Bart O'Kavanaugh

4300 lies by Trump, and they're still too retarded to get it.


20 GAZILLION lies by Hillary.

And I have exactly the same evidence as you do - which is to say none at all.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Got more evidence then you'll ever have retard.

Where's the 4300 lies by Hillary? Lol!
You don’t understand. The brain-dead right thinks it’s ok that the current president can’t tell the truth about virtually anything because the last president said you can keep your doctor with his health plan, even though the vast majority of Americans did.

So your fellow Nazi posted so slander and libel by politifraud, I only got to #2 and found that your source are shameless fucking liars.

Just like you. Nazicrats gunna be Nazicrats.
Trump said he essentially repealed ObamaCare. That’s a lie — we still have it.

Well thank you creep.

Next time try to find a violation to report, it will serve you better,

So I see you filthy Nazi fucks did exactly as I predicted and fabricated another accusation.

You'll keep cooking up more and more, because you're fucking Heinreich Himmler. This is the way you gutter scum operate. The only thing you evil fucks understand is a swift kick to the teeth, and that is all we Americans should EVER give to you.
Nobody's fabricating anything except rethuglican excuses.

Every bit of it is fabricated. We all know it - you approve, I don't.

Kavanaugh threatens your religion, which is abortion. Hence you and the filthy Nazi party you serve will do ANYTHING to stop his confirmation. Fucking Chuck "Heinreich Himmler" Schumer SAID he would lie, slander, or kill to protect abortion.

Everyone on every side knows this is all fucking lies, not a single person in this nations is stupid enough not to grasp that this is all a political ploy. But you support the lie, you're a fucking Nazi, a piece of shit without a hint of integrity, so you support the lies and promote them.

Abortion is too precious to you to allow facts and decency into the equation.

You're a fucking pig, reprehensible scum, but you don't care, abortion is the only thing that matters to you.
You have facts with abortion? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:That'll be the day. You can't debate abortion intelligently. Remember, you're a retard.

What are you yapping about, stupid fuck? The smear campaign you Nazicrats are waging against Kavanaugh is purely because of fear he will oppose abortion, you drooling retard.

Learn to read and find someone to explain the meaning of words to you.
Facts! Something that you know nothing about. You are too intellectually bankrupt to debate anything on this forum. Take a hike. You're boring as hell.
4300 lies by Trump, and they're still too retarded to get it.


20 GAZILLION lies by Hillary.

And I have exactly the same evidence as you do - which is to say none at all.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Got more evidence then you'll ever have retard.

Where's the 4300 lies by Hillary? Lol!
You don’t understand. The brain-dead right thinks it’s ok that the current president can’t tell the truth about virtually anything because the last president said you can keep your doctor with his health plan, even though the vast majority of Americans did.

So your fellow Nazi posted so slander and libel by politifraud, I only got to #2 and found that your source are shameless fucking liars.

Just like you. Nazicrats gunna be Nazicrats.
Trump said he essentially repealed ObamaCare. That’s a lie — we still have it.
Trump said he had accomplished more for the country than any administration, then they laughed. No one but his retarded Sheep believe anything he says. We have to vote out the stupid party. That's all there is to it.
Leftard logic: If he drank when he was in high school or college then he's definitely a rapist.

Cause nobody ever does.

I'm baffled by the liberal concept that Kavanaugh must be guilty because he drank and therefore can't remember but that Ford must be believed despite the fact she drank and can't remember things as basic as the year it happened or the location of the house. How does that "work" exactly?
It's a very simple formula:

republican (conservative) + white + male + hetero = guilty....ALWAYS.
Can't say they haven't earned that formula. Not entirely true, but they are working extra hard to get there.
The gang rape story is such a bs lie, it's the same line used to tank Cosby.

The lies are getting proven as being lies where Kavanaugh is concerned.

The problem? These four people, who sent “sworn and signed declarations” were told of the assault after (not before!) the 2012 therapy sessions. And during those sessions about the assault from 35 years ago, Ford never said who the attacker was.
Christine Blasey Ford Has Four People to Confirm Her Claims, But There's a Problem
In other words the whole accusation is a coordinated pile of crap leftist fake news hit job.
And your evidence of that is? Answer, you have none. Therefore, your claim is a "pile of crap".
Leftard logic: If he drank when he was in high school or college then he's definitely a rapist.

Cause nobody ever does.

