Bannon may not be the right guy as chief strategist in the WH

The one thing that can be said about Trumps campaign is that it legitimized and gave a platform to a group that has been largely despised and marginalized. They saw something in Trump that resonated.'s one thing to grant that legitimacy in a campaign and quite another to install it officially in your White House. In a very unusual move, Bannon is being given equal authority to WH Chief of Staff Pribus.

Stephen Bannon, leader of the "alt-right" movement, will now give that fringe group even greater national legitimacy then it had during the campaign.

How does this fit with traditional Republican conservatives...? Not very easily.

This was from August, from a former Brietbart writer:

The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP

Constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity. Broad swaths of the alt-right, by contrast, believe in a creed-free, race-based nationalism, insisting, among other things, that birth on American soil confers superiority. The alt-right sees limited-government constitutionalism as passé; it holds that only nationalist populism on the basis of shared tribal identity can save the country. It’s a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism.

From: Stephen Bannon's appointment met with criticism

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, released a statement on Twitter congratulating Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus' appointment to White House chief of staff, but also denouncing Bannons' appointment.

"It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premiere website of the 'alt right' — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the 'people's house,'" Greenblatt said in the statement. "We call on President-elect Trump to appoint and nominate Americans committed to the well-being of all our country's people and who exemplify the values of pluralism and tolerance that make our country great."

Other organizations, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and the Southern Poverty Law Center, made similar comments.

Bannon inexorably bound with alt-right, this is not some ideology from his past coming back to bite him, this is his present and this is his present relationship with Trump.

So who is Bannon?
Well, he doesn't like Muslims: He was a big promoter of anti-Muslim extremists, hosing a radio show that show cased their views. He was instrumental in creating an online haven for the propagation of white supremacist wish lists including the legitimization of all kinds of anti-muslim conspiracy theories.

Nor does he much like Jews:
Trump campaign CEO Bannon complained of Jews at daughters' school

(but according to Gingrich that can't possibly be true because he's worked with Goldman Sachs and Hollywood....:confused:)

Well, he doesn't think much of blacks.
He tries to differentiate himself from the average skinhead by claiming that the alt-right represents a SMARTER, MORE EDUCATED group of people...ok, so he's Smarter-Than-The-Average-Racist. Whatever that means.

And Bannon has made no attempt to distance himself from his creations in any way shape or form.

This is who will have EQUAL power to the Chief of Staff. How long do you think Pribus will stay?
Doesn't like Jews yet he opened Breitbarts Jerusalem office....yeahhhhhhh if he didn't like Jews why in the hell would he expand his company to Israel!? Bannon is AWESOME and I love his appointment to the WH....the big boss man is back and the scum need to learn their place.

I just did a search on Odium posts about Jews. No wonder you like Bannon.

Now I'm going to brush my teeth.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


The fact that the Bannon pick is making you even more miserable tells me its the right pick. Deal with it.
This is great news for us democrats! We want them to fuck up in historic ways so the people vote us back into power in 2018 and 2020.

I hope they load the fucking trains, throw granny onto the street, privatize infrastructure so the little guy has to pay thousands per month to even drive down the street and take away ssi for all these old white fucks.

When we get voted back into power we will be able to fix this mess as we'll have a super majority in all parts of the congress.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"

He pisses you and the cuckservative media and libtard media off. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!
Please tell me that you used to be a Democrat.
The one thing that can be said about Trumps campaign is that it legitimized and gave a platform to a group that has been largely despised and marginalized. They saw something in Trump that resonated.'s one thing to grant that legitimacy in a campaign and quite another to install it officially in your White House. In a very unusual move, Bannon is being given equal authority to WH Chief of Staff Pribus.

Stephen Bannon, leader of the "alt-right" movement, will now give that fringe group even greater national legitimacy then it had during the campaign.

How does this fit with traditional Republican conservatives...? Not very easily.

This was from August, from a former Brietbart writer:

The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP

Constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity. Broad swaths of the alt-right, by contrast, believe in a creed-free, race-based nationalism, insisting, among other things, that birth on American soil confers superiority. The alt-right sees limited-government constitutionalism as passé; it holds that only nationalist populism on the basis of shared tribal identity can save the country. It’s a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism.

From: Stephen Bannon's appointment met with criticism

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, released a statement on Twitter congratulating Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus' appointment to White House chief of staff, but also denouncing Bannons' appointment.

