Based on his policies who SHOULD hate President Trump?

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

Who cares? It means nothing.

It triggers the knuckle draggers.
Diversity, I am told its a good thing. How? Divisiveness, the very kernel of diversity. I agree being open minded is good. Questioning things is the human equation. But that isn't what diversity is about. Sharia law. Stoning non believers to death, apostasy. That was what religion and 9/11 was all about. How far with diversity do we go before we stop being deluded?
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

Anyone who believes in a free market and less government interference in our lives.
Fewer illegals is less interference in our lives
In reading the first page of thread alone, I have found zero that do with actual objections to policy. So far OP is making his point

The cuts to nearly every department except Homeland Security and #3
Oh, that’s my mistake. I read that as his approval rating in those departments going down.

I am all for that though. Starve the beast. Anything that is administratively top heavy is not an effective organization, whether that be a business, charity, educational, or government (administratively top heavy seems to be the default for govt, thus bureaucracy). These departments are by nature self serving, and need to be cut back (some straight up eliminated).
There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

No she won by 4,000,000 more California. Trump won the popular vote by 1,000,000 votes in the other 49 states.
In reading the first page of thread alone, I have found zero that do with actual objections to policy. So far OP is making his point

The cuts to nearly every department except Homeland Security and #3
Oh, that’s my mistake. I read that as his approval rating in those departments going down.

I am all for that though. Starve the beast. Anything that is administratively top heavy is not an effective organization, whether that be a business, charity, educational, or government (administratively top heavy seems to be the default for govt, thus bureaucracy). These departments are by nature self serving, and need to be cut back (some straight up eliminated).

Hey, I'm all for shared sacrifice. Somehow the Military and Homeland Security got fatter budgets. And AgDept got $12B more in charity to hand out to farmers..

Clearly whatever the "policy" was, there were loopholes and malfunctions.
No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

No she won by 4,000,000 more California. Trump won the popular vote by 1,000,000 votes in the other 49 states.

Californians are Americans...such as Ronald Reagan. Are you as stupid as you sound?
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Anyone who loves the nation should resist this regrettable pervert.

View attachment 217928

PS: The behavior cannot be extracted from the equation.

Meh, the American people in the 30 states who voted Trump president are happy with trump. We don't really give a shit what the east and left coast thinks.

So you trash who rape your women and cows are supposed to run the country? Remember that the majority of voters did not want the whore and the little sex queer (in the true sense of the word, not as applied to the LGBT community) in the White House. There are people, millions, who live on the coasts. These 30 states do not represent the amount of people who live in the United States. We are not all jackasses like you. Go back to kissing your cows, or put on your ten-gallon hat or MAGA CAP AND go to "church" and do that wavy-gravy thing while you shout about sex and try and figure out which of your neighbors is having it. Oh! Naughty!

There is no dearth of nonsense on USMB this unintelligible conglomeration of poppycock is a true measure of the very low
intelligence of the writer no matter in what sense it is intended.

Most of us have spent the majority of our lives NOT worried about our neighbors' sex lives and certainly not discussing it in public. Then up pop the fundies, and it's sex, sex, sex all the time. Sex is now blatant, courtesy of racist fundies. "Oh, what are they doing? How are they doing it?" This somehow has something to do with a supreme being.

There is one sure way to shake fundies/"conservatives" up: "somewhere in the U.S., right now, a white woman is having an eye-popping, toe-curling orgasm, and she's in bed with a man who is not white."

I never thought that I would ever be in a position to be so totally "in your face" about any such thing, so totally blatant, but this is happening now. I'm just happy that my parents aren't around to see this dirt. Thank you, racist, homophobic, misogynistic fundies for dragging our bedrooms into the town square.
It has nothing to do with their "reasons" for hating Trump. They hate him and everyone who voted for him because Trump and his supporters stopped the Liberal/Socialist/Democrat takeover of the nation. The country had nearly reached a point of no return and the election of President Trump is a setback that has leftists enraged.

Any Democrat who says they hate him for the reasons you listed is a hypocrite. Democrats don't care about illegals, refugees, Dreamers, women or minorities. These are just people to exploit to build their base.

Keep in believing what your all white male party tells you.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

The fact he's creating trillion dollar deficits probably is a real good reason to not like his policies.

the poor'
the middle to lower middle class
black Americans
Hispanic Americans
Muslim Americans
people with asthma
people who love nature and clean water
the hourly worker
those needing obamacare/healthcare
gvt workers not getting cost of living raise
midwest farmers
35000 FBI workers
NFL Owners and players
Amazon stock owners
any sane patriot! :D

are just a few, off of the top of my head!
Last edited:
Illegals who hate their countries have a problem with him.
Illegals who hate their countries have a problem with him.

You mean people coming here from other countries fucked up by our foreign interventions.
What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

No she won by 4,000,000 more California. Trump won the popular vote by 1,000,000 votes in the other 49 states.

Californians are Americans...such as Ronald Reagan. Are you as stupid as you sound?

Translation...:206: Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states :206: Blues destroyed my favorite talking point :206: Trump...something.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

I believe your title is in error; you utilize the word "hate" which I don't believe is the incorrect verb/noun, depending on use.

I think 'contempt' would have been a much better choice, instead of, "hate."

The use of 'contempt' can be seen as demonstrating a lack of respect for; in this case a lack of respect based on Trump's policies.

I believe some of Trump's policies are ill advised & misguided, therefore I have contempt for Trump based on some of his policies.

That does not mean I, "hate" Trump.

Hate is a very destructive emotion & life is way too short to allow hate to eat you up from the inside.
Illegals who hate their countries have a problem with him.

You mean people coming here from other countries fucked up by our foreign interventions.

Yeah, Mexico and entire south America is shit because our foreign policy...

Run with that... run with that.

You utterly destroyed IM2 :auiqs.jpg:

Our foreign policy must be extremely effective. Capable of reducing an entire continent to 3rd world status even when we are not present.

Yet the person thinks that the military is incapable of anything.

Of course, I would like to hear more about exactly how we are making central America so shiitty. We dropped two nukes in Japan and they recovered in a decade. It must be the H.A.A.R.P, must it not?
In reading the first page of thread alone, I have found zero that do with actual objections to policy. So far OP is making his point

The cuts to nearly every department except Homeland Security and #3
Oh, that’s my mistake. I read that as his approval rating in those departments going down.

I am all for that though. Starve the beast. Anything that is administratively top heavy is not an effective organization, whether that be a business, charity, educational, or government (administratively top heavy seems to be the default for govt, thus bureaucracy). These departments are by nature self serving, and need to be cut back (some straight up eliminated).

Hey, I'm all for shared sacrifice. Somehow the Military and Homeland Security got fatter budgets. And AgDept got $12B more in charity to hand out to farmers..

Clearly whatever the "policy" was, there were loopholes and malfunctions.
I would say we could definitely cut military spending, but that’s lower on my list. For being the most powerful military in human history, it only takes up 12% of the budget. And it serves as the most successful deterrent to major conflict among major powers, something that plagued the earth as far back as human history. It also introduces and propels technology that brings about A LOT of good outside of just being really good at killing people. Do I worry about the MIC leeching off of tax payer money, yes, do I think we involve ourselves too much, yes. But there is still plenty of good that comes out of it
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
Illegals and those whose families include illegals.
Be specific...
I was

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