you are fine, and then the next day you have a home invader.....? No one knows where or when it will happen unless you do? There are now police stations closing down due to quarantine, and the democrats are letting criminals out of jail......and since people have smoke detectors regardless of how likely their home will ever be on fire....what exactly is your issue?
How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?
Not only is there a mental health civil commitment for people who are paranoid enough to believe that their homes might be actually be broken into by thieves and burglars, but some homeowners have actually been held responsible in civil court for injuries sustained by guests from broken glass, splintered doors, or other impediments to their lawful entry into the homes.

The advantage to having a psychiatrist work closely with the D.A.'s office, of course, is that sovereign citizens' or homeowners' gun rights may be revoked for life along with their property if they have such delusions of wealth of grandeur as to believe they ever had anything worth stealing in their homes.
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.

Do have health insurance because you're afraid?
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.

What fact is involved when one day you are fine, and then the next day you have a home invader.....? No one knows where or when it will happen unless you do? There are now police stations closing down due to quarantine, and the democrats are letting criminals out of jail......and since people have smoke detectors regardless of how likely their home will ever be on fire....what exactly is your issue?

I have no issue, other than people are too quick to panic. If a gun makes you feel safer and you know how and when to use it, go for it. I've never heard of a home invasion in my neighborhood, I have heard of fires, so I definitely have a smoke detector.
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.

Do have health insurance because you're afraid?

I have health insurance since I have needed it in the past.
2.3 million gun sales in March........since the anti-gun extremists believe that normal gun owners already have lots of guns.......this means the majority of the gun buyers are new gun owners...and likely a whole, heaping bunch of them will be anti-gun extremists who believe in gun control for everyone else....except own a gun for the first time........since they realize that if the police are under quarantine and can't or won't respond to all calls for help......and the democrats have decided to let violent criminals out of jail and prison......

Here is a video to help with gun safety......

People have seen too many zombie apocalypse movies. Do they expect people to come for their toilet paper?

How about criminals breaking into homes during the outbreak...since fewer people are out roaming around to attack?

Is that question founded on fear or on facts? I haven't heard anything about such break-ins. In fact they may decline since everyone is home walking the dog, too many witnesses while strangers would tend to stand out, at least in my neighborhood.

What fact is involved when one day you are fine, and then the next day you have a home invader.....? No one knows where or when it will happen unless you do? There are now police stations closing down due to quarantine, and the democrats are letting criminals out of jail......and since people have smoke detectors regardless of how likely their home will ever be on fire....what exactly is your issue?

I have no issue, other than people are too quick to panic. If a gun makes you feel safer and you know how and when to use it, go for it. I've never heard of a home invasion in my neighborhood, I have heard of fires, so I definitely have a smoke detector.

We have had, in the past.... a rapist, burglars and others......not a lot, but we have had them.....we have also had Irish Travelers work the neighborhood. They used to be non-violent asshats, but apparently they are also becoming violent.
they have such delusions of wealth of grandeur as to believe they ever had anything worth stealing in their homes.
The value is determined by the holder of the property- not some ass wipe empty suit looking to further a political career.
We have had, in the past.... a rapist, burglars and others......not a lot, but we have had them.....we have also had Irish Travelers work the neighborhood. They used to be non-violent asshats, but apparently they are also becoming violent.
Doesn't history show your gun is more likely to harm you or someone you know than some random criminal?
We have had, in the past.... a rapist, burglars and others......not a lot, but we have had them.....we have also had Irish Travelers work the neighborhood. They used to be non-violent asshats, but apparently they are also becoming violent.
Doesn't history show your gun is more likely to harm you or someone you know than some random criminal?

No. Criminals with guns are more likely to hurt their family members, especially if they are drunk or using drugs. Normal people with guns? Not so much.

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