Bambi’s Rabbit Friend Thumper Said, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Bambi’s Rabbit Friend Thumper Said, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s little song went, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing. Take a bit of good advice, shhhh, say nothing. Think of friendly things to say, that’s the path to follow. When you think an unkind thought, button your lips and swallow.”

The insults that fly back and forth on these message boards are posted by the insignificant citizens who are the members. Posters enjoy anonymity and no one’s life will be changed by anything written here (remember, sticks and stones.,, ).

But there are those who are unable, or unwilling, to heed the advice of a Disney cartoon rabbit’s song (which most of us learned as children), and, for many, ignoring Thumper’s wisdom is ruining their lives.

Solid8 CEO Michael Lofthouse is one of those angry individuals who is certain minority citizens here in the United States are victimizing and oppressing the white race. Lofthouse reached his breaking point a few days ago, and decided he would illustrate to those around him the danger “these people" pose to good, white Americans like himself. (More about this later.)

Lofthouse unleashed a vulgar and racist tirade toward an Asian family celebrating a birthday at a restaurant in Carmel Valley, during which he felt obliged to invoke the name "trump" to add impact to his words.

Lofthouse, the British-born, San Francisco tech executive emigrated to the United States in 2010, but apparently forgot, in addition to living in the U.S., he is also living in the digital age. His asinine rant was recorded and the video posted to the Internet. Did this “foreign born” tech executive seriously believe his racist shenanigans would not go viral?

In a statement released by the company, Lofthouse said he lost control of his emotions during the encounter. “My behavior in the video is appalling,” the statement read. “This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments.”

Lofthouse has resigned from the San Francisco Bay Area tech startup.

For the fans of the impeached president trump who believe his own racist tantrums have liberated them so they can freely, and publicly, spew hate-speech like that of their hero, listen to Thumper, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s simple advice in no way suggests overcoming one’s racist thoughts or beliefs. His words only advise keeping such thoughts private. For people like Lofthouse, who feel overwhelmingly compelled to act irrationally before they consider the consequences, Thumper’s uncomplicated philosophy is something they might consider.

San Francisco tech CEO kicked out of restaurant following racist rant caught on camera

Bambi’s Rabbit Friend Thumper Said, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s little song went, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing. Take a bit of good advice, shhhh, say nothing. Think of friendly things to say, that’s the path to follow. When you think an unkind thought, button your lips and swallow.”

The insults that fly back and forth on these message boards are posted by the insignificant citizens who are the members. Posters enjoy anonymity and no one’s life will be changed by anything written here (remember, sticks and stones.,, ).

But there are those who are unable, or unwilling, to heed the advice of a Disney cartoon rabbit’s song (which most of us learned as children), and, for many, ignoring Thumper’s wisdom is ruining their lives.

Solid8 CEO Michael Lofthouse is one of those angry individuals who is certain minority citizens here in the United States are victimizing and oppressing the white race. Lofthouse reached his breaking point a few days ago, and decided he would illustrate to those around him the danger “these people" pose to good, white Americans like himself. (More about this later.)

Lofthouse unleashed a vulgar and racist tirade toward an Asian family celebrating a birthday at a restaurant in Carmel Valