Gone and forgotten
No, not on Iran or North Korea, but on his true enemy, FOX news!
It seems the messiah is now using his whitehouse blog to spin for him, the bad news is they are getting it wrong and FOX is having fun showing just how.
Breitbart.tv » Fox News Lays Out Facts After White House Escalates War on Network
Classless, immature and over-sensitive, Obama sure has set a new standard for the office of POTUS, he's actually worse then Carter.
It seems the messiah is now using his whitehouse blog to spin for him, the bad news is they are getting it wrong and FOX is having fun showing just how.
Breitbart.tv » Fox News Lays Out Facts After White House Escalates War on Network
Classless, immature and over-sensitive, Obama sure has set a new standard for the office of POTUS, he's actually worse then Carter.