"It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premiere website of the 'alt right' — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the 'people's house,'" Greenblatt said in the statement. "We call on President-elect Trump to appoint and nominate Americans committed to the well-being of all our country's people and who exemplify the values of pluralism and tolerance that make our country great."

Other organizations, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and the Southern Poverty Law Center, made similar comments.

Bannon inexorably bound with alt-right, this is not some ideology from his past coming back to bite him, this is his present and this is his present relationship with Trump.

So who is Bannon?
Well, he doesn't like Muslims: He was a big promoter of anti-Muslim extremists, hosing a radio show that show cased their views. He was instrumental in creating an online haven for the propagation of white supremacist wish lists including the legitimization of all kinds of anti-muslim conspiracy theories.

Nor does he much like Jews:
Trump campaign CEO Bannon complained of Jews at daughters' school

(but according to Gingrich that can't possibly be true because he's worked with Goldman Sachs and Hollywood....:confused:)

Well, he doesn't think much of blacks.
He tries to differentiate himself from the average skinhead by claiming that the alt-right represents a SMARTER, MORE EDUCATED group of people...ok, so he's Smarter-Than-The-Average-Racist. Whatever that means.

And Bannon has made no attempt to distance himself from his creations in any way shape or form.

This is who will have EQUAL power to the Chief of Staff. How long do you think Pribus will stay?
Doesn't like Jews yet he opened Breitbarts Jerusalem office....yeahhhhhhh if he didn't like Jews why in the hell would he expand his company to Israel!? Bannon is AWESOME and I love his appointment to the WH....the big boss man is back and the scum need to learn their place.

I just did a search on Odium posts about Jews. No wonder you like Bannon.

Now I'm going to brush my teeth.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.
Interesting articles:
Trump Effect: Jewish and Muslim Organizations Form New Alliance

Aftershock: President Trump has shattered Jews' American idyll
The election of Donald Trump has shattered the Jewish idyll, all across the board. Although one must give the president-elect the benefit of the doubt that he is not an anti-Semite himself, he has frequently promoted disparaging Jewish stereotypes in his personal statements.

Sunday evening’s appointment of former Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon as chief strategist in the White House is bound to exacerbate Jewish tensions. He is considered the standard bearer for the racist, anti-immigrant alt-right movement and has been accused of harboring anti-Semitic sentiments himself.

Trump has repeatedly and unapologetically disseminated white supremacist tweets. His campaign has used anti-Semitic symbols that Trump has failed to disown even when advised of their offensive content. He has distanced himself from his neo-Nazi supporters only under duress. And under his wings, America has seen an unprecedented outburst of blunt and naked hatred of Jews, which has only gotten worse since his election.

The thing with Bannon, and with Trump is this - they may or may not be antisemitic - but they have both clung to and utilized anti-semitic memes and associates in their campaign and political activities.

Bannon's ties to the Alt-Right, and the transformation of Breitbart's news site by the Alt-Right are not tenous - he was an active partner. And he chose to do nothing to temper, tone down or alter the message coming from his surrogates.

In choosing to do that - you at best - tolerating their messages and at worst embracing them or utilizing them for some bizarre political "greater good".

You can't distance Bannon from the creature he had a big part in creating - the online Alt-right and their presence in Breitbart - becuase he doesn't distance himself.
The one thing that can be said about Trumps campaign is that it legitimized and gave a platform to a group that has been largely despised and marginalized. They saw something in Trump that resonated.'s one thing to grant that legitimacy in a campaign and quite another to install it officially in your White House. In a very unusual move, Bannon is being given equal authority to WH Chief of Staff Pribus.

Stephen Bannon, leader of the "alt-right" movement, will now give that fringe group even greater national legitimacy then it had during the campaign.

How does this fit with traditional Republican conservatives...? Not very easily.

This was from August, from a former Brietbart writer:

The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP

Constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity. Broad swaths of the alt-right, by contrast, believe in a creed-free, race-based nationalism, insisting, among other things, that birth on American soil confers superiority. The alt-right sees limited-government constitutionalism as passé; it holds that only nationalist populism on the basis of shared tribal identity can save the country. It’s a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism.

From: Stephen Bannon's appointment met with criticism

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, released a statement on Twitter congratulating Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus' appointment to White House chief of staff, but also denouncing Bannons' appointment.

