Barack's Communist Mentor Would Be Proud

WOW...when did we get government-controlled "universal health care"? That is great news.

It would be a welcome change from the health care bill that has been labeled 'Obamacare', but is actually a Republican/Heritage Foundation bill from the early 1990's.
Your counter behavior what defines a GOP responsible conservative: everything you say and do contradicts what it means to be GOP.

Well the difference is after he's known for pedophillia he'll be a liberal icon, conservatives wont touch him, bada bing!

Kinda like OJ, he was an uncle tom republican and once he killed his wife, liberals and the black community loved him.

Sorry JAke, but OJ was a republican and liberal blacks called him an ncle Tom for living in a "whi neighborhood, with a white wife and in general acting white"? Before I go any further do you dispute this? Is this uncommon? NOOOOOOO just ask Clarence Thomas or Shelby Steele.

now after he got arrested he was seen as a hero to the left and the liberal black yes what I said was true, As far as Sandusky, I was saying that's what will probably happen. Liberals like sickos and want to help them (Tookie Williams ring a bell? Or the fact they have luxuries in prisons? Prisons should be nothing but a cell and that's all you get along with some water and bread/soup, no xbox, tv, workouts or libraries)

God you people try to twist your bullshit.
Do you think Romney's POLYGAMIST GRANDFATHER would be proud of him?

If you eat to much poo poo you'll end up here...

He must not have got the new Papa Obama Truth Goon squad memo

Romney his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904


Papa Obama has a long tradition
Papa Obama’s father was a polygamist;
his grandfather was a polygamist; and
his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had five wives

it must be good now
at least more current

Barack Hussein Obama - Discover the Networks

Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model (booklet)
By David Horowitz

Barack Obama: A Radical Leftist's Journey from Community Organizing to Politics
By Elias Crim and Matthew Vadum
June 2008

Is President Obama Truly A Socialist?
By Paul R. Gregory
January 22, 2012

Obama's Leftism
By Joshua Muravchik
October 2008

Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby
By Andrew Walden
October 30, 2008

What Barack Obama Learned from the Communist Party
By Andrew Walden
July 8, 2008

Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
By James Simpson
September 28, 2008

Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown?
By Stanley Kurtz
August 18, 2008

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools
By Stanley Kurtz
September 23, 2008

Barack Obama Exposed
By Human Events

The Vetting, Part 1: Barack's Love Song to Alinsky
By Andrew Breitbart
February 2012


Obama on the Fringe: The President Belonged to a Social-Democratic Third Party
By Stanley Kurtz
June 25, 2012


Barack Hussein Obama - Discover the Networks
AJ is secretly a marxist, I believe, and is engaged in marxist deception.
"Such were the kind of characters that Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, worked with to advance a government takeover of health care in the 1940s. They called themselves "progressives," but in truth, they were hardcore communists trying to advance Marxism, with a government takeover of health care as a crucial step.

And yet, there's more to the story.

Another irony of Frank Marshall Davis, in light of Obama's and the court's actions on health care, was his bold willingness to declare certain policies "constitutional" even when they clearly were not. Davis was never shy about that. In a June 1949 column, to cite just one example, he stated unequivocally, "That, it seems to me, is unconstitutional."

Well, let's bring this, too, up to date.

Thanks to the current actions of the Supreme Court, which declared Obama's health care bid "constitutional," Frank Marshall Davis is no doubt smiling from his grave. Alas, the old Communist Party crony's pupil, Barack Obama, has at long last fulfilled the dreams of Frank Marshall Davis: government-controlled "universal health care," sanctified by the Supreme Court as "constitutional," and declared a "tax."

It's eerie, chilling, but true. In his wildest dreams, Justice John Roberts couldn't imagine that he has fulfilled the ambitions not only of Barack Obama, but of Frank Marshall Davis and Communist Party USA."

How's that for hope and change? Amazing, truly amazing.

