Barack Obama Is Still Trying to Rewrite His Presidential Legacy

Your fucking messiah is guilty of every criticism the right ever had of Obama and you love him. No president has ever been so weak in the face of our enemies.

Say what?
Must have missed those wars

Must have.

Then, after this blunder, he had to send our troops BACK into Iraq. Brilliant move!

ISIS and Russia occupied the vacuum left by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Then there are these riots...wars.

More riots from Black Lives Matter

Does this not perfectly describe our Progressive good friends?

I remember Iraq

The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud

As you know, WMDs were found, plus Sadam Hussein had two years to move his chemical weapons to Syria...where they have been used. WMDs were found and, as you know too, the US shipped 550 tonnes of Yellow Cake to Canada for safe storage.

You're really boring.


Even Bush admitted he found nothing. A few ancient chem weapons are no threat

Yellow cake turned out to be a myth that Bush jumped on
History as it ages, will paint Mr/Mrs Obama a complete abject failure.

aka... a black Jimmy Carter so to speak'

With Carter you can at least believe he acted on what he thought was the country's interest, as delusional as he may have been.

The meat puppet faggot was openly hostile to the Constitution and the country as a whole.
Carter was a buffoon. He still is. But a buffoon with a good heart.
History is looking better at him
History as it ages, will paint Mr/Mrs Obama a complete abject failure.

aka... a black Jimmy Carter so to speak'

That's not really a fair comparison.

He had a head full of bad ideas, but ultimately, Carter proved to be an honorable man, who sincerely acted in what he thought as the best interest of the country.

Obama was a corrupt Chicago-style politician, and a traitor; who hated this country, and attacked its very foundations.
Yet no corruption was ever found on the Great Obama

Conspiracy theories do not substitute for factual evidence
How hard is it to go around kissing muslime ass and apologizing to the world for America's exceptionalism?
Your fucking messiah is guilty of every criticism the right ever had of Obama and you love him. No president has ever been so weak in the face of our enemies.
Obama showed weakness. Frankly, I wondered what would happen if a President changed his foreign policy. He has caused many global problems.

obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.
Your fucking messiah is guilty of every criticism the right ever had of Obama and you love him. No president has ever been so weak in the face of our enemies.
Obama showed weakness. Frankly, I wondered what would happen if a President changed his foreign policy. He has caused many global problems.

obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.

haaaaaaa..... because they are - is what pisses you off the most. btw ---

Subpoenas issued to Trump Organization in emoluments lawsuit | Reuters

& that is an impeachable offense. :113:
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies."

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy
I quit reading when you said how Obama took lavish vacations.

You are dumber than shit.
lol... Dude went to Martha's Vineyard like every other weekend


You are a lying fuck. Once a year for a summer vacation.
Obama showed weakness. Frankly, I wondered what would happen if a President changed his foreign policy. He has caused many global problems.

obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.

haaaaaaa..... because they are - is what pisses you off the most. btw ---

Subpoenas issued to Trump Organization in emoluments lawsuit | Reuters

& that is an impeachable offense. :113:
/----/ Yeah - you buttsore losers are left scraping the bottom of the barrel.
What is the 'Emoluments Clause'? Does it apply to President ...
Jan 23, 2017 · John Jay accepted a horse from the King of Spain. After that, the Emoluments Clause rarely came up again. It's never been the subject of a major court case and never been taken up by the Supreme Court, leaving great uncertainty about what it means — and to whom, exactly, it applies — in the 21st century.
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.
Starting race wars and starting wars with nations that pose no threat to the US does set a new bar height to beat.
A black man in the White House got all you racist fucks in an uproar. Hardly his fault.
/----/ Like a White alpha male republican got you libtards in an uproar? You mean like that?
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.

So, your way of thinking is that so long as he looks and acts nice, he is a great president in spite of the fact that he was an abject failure.

That pretty well tells me that your bar for success is incredibly low.

This is how a President should act to demonstrate his strength and character? it!

