Basic differences between conservatives and liberals today

Well I got a big problem with this claim,

Conservatives generally believe in limited government intervention in both the economy and personal lives,

Sure, real conservatives have that position. But real conservatives ain't going to give two shits about rather two gay people want to get married, if Johnny wants to have sexual reassignment surgery, or if Sam wants to dress like a woman and play on the female tennis circuit. Real conservatives are not looking to ban books or tell teachers how to teach. And real conservatives damn sure as hell aren't going to be interfering in the market, picking winners and losers, by adopting tariffs and fighting against free trade.

Real conservatives don't tell local governments what they can, or cannot tax. They don't tell them what regulations they can, or cannot pass.
Starry a thread on that facet. Personally, I donā€™t place any stock in your illdefined or undefined notion about a ā€œtrueā€ conservative. But like pknop I believe youā€™re off topic. Start a thread on that. Alert me to it & Iā€™ll respond more fully on your thread.
Starry a thread on that facet. Personally, I donā€™t place any stock in your illdefined or undefined notion about a ā€œtrueā€ conservative. But like pknop I believe youā€™re off topic. Start a thread on that. Alert me to it & Iā€™ll respond more fully on your thread.
The problem with AI is garbage in equals garbage out. In the case of your question you have some conflicts that AI could not figure out.

Conservative believe in limited government intervention in both the economy and personal lives
Liberals tend to prioritize individual rights and freedoms,

Don't those two things go hand in hand. If you prioritize individual rights and freedoms would not you want limited government intervention in our personal lives? Buy hey, Conservatives are more than willing to get the government to tell people who they can, or cannot marry. And Liberals, well they got no problem telling people they can't have a particular type of gun.

It appears to me that your AI got its information from Conservatives talking about themselves and Liberals talking about themselves. In both cases those factions project an unrealistic picture with glowing accolades.
The problem with AI is garbage in equals garbage out. In the case of your question you have some conflicts that AI could not figure out.

Conservative believe in limited government intervention in both the economy and personal lives
Liberals tend to prioritize individual rights and freedoms,

Don't those two things go hand in hand. If you prioritize individual rights and freedoms would not you want limited government intervention in our personal lives? Buy hey, Conservatives are more than willing to get the government to tell people who they can, or cannot marry. And Liberals, well they got no problem telling people they can't have a particular type of gun.

It appears to me that your AI got its information from Conservatives talking about themselves and Liberals talking about themselves. In both cases those factions project an unrealistic picture with glowing accolades.
Again. While I agree that whatever the source of information may be for the AI may be garbage (in some cases), leading to garbage getting out out by the AI, the balance of your post is fodder for its own thread.

I encourage to start your own thread on that topic. If and when you do so, pleas alert me with an @ and username combined. I will then go to your thread and discuss it on topic, there.
I asked a fairly precise question of an AI chatbot:

Here is what it answered:

I think first that itā€™s remarkable that any artificial intelligence could grasp the question and so quickly provide that answer.

But, secondarily, I find that the answer (albeit a bit simplistic perhaps) is generally fair. It even provided a limited qualification.

Iā€™m wondering what others might say about this.
Honest answer I'd say. Chatbot for President!
Honest answer I'd say. Chatbot for President!
Could probably speak better and more intelligibly than our current President.

In fact, when I just now asked it how it would define America in just one word it replied ā€œdiverse.ā€

Could probably speak better and more intelligibly than our current President.

In fact, when I just now asked it how it would define America in just one word it replied ā€œdiverse.ā€

Would likely be less narcissistic than our previous president.
Hopefully an AI president would be above petty partisan insults.
Depends on how itā€™s programmed and what its sources are, Iā€™m guessing.

Speaking of which, I wonder if an AI comedian would be funny? Or could be?
I'm hopeful it will have a hard-coded (get it?) set of ethical rules against which to compare any answers or actions

I'd think eventually it would. That might be a real Turing Test.
I agree with the latter.

Whoā€™d have thunk it. The test turns out to be comic genius.
I asked a fairly precise question of an AI chatbot:

Here is what it answered:

I think first that itā€™s remarkable that any artificial intelligence could grasp the question and so quickly provide that answer.

