Bank of America Targeting Illegal Market For Banking


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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This is unreal, I don't think it matters if you are for amnesty or against it. Links and more:

Bank of Illegal Aliens in America
By Michelle Malkin · February 13, 2007 09:21 AM

Higher standards...except for illegal aliens

Bank of America has introduced a new credit especially and exclusively for law-breaking immigrants. Really. The story is on the front page of the Wall Street Journal today. It's subscription-only. Here are the details:

In the latest sign of the U.S. banking industry's aggressive pursuit of the Hispanic market, Bank of America Corp. has quietly begun offering credit cards to customers without Social Security numbers -- typically illegal immigrants.

In recent years, banks across the country have begun offering checking accounts and, in some cases, mortgages to the nation's fast-growing ranks of undocumented immigrants, most of whom are Hispanic. But these immigrants generally haven't been able to get major credit cards, making it hard for them to develop a credit history and expand their purchasing power.

The new Bank of America program is open to people who lack both a Social Security number and a credit history, as long as they have held a checking account with the bank for three months without an overdraft. Most adults in the U.S. who don't have a Social Security number are undocumented immigrants.

The Charlotte, N.C., banking giant tested the program last year at five branches in Los Angeles, and last week expanded it to 51 branches in Los Angeles County, home to the largest concentration of illegal immigrants in the U.S. The bank hopes to roll out the program nationally later this year.​


...So what is the Bush Department of Homeland Security doing? Using the BoA outrage to argue for its amnesty plan that would reward illegal aliens en masse! They do not get it:

Department of Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said banking products aimed at illegal immigrants "reinforce the need for a temporary worker program" that the Bush administration has been promoting. That program would screen, tax and otherwise regulate immigrant workers and, the administration contends, would squeeze out illegal workers who now use forged or stolen documents to get jobs, driver's licenses and occasionally credit.​

Dios mio. Banking products aimed at illegal immigrants do not "reinforce the need for a temporary worker program." They reinforce the need to enforce the borders, strengthen interior enforcement of immigration laws, and punish companies openly flouting the rule of law.

Score another victory for phony baloney homeland security.

I'd recommend reading up on Micro Loans and review the history and then you'll see the idea behind this and who B of A is targetting. Do I agree on this policy? No; because not only will other banking institutions follow this idea for the money they'll make but also we the customers of these banks will have to suffer from higher rates of interest on loans to cover these dead beats that don't pay there bills.
Yea, I heard about this the other day, not surprising to me, that BofA would make such a move.

In the last couple of decades BofA has shown the way for bad banking, and complete sliminess.

I wouldn't have wanted to ride the ups, and downs of its stockholders.

Of course, at the end of the day, what they are doing IS NOT illegal, just morally bankrupt.

I can only hope it backfires in their faces.
Yesterday, according to a local radio show - 2,600 checking and credit card accounts were closed here in SoCal by irate BofA customers.

Great Marketing!:clap2:
I believe I will call BOA and request that my ssn be removed from account. Certainly they will be happy to oblidge since they are offering NEW accounts to lawbreakers with no history of good payment, responsible usage, etc,... I'm not sure how they are going to report my good credit to the credit gustapo (Equifax) and how the hell they will know who I am when I call, but I still want it done.

Let's see, better yet. I believe I'll apply for a new account. I'll just tell them that I was a stowaway from Ireland and just arrived in the US. Having said that, they will have no way of verifying anything but given their new policy of attracting prospective customers, that shouldn't concern them. I'll just charge up my limit the first evening at Sears or my favorite pro shop and then simply backhand toss the card into the trash since I'll have no intention of paying the paying the bill. I mean, hell, what are they going to do, put a bad mark on my credit history. WHAT credit history? I had no legal documents when I set up the account, what the hell would I give them a real name for? For all that matters, what is a REAL name anyway?

Let's see, decisions, decisions! Do I need the fourth stage collection of tools for my Craftsman set or a new trolling motor for my bassboat worse? Hmmmm, maybe some new suits. Damn this is tough.
No you can't do that because you are a citzen, it is stamped across you forehead and the gustapos at B of A would know you are lying. I'm doing some banking changes because I couldn't get a better apr on my credit card. I have wonderful credit which means I pay my bills with no late fees. They'll give me more credit on the card but can't or won't reduce my apr. My credit union dropped my current apr 3.0 points to 5.9 so you know I'm going to use my 0 balance c-c from now on.
Heard about this on Dobbs tonight. One caller said, "next up from Bank of America: free checking for terrorists!"
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