Shall we show fat ass trump's photos?
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.

So, your way of thinking is that so long as he looks and acts nice, he is a great president in spite of the fact that he was an abject failure.

That pretty well tells me that your bar for success is incredibly low.

This is how a President should act to demonstrate his strength and character? it!

Shall we show fat ass trump's photos?
/----/ Whatever gets you wood...
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.
Starting race wars and starting wars with nations that pose no threat to the US does set a new bar height to beat.
A black man in the White House got all you racist fucks in an uproar. Hardly his fault.
/----/ Like a White alpha male republican got you libtards in an uproar? You mean like that?

I had no similar issues with Either of the Bush's, Clinton, Reagan, etc.

The problem is that you put a piece of shit in the White House.

Only a total assfuck would consider woman groper a alpha male. I have news, it take more that assaulting women to ba a man at all.
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.
Starting race wars and starting wars with nations that pose no threat to the US does set a new bar height to beat.
A black man in the White House got all you racist fucks in an uproar. Hardly his fault.
/----/ Like a White alpha male republican got you libtards in an uproar? You mean like that?
Trump is a pussy
Doesn’t exercise. Afraid of germs. Hates dogs. Doesn’t bond with his son.
Your fucking messiah is guilty of every criticism the right ever had of Obama and you love him. No president has ever been so weak in the face of our enemies.
Obama showed weakness. Frankly, I wondered what would happen if a President changed his foreign policy. He has caused many global problems.

obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.
The law seems to feel otherwise
Obama showed weakness. Frankly, I wondered what would happen if a President changed his foreign policy. He has caused many global problems.

obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.
The law seems to feel otherwise
/----/ What law? Do you ever have specifics or are baseless accusations all you have?
nose picker.jpg
obama never whored out the whitehouse like donny has.
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.
The law seems to feel otherwise
/----/ What law? Do you ever have specifics or are baseless accusations all you have?
View attachment 249572
How many Trump aids have been prosecuted?
over a dozen

How many under the Great Obama?
/-----/ Any proof of that stupid claim?
BTW Is the Lincoln Bedroom for rent again? - WND - WND

lol... look at his cabinet.

look at his administration.

all are for sale.
/----/ They are not for sale and that is what pizzes you off the most.
The law seems to feel otherwise
/----/ What law? Do you ever have specifics or are baseless accusations all you have?
View attachment 249572
How many Trump aids have been prosecuted?
over a dozen

How many under the Great Obama?
/----/ Yeah, because Obozo ran the Justice Department and we've learned the FBI was in the tank for Obozo and hildabeast
The total and complete failure of the Obama Presicency

"Obama also claimed he surrounded himself with people who disagreed with him -- and that's a huge whopper that even Obama loyalists don’t agree with. Former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said this in 2013: “I think that there is an issue with what people told the president, and I think that there is an instinct to tell the president what he wants to hear.” Even Obama-loving Chris Matthews agreed that Obama thought he was right about everything because he only received advice from yes-men. “The fact that this president is getting advice from people that say, ‘You’re always right,’ is the problem. He’s got too many sycophants around him telling him, ‘All you have to keep doing is what you’re doing.'”"

Obama's legacy.....Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy

LOL, Obama is setting himself up to be nonessential during the 2020 campaign cycle. He is starting to sound a lot like Hillary.
Mr. Obama was an exemplary statesman. If nothing else his legacy is assured as an example of how a president should act.
Starting race wars and starting wars with nations that pose no threat to the US does set a new bar height to beat.
A black man in the White House got all you racist fucks in an uproar. Hardly his fault.
/----/ Like a White alpha male republican got you libtards in an uproar? You mean like that?
Trump is a pussy
Doesn’t exercise. Afraid of germs. Hates dogs. Doesn’t bond with his son.

donny never 'fires' anybody himself. he had his body guard do it - had the media report it - ragged on sessions 'till he got sick of it & resigned - & tillerson read his thru a tweet.
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