I'm baffled by the liberal concept that Kavanaugh must be guilty because he drank and therefore can't remember but that Ford must be believed despite the fact she drank and can't remember things as basic as the year it happened or the location of the house. How does that "work" exactly?
Have an FBI investigation. What are you cowards afraid of? Wouldn't it be the perfect storm to have an investigation, then find nothing? You folks are cowards. Put Kavanaugh under oath. What are you afraid of?
The gang rape story is such a bs lie, it's the same line used to tank Cosby.

The lies are getting proven as being lies where Kavanaugh is concerned.

The problem? These four people, who sent “sworn and signed declarations” were told of the assault after (not before!) the 2012 therapy sessions. And during those sessions about the assault from 35 years ago, Ford never said who the attacker was.
Christine Blasey Ford Has Four People to Confirm Her Claims, But There's a Problem
What's your evidence it's a lie?
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
Why put a sexual predator on the SC? First of all one is already there and secondly they have other candidates.

Sexual predator? You mean like Bill Cosby, Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton? Gee, know what those guys all have in common? They all have been accused of being sexual predators by dozens of women over decades! How many women other than Ms. Ford have come forward to accuse Kavanaugh of using his position to prey on women? Zero?

When were those men ever nominated for SC judge position? Or even an elected official for that matter.
My point, Nia...which seemed to have gone right over your that all of those sexual predators had a long history of sexual abuse against women...a history that stretched over decades! Brett Kavanaugh has no such history! He's been accused of doing something 36 years ago by someone who has zero evidence to back up the accusations that she's making other than her word and her memories are so full of lapses and missing pieces that any competent defense attorney would have a field day with her on the stand.
Evidence "Brett Kavanaugh has no such history"?
Lol, so as far as your concerned there is no possibility that the accusers are telling the truth?

Rather close minded of you isn't it)

As far as I and 600 years of jurisprudence are concerned, the burden of proof falls on the accuser.

In the world of dogshit that you and your fellow Nazicrats are constructing, if a man is accused of murder, that man should be executed. The fact that there is no body, no murder weapon, no motive, and nothing that places the accused at the scene doesn't matter. He was accused, hence he is guilty.

Because Kavanaugh is a threat to the power of your party, and particularly because your party has sold you on the idea that Kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, which you cherish above all things, you're willing, eager in fact, to burn down the nation. Hell, the destruction of individual liberty is your goal anyway, so the destruction of legal principles that protect the rights of the accused are a target by Nazis like you in the first place.

America saw what you are today. You displayed that you are the same evil that was Stalin's Soviet Union, that was Hitler's Third Reich, that was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. You don't think you stepped on a rake today, because your masters in the lying Goebbels press haven't told you that you did - but today was a disaster for you Nazis. Your hatred of the most basic principles of human decency was exposed to the nation. You still don't grasp why Trump won, and you won't grasp why you are slaughtered in the mid-terms. You'll become more shrill and more violent, and demand that people love you because of it.

Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Monday.

You have underscored why the principles of liberty and human decency are so important, though you hate liberty have no decency.
Trump said he had accomplished more for the country than any administration, then they laughed. No one but his retarded Sheep believe anything he says. We have to vote out the stupid party. That's all there is to it.

Let's look at what Trump said, that you so bitterly hate.

We have secured record funding for our military — $700 billion this year, and $716 billion next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.

In other words, the United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago.

We are standing up for America and for the American people. And we are also standing up for the world.

This is great news for our citizens and for peace-loving people everywhere. We believe that when nations respect the rights of their neighbours, and defend the interests of their people, they can better work together to secure the blessings of safety, prosperity, and peace.}

But you hate safety, prosperity, and peace. It interferes with your goal to end America and usher in a brutal Communist dictatorship.

Each of us here today is the emissary of a distinct culture, a rich history, and a people bound together by ties of memory, tradition, and the values that make our homelands like nowhere else on Earth.

That is why America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination.}

But you hate independence and yearn to see your neighbors enslaved under the iron first of international dictatorship, believing as all Communists do that you will be an overseer who can exact revenge on your betters.

The United States has launched a campaign of economic pressure to deny the regime the funds itneeds to advance its bloody agenda. Last month, we began re-imposing hard-hitting nuclear sanctions that had been lifted under the Iran deal. Additional sanctions will resume November
5th, and more will follow. And we’re working with countries that import Iranian crude oil to cut their purchases substantially.

We cannot allow the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the planet’s most dangerousweapons. We cannot allow a regime that chants “Death to America,” and that threatens Israel with annihilation, to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on Earth. Just
can’t do it.}

But you wish to give nuclear arms to Iran and support the outright treason of John Kerry as he gave aid and comfort to our enemies.

You know you're a pig, right? Reprehensible scum who is a blight on decent human society.
Leftard logic: If he drank when he was in high school or college then he's definitely a rapist.

Cause nobody ever does.

I'm baffled by the liberal concept that Kavanaugh must be guilty because he drank and therefore can't remember but that Ford must be believed despite the fact she drank and can't remember things as basic as the year it happened or the location of the house. How does that "work" exactly?
It's a very simple formula:

republican (conservative) + white + male + hetero = guilty....ALWAYS.
Can't say they haven't earned that formula. Not entirely true, but they are working extra hard to get there.
And that's how Dems get away with being bigoted, racist, intolerant pigs, in fact far more than and in greater numbers than Republicans. :clap2:
There was no "mistake" in how the ACA was set up, Joey! Gruber admitted it!

Gruber said no such thing.

Next lie?

They set it up to fail from the start. It was a "stepping stone" to what they really wanted...which was government funded healthcare for all. You give millions huge subsidies and hide what the costs are going to be to everyone else. You create an ACA with a built in "death spiral" and then suggest that what we really need to do is universal healthcare! That's the only thing that will "save" healthcare!

Guy, the ACA would work just fine if big insurance weren't so greedy.

The thing was, the two things that would have solved the problem short of single payer were a Public Option and a Medicare Buy In for those over 55, both of which WERE in the House Version but were not in the Senate Version we got stuck with because Ted Kennedy died.

But again, big Pharma, big insurance and big health care are greedy, so probably the inevitable solution will be a government takeover.
Let's look at what Trump said, that you so bitterly hate.

We have secured record funding for our military — $700 billion this year, and $716 billion next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.

In other words, the United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago.

Pissing away money on military waste doesn't make us stronger, dummy.

We spend more than the next ten countries combined, and 8 of those are allies.

And yet, recent history shows after spending all this kind of money, we have a difficult time subduing even impoverished third world countries.
Lol, so as far as your concerned there is no possibility that the accusers are telling the truth?

Rather close minded of you isn't it)

As far as I and 600 years of jurisprudence are concerned, the burden of proof falls on the accuser.

In the world of dogshit that you and your fellow Nazicrats are constructing, if a man is accused of murder, that man should be executed. The fact that there is no body, no murder weapon, no motive, and nothing that places the accused at the scene doesn't matter. He was accused, hence he is guilty.

Because Kavanaugh is a threat to the power of your party, and particularly because your party has sold you on the idea that Kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, which you cherish above all things, you're willing, eager in fact, to burn down the nation. Hell, the destruction of individual liberty is your goal anyway, so the destruction of legal principles that protect the rights of the accused are a target by Nazis like you in the first place.

America saw what you are today. You displayed that you are the same evil that was Stalin's Soviet Union, that was Hitler's Third Reich, that was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. You don't think you stepped on a rake today, because your masters in the lying Goebbels press haven't told you that you did - but today was a disaster for you Nazis. Your hatred of the most basic principles of human decency was exposed to the nation. You still don't grasp why Trump won, and you won't grasp why you are slaughtered in the mid-terms. You'll become more shrill and more violent, and demand that people love you because of it.

Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Monday.

You have underscored why the principles of liberty and human decency are so important, though you hate liberty have no decency.
Boy you are just dumb as rocks ain't you. This isn't about criminal law, it's about character and trustworthiness. Bart O'Kavanaugh proven himself to be far too partisan to be on the court in his opening rant as well. Also he lied repeatedly under oath. If he is confirmed we are looking at the biggest partisan travesty this century and I would bet he will be impeached as soon as the adults are back in charge.
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Trump said he essentially repealed ObamaCare. That’s a lie — we still have it.

Trump said he repealed the individual mandate, which he did. Politifraud flat out lied because they are fucking hacks.
Senile old coot, he said doing that repealed ObamaCare because that is where the funding came from.

"The individual mandate is being repealed. When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means Obamacare is repealed.” ~ Crazy Donald

That’s a lie since we still have ObamaCare.

He also said he would replace it with something better. He lied about that too.
Let's look at what Trump said, that you so bitterly hate.

We have secured record funding for our military — $700 billion this year, and $716 billion next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.

In other words, the United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago.

Pissing away money on military waste doesn't make us stronger, dummy.

We spend more than the next ten countries combined, and 8 of those are allies.

And yet, recent history shows after spending all this kind of money, we have a difficult time subduing even impoverished third world countries.

You hate Trump because you hate America and he supports what you hate. Simple as that.

If you had any knowledge of history, you would know that the difference between a civil war and a revolution is merely which side wins.

You Nazicrats think that this civil war you wage is a revolution and that you will usher in a Stalinist hell for America, exacting your revenge on your betters.
Lol, so as far as your concerned there is no possibility that the accusers are telling the truth?

Rather close minded of you isn't it)

As far as I and 600 years of jurisprudence are concerned, the burden of proof falls on the accuser.

In the world of dogshit that you and your fellow Nazicrats are constructing, if a man is accused of murder, that man should be executed. The fact that there is no body, no murder weapon, no motive, and nothing that places the accused at the scene doesn't matter. He was accused, hence he is guilty.

Because Kavanaugh is a threat to the power of your party, and particularly because your party has sold you on the idea that Kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, which you cherish above all things, you're willing, eager in fact, to burn down the nation. Hell, the destruction of individual liberty is your goal anyway, so the destruction of legal principles that protect the rights of the accused are a target by Nazis like you in the first place.

America saw what you are today. You displayed that you are the same evil that was Stalin's Soviet Union, that was Hitler's Third Reich, that was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. You don't think you stepped on a rake today, because your masters in the lying Goebbels press haven't told you that you did - but today was a disaster for you Nazis. Your hatred of the most basic principles of human decency was exposed to the nation. You still don't grasp why Trump won, and you won't grasp why you are slaughtered in the mid-terms. You'll become more shrill and more violent, and demand that people love you because of it.

Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Monday.

You have underscored why the principles of liberty and human decency are so important, though you hate liberty have no decency.
Boy you are just dumb as rocks ain't you. This isn't about criminal law, it's about character and trustworthiness. Bart O'Kavanaugh proven himself to be far too partisan to be on the court in his opening rant as well. Also he lied repeatedly under oath. If he is confirmed we are looking at the biggest partisan travesty this century and I would bet he will be impeached as soon as the adults are back in charge.

This is about a lynch mob. This is about ending the protections of law in favor of the vicious mob.

You are perfect for a mob, stupid and mean.
Lol, so as far as your concerned there is no possibility that the accusers are telling the truth?

Rather close minded of you isn't it)

As far as I and 600 years of jurisprudence are concerned, the burden of proof falls on the accuser.

In the world of dogshit that you and your fellow Nazicrats are constructing, if a man is accused of murder, that man should be executed. The fact that there is no body, no murder weapon, no motive, and nothing that places the accused at the scene doesn't matter. He was accused, hence he is guilty.

Because Kavanaugh is a threat to the power of your party, and particularly because your party has sold you on the idea that Kavanaugh is a threat to abortion, which you cherish above all things, you're willing, eager in fact, to burn down the nation. Hell, the destruction of individual liberty is your goal anyway, so the destruction of legal principles that protect the rights of the accused are a target by Nazis like you in the first place.

America saw what you are today. You displayed that you are the same evil that was Stalin's Soviet Union, that was Hitler's Third Reich, that was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. You don't think you stepped on a rake today, because your masters in the lying Goebbels press haven't told you that you did - but today was a disaster for you Nazis. Your hatred of the most basic principles of human decency was exposed to the nation. You still don't grasp why Trump won, and you won't grasp why you are slaughtered in the mid-terms. You'll become more shrill and more violent, and demand that people love you because of it.

Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court on Monday.

You have underscored why the principles of liberty and human decency are so important, though you hate liberty have no decency.
Boy you are just dumb as rocks ain't you. This isn't about criminal law, it's about character and trustworthiness. Bart O'Kavanaugh proven himself to be far too partisan to be on the court in his opening rant as well. Also he lied repeatedly under oath. If he is confirmed we are looking at the biggest partisan travesty this century and I would bet he will be impeached as soon as the adults are back in charge.

This is about a lynch mob. This is about ending the protections of law in favor of the vicious mob.

You are perfect for a mob, stupid and mean.
It's not a lynch mob, it's not a tactic, it's not an attack.

It's a search for the truth.

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