But, secondarily, I find that the answer (albeit a bit simplistic perhaps) is generally fair. It even provided a limited qualification.

Iā€™m wondering what others might say about this.

The left gave up on individual liberties for collective liberties based on what your position is on the great social justice pity pole.
The left gave up on individual liberties for collective liberties based on what your position is on the great social justice pity pole.
Interesting. I asked the AI chatbot whether the modern American left has chosen to forego individual liberties in favor of collective liberties and the answer took a long pause. (Normally it replies almost instantly.). Itā€™s answer follows:

No, the modern American political left has not chosen to forgo individual liberties in order to seek collective liberties. In fact, the left typically advocates for a balance between individual liberties and collective liberties, recognizing that the two are interdependent and that one cannot be fully realized without the other.

The left generally supports individual liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and association, as well as civil liberties such as equal protection under the law and the right to privacy. At the same time, the left also advocates for collective liberties, such as the right to health care, education, and a living wage, as well as protections for marginalized groups and the environment.

While there may be some on the left who prioritize collective liberties over individual liberties in certain contexts, it is not accurate to say that the modern American political left as a whole has chosen to forgo individual liberties in order to seek collective liberties.
I donā€™t agree with its answer. But it is a bit more well said than Iā€™d expect to get as an answer from most of our libs here at USMB.

Iā€™m now diving in a bit further with the AI chatbot.

More later.
Last edited:
When I asked it what the factual bases were for that answer, it replied:

There are several factual bases for the conclusion that the modern American political left has not chosen to forgo individual liberties in order to seek collective liberties:

  1. Party Platforms: The party platforms of the Democratic Party, which is generally considered to be the main political party of the left in the United States, explicitly support individual liberties such as free speech, the right to privacy, and the right to due process, while also advocating for collective liberties such as universal healthcare, access to education, and workers' rights.
  2. Public Statements: Many left-leaning politicians and activists have publicly emphasized the importance of balancing individual and collective liberties. For example, Senator Bernie Sanders has stated that "We need to protect both individual rights and the common good," and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said that "I think we should be excited by the fact that we can advocate for both individual rights and collective rights at the same time."
  3. Legal Action: The left has also been active in defending individual liberties through legal action, such as in cases involving free speech, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.
  4. Opinion Polls: Public opinion polls suggest that the American public as a whole supports a balance between individual and collective liberties. For example, a 2020 Pew Research Center survey found that majorities of both Democrats and Republicans believe that both individual rights and the public good are important.
Overall, the factual basis for the conclusion that the modern American political left has not chosen to forgo individual liberties in order to seek collective liberties is found in the party platforms, public statements, legal action, and opinion polls that reflect the left's emphasis on the importance of balancing individual and collective liberties.

I then pressed it as follows with the following reply to my question:

Suppose those bases are not reflective of reality. What would you say the fair conservative reaction to your answer would be?
Itā€™s reply:

If someone does not accept the factual bases for the conclusion that the modern American political left has not chosen to forgo individual liberties in order to seek collective liberties, a fair conservative reaction might be to argue that:
  1. The party platforms and public statements of left-leaning politicians and activists are not necessarily representative of the views and actions of the broader left, and may not reflect the actual policies and practices of the left in practice.
  2. The legal actions of the left may not always prioritize individual liberties over collective liberties, and may in fact undermine individual liberties in some cases, such as in cases involving affirmative action or restrictions on gun ownership.
  3. Opinion polls may not accurately reflect the views and priorities of the American public as a whole, and may not capture the nuances of the debate over individual and collective liberties.
In short, a fair conservative reaction to my answer might be to argue that the factual bases presented do not necessarily provide a complete or accurate picture of the left's stance on individual and collective liberties, and that there are legitimate reasons to question whether the left is truly committed to upholding individual liberties alongside collective liberties

Iā€™m enjoying this online application. And it helps to see the lack of factual support other than references to liberal claims and opinion polls, etc.

Actual actions speak much louder than words. So, I guess the inquiry requires exploration of liberal actions rather than their mere words. Platforms are all well and good, but in the real world, they are often ignored.

A claim by liberals that they cherish free speech gets belief when they wonā€™t even permit conservatives the right to speak at all on certain campuses. And we all know about such things.

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