Read more: Articles: Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor

Must explain why Papa Obama considered his first employer, “the enemy”

Obama spent very little time in business, but he did have a job at a company called Business International for about a year after he graduated from Columbia University in 1983. The book contains new details about the future president’s brief stint in corporate America.

Obama was a low-level editor in Reference Services, working on reports describing economic conditions in various foreign countries. By all accounts, he disliked the work, not just because it was pedestrian and boring, but because it was in business.

“He calls it working for the enemy,” Obama’s mother, Ann, wrote after a phone conversation with her son, “because some of the reports are written for commercial firms that want to invest in [Third World] countries.”

Then being younger and perhaps naive, Papa Obama might have told his employer
that he didn't build this company and the boss just didn't trust him anymore

[ame=]Obama: If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That ... - YouTube[/ame]
No one believes that Obama is a marxist. This type of nonsense, just like birferism, drives people away from the GOP.

Watch what my little troll, Neo, will inevitably post below. Worth some laughs.
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"Such were the kind of characters that Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, worked with to advance a government takeover of health care in the 1940s. They called themselves "progressives," but in truth, they were hardcore communists trying to advance Marxism, with a government takeover of health care as a crucial step.

And yet, there's more to the story.

Another irony of Frank Marshall Davis, in light of Obama's and the court's actions on health care, was his bold willingness to declare certain policies "constitutional" even when they clearly were not. Davis was never shy about that. In a June 1949 column, to cite just one example, he stated unequivocally, "That, it seems to me, is unconstitutional."

Well, let's bring this, too, up to date.

Thanks to the current actions of the Supreme Court, which declared Obama's health care bid "constitutional," Frank Marshall Davis is no doubt smiling from his grave. Alas, the old Communist Party crony's pupil, Barack Obama, has at long last fulfilled the dreams of Frank Marshall Davis: government-controlled "universal health care," sanctified by the Supreme Court as "constitutional," and declared a "tax."

It's eerie, chilling, but true. In his wildest dreams, Justice John Roberts couldn't imagine that he has fulfilled the ambitions not only of Barack Obama, but of Frank Marshall Davis and Communist Party USA."

How's that for hope and change? Amazing, truly amazing.

Read more: Articles: Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor

And a Leftist one as well

Could you imagine the damage he would do, if the Constitution was not there to slow him via the Congress. We see how he tries to work around the Constitution now with his Executive orders and dictates from his Agency heads. Why do think they made Papa ObamaCare rules so open, it allows them more wiggle room to issue commands to the economy.

Papa Obama does not have the intestinal fortitude to be a true
revolutionary Marxist. What in between his golf games and parties?

No Papa Obama is more of the wimpy Social Democratic style socialist…
Instead of revolution, they will just bleed the US to death with their radical programs

But let them try, it is exactly this kind of extreme Leftist behavior that drove voters to The Republicans and kick out the radical Democrat congress
How soon the Left forgets


Here boy
(post time 9:51 :lol:, coming up short on the fake with edit, as usual)
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well people, what do you think Obama meant when he said he wanted to, TRANSFORM the country..

you all got your wish..

Indeed Papa Obama and his adminstraion is so far left
they are even to the Left of presidents of like Kennedy, Ford, Reagan and even Clinton

Really this ad says it the best

[ame=]Let America Be America Again - YouTube[/ame]


Here boy (post time 10:26am)
Do You Know Frank Marshall Davis?

Jack Cashill

For the past four years, the media have chosen to keep the public in the dark about Barack Obama's Hawaii mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. The fact that Davis was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, a published pornographer, and the subject of two-thirds of the poems the young Obama ever wrote (or had written for him) might have something to do with that.

As a public service to their neighbors in the village of Gilmanton Ironworks, New Hampshire, Skip and Cindy Houghton launched a humble educational campaign. They began by positioning a roughly 6' x 3' signboard outside their home with the message:

Frank Marshall Davis



Do You Know Him?​


Read more: Blog: Do You Know Frank Marshall Davis?

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