Basic differences between conservatives and liberals today

The part about American "liberals" being in favor of individual rights & freedoms is laughable since well before the days of lockdowns, masks & clot shot mandates.
Agreed. The left supports FBI goons working at social media giants in order to censor what people can say and read. And if you refuse to make the cake, the left will annihilate you. "in favor of individual rights & freedoms".
You attempted to have a philosophical discussion and asked people to put aside their personal biases. That was your first mistake.

As to the actual question/topic, I think the bot is correct to a point, but, as you indicate, the point is narrow and does ignore any potential nuance, giving these generalized responses, which are typical responses to the question, but the bot has trouble identifying, of course, how these parties have changed and are changing, how some of these issues overlap, and how the fringe elements in both parties have far too much input ino their party politics and, therefore politics itself, and really do not represent the actual beliefs of most of the people in these respective parties.

Pretty decent though, overall. Kind of a Cliff Notes, 10,000 ft. view version, if you will.
You denied them at all. You got a valid counter example and now your oisskng your panties.

You’re still just a bush league hack.

I said garage sales negate every other action. You win. We have garage sales, that negates everything else.
You attempted to have a philosophical discussion and asked people to put aside their personal biases. That was your first mistake.

As to the actual question/topic, I think the bot is correct to a point, but, as you indicate, the point is narrow and does ignore any potential nuance, giving these generalized responses, which are typical responses to the question, but the bot has trouble identifying, of course, how these parties have changed and are changing, how some of these issues overlap, and how the fringe elements in both parties have far too much input ino their party politics and, therefore politics itself, and really do not represent the actual beliefs of most of the people in these respective parties.

Pretty decent though, overall. Kind of a Cliff Notes, 10,000 ft. view version, if you will.
I tried to delve even deeper but I think the Bot hit the shallows.

My question was:

Ok. Can you cite any specific incidents where liberals have opposed free speech from conservatives.

It answered generally and with many caveats.

Yes, there have been instances where some liberals have opposed free speech from conservatives. Here are a few examples:
  1. Campus Speech: There have been several instances where protests and disruptions have occurred on college campuses during conservative speakers' visits. For example, in 2017, a speech by conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley was canceled after violent protests erupted on campus. Similarly, in 2019, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro's speech at Stanford University was met with protests and disruptions.
  2. Online Speech: Some liberals have called for tech companies to crack down on hate speech and disinformation on social media platforms, which has resulted in conservatives being deplatformed or banned from social media sites. For example, in 2021, Twitter permanently banned former President Donald Trump from its platform for violating its policies against incitement of violence.
  3. Cancel Culture: Some liberals have been accused of promoting a "cancel culture" that stifles free speech by calling for boycotts, firings, or other consequences for individuals or organizations that express controversial or offensive opinions. For example, in 2021, several prominent liberals called for the cancellation of the conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson over his comments about immigration.
It is important to note, however, that these incidents do not necessarily reflect the views or actions of all liberals, and that many liberals continue to support free speech and the right to express controversial or unpopular opinions. Additionally, conservatives have also been known to oppose free speech from liberals, and there have been instances of conservative-led censorship, such as efforts to ban critical race theory from public schools

I suspected that it might not be “honest” enough to cite some of those obvious incidents. So, the programming ain’t all bad. The balance, though, seems like the kind of reply we get here from many of our liberals. Qualifications that seem to seek to virtually deny their own acknowledgements.

Points for the facts, however. And I still maintain that their actions speak louder than their words.

I mean how many of our liberals criticize the college kids for shutting down (or seeking to drown out or canceling) conservative opponents? In fairness, there might be a few. But I don’t see a whole lot of them here.
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I said garage sales negate every other action. You win. We have garage sales, that negates everything else.

Your plodding efforts at sarcasm got called out already. No need to repeat yourself.

You remain ineffective.
Interesting. I asked the AI chatbot whether the modern American left has chosen to forego individual liberties in favor of collective liberties and the answer took a long pause. (Normally it replies almost instantly.). It’s answer follows:

I don’t agree with its answer. But it is a bit more well said than I’d expect to get as an answer from most of our libs here at USMB.

I’m now diving in a bit further with the AI chatbot.

More later.

It actually responded like a progressive would, i.e. outright lying about their position.

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