"It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premiere website of the 'alt right' — a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists — is slated to be a senior staff member in the 'people's house,'" Greenblatt said in the statement. "We call on President-elect Trump to appoint and nominate Americans committed to the well-being of all our country's people and who exemplify the values of pluralism and tolerance that make our country great."

Other organizations, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and the Southern Poverty Law Center, made similar comments.

Bannon inexorably bound with alt-right, this is not some ideology from his past coming back to bite him, this is his present and this is his present relationship with Trump.

So who is Bannon?
Well, he doesn't like Muslims: He was a big promoter of anti-Muslim extremists, hosing a radio show that show cased their views. He was instrumental in creating an online haven for the propagation of white supremacist wish lists including the legitimization of all kinds of anti-muslim conspiracy theories.

Nor does he much like Jews:
Trump campaign CEO Bannon complained of Jews at daughters' school

(but according to Gingrich that can't possibly be true because he's worked with Goldman Sachs and Hollywood....:confused:)

Well, he doesn't think much of blacks.
He tries to differentiate himself from the average skinhead by claiming that the alt-right represents a SMARTER, MORE EDUCATED group of people...ok, so he's Smarter-Than-The-Average-Racist. Whatever that means.

And Bannon has made no attempt to distance himself from his creations in any way shape or form.

This is who will have EQUAL power to the Chief of Staff. How long do you think Pribus will stay?
Doesn't like Jews yet he opened Breitbarts Jerusalem office....yeahhhhhhh if he didn't like Jews why in the hell would he expand his company to Israel!? Bannon is AWESOME and I love his appointment to the WH....the big boss man is back and the scum need to learn their place.

I just did a search on Odium posts about Jews. No wonder you like Bannon.

Now I'm going to brush my teeth.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


As bad as Trump is, this guy is worse. He's an unabashed racist, like most Trump supporters, and he's has done more to spread right-wing hate at Breitbart News than just about anyone else in this country. This asshole should not be anywhere near the White House and Trump is already off to a horrible start giving this evil fuck such an important role in his administration.
Interesting articles:
Trump Effect: Jewish and Muslim Organizations Form New Alliance

Aftershock: President Trump has shattered Jews' American idyll

Spencer and Lidell created the Alternative Right. This is not an opinion. It's a fact.

No evidence ever of Bannon being anti Semetic. For crying out loud Coyote I'm really surprised you are on this lying bandwagon.

Bannon was a great friend of Breibart who was a Jew. Everyone surrounding him at Breitbart is a Jew. ZOA has endorsed Bannon. Horowitz and Levin as well as many others are coming flat out and saying this is one big lie.

I swear the left has truly gone over the cliff on this one. Pity to see you part of it.
The election of Donald Trump has shattered the Jewish idyll, all across the board. Although one must give the president-elect the benefit of the doubt that he is not an anti-Semite himself, he has frequently promoted disparaging Jewish stereotypes in his personal statements.

Sunday evening’s appointment of former Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon as chief strategist in the White House is bound to exacerbate Jewish tensions. He is considered the standard bearer for the racist, anti-immigrant alt-right movement and has been accused of harboring anti-Semitic sentiments himself.

Trump has repeatedly and unapologetically disseminated white supremacist tweets. His campaign has used anti-Semitic symbols that Trump has failed to disown even when advised of their offensive content. He has distanced himself from his neo-Nazi supporters only under duress. And under his wings, America has seen an unprecedented outburst of blunt and naked hatred of Jews, which has only gotten worse since his election.

The thing with Bannon, and with Trump is this - they may or may not be antisemitic - but they have both clung to and utilized anti-semitic memes and associates in their campaign and political activities.

Bannon's ties to the Alt-Right, and the transformation of Breitbart's news site by the Alt-Right are not tenous - he was an active partner. And he chose to do nothing to temper, tone down or alter the message coming from his surrogates.

In choosing to do that - you at best - tolerating their messages and at worst embracing them or utilizing them for some bizarre political "greater good".

You can't distance Bannon from the creature he had a big part in creating - the online Alt-right and their presence in Breitbart - becuase he doesn't distance himself.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


As bad as Trump is, this guy is worse. He's an unabashed racist, like most Trump supporters, and he's has done more to spread right-wing hate at Breitbart News than just about anyone else in this country. This asshole should not be anywhere near the White House and Trump is already off to a horrible start giving this evil fuck such an important role in his administration.

Prove he's a racist or shut the fuck up.
Doesn't like Jews yet he opened Breitbarts Jerusalem office....yeahhhhhhh if he didn't like Jews why in the hell would he expand his company to Israel!? Bannon is AWESOME and I love his appointment to the WH....the big boss man is back and the scum need to learn their place.

I just did a search on Odium posts about Jews. No wonder you like Bannon.

Now I'm going to brush my teeth.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.
I just did a search on Odium posts about Jews. No wonder you like Bannon.

Now I'm going to brush my teeth.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.

I think the more appropriate term might be "regurgitater".

How long do you think legitimizing the voices of white supremacists is going to last in this country? How long can you carry the politicing of hate and anger without any messages of hope, unity, and shared path forward for this country? That's largely absent.
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.

I think the more appropriate term might be "regurgitater".

How long do you think legitimizing the voices of white supremacists is going to last in this country? How long can you carry the politicing of hate and anger without any messages of hope, unity, and shared path forward for this country? That's largely absent.
How long can the US keep printing money for the entire planet?
You people pushed too far and tried to push us into oblivion and NOW you want to whine when the truth is given such a high stand to stand on.....oh well..

Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.

I think the more appropriate term might be "regurgitater".

How long do you think legitimizing the voices of white supremacists is going to last in this country? How long can you carry the politicing of hate and anger without any messages of hope, unity, and shared path forward for this country? That's largely absent.
Obviously Trump and Bannon boxed messages of White Identity AND hope,unity and a path forward together since they won. This was just the beginning really.....a lot like to think we can build on this I personally saw this as a last grasp before violence had to be used to make sure our race wasn't eradicated....glad we avoided that for now.
Your "us" truly deserves to be marginalized. But don't worry. We'll come for regular visits and feed you cookies and peanuts from the dispenser.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.

I think the more appropriate term might be "regurgitater".

How long do you think legitimizing the voices of white supremacists is going to last in this country? How long can you carry the politicing of hate and anger without any messages of hope, unity, and shared path forward for this country? That's largely absent.
Obviously Trump and Bannon boxed messages of White Identity AND hope,unity and a path forward together since they won. This was just the beginning really.....a lot like to think we can build on this I personally saw this as a last grasp before violence had to be used to make sure our race wasn't eradicated....glad we avoided that for now.

That isn't a prerequisite to winning. You can win on anger alone in the right environment.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Alternative Right was started by Bannon. That's a lie. Just like all the claims that he is anti Semetic. Another flat out lie.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


As bad as Trump is, this guy is worse. He's an unabashed racist, like most Trump supporters, and he's has done more to spread right-wing hate at Breitbart News than just about anyone else in this country. This asshole should not be anywhere near the White House and Trump is already off to a horrible start giving this evil fuck such an important role in his administration.

Prove he's a racist or shut the fuck up.

That's like proving that you're an ignorant and unsophisticated Repug goober. It's highly probable from your lightweight posts that this is a factual statement, but more difficult to prove.

Perhaps you should read some of his ex-wife's comments....or not, it's not going to change the opinion of an intellectually dishonest racist like you either way.
No need. WE are in the White House now. I guess you would be truly disgusted by famous men's quotes on Jews. Including Washington,Sherman,Franklin etc.

No, mostly I'm just disgusted by you.

Ever heard of the term "over-reaching"?
The truth makes people sick. I am just a messenger.

I think the more appropriate term might be "regurgitater".

How long do you think legitimizing the voices of white supremacists is going to last in this country? How long can you carry the politicing of hate and anger without any messages of hope, unity, and shared path forward for this country? That's largely absent.
Obviously Trump and Bannon boxed messages of White Identity AND hope,unity and a path forward together since they won. This was just the beginning really.....a lot like to think we can build on this I personally saw this as a last grasp before violence had to be used to make sure our race wasn't eradicated....glad we avoided that for now.

That isn't a prerequisite to winning. You can win on anger alone in the right environment.
Of course but America was a mixture of ANGRY and HOPEFUL that Trump could fix it. He is just bringing along a wonderful messenger in Bannon who speaks to and for the rightful owners of this country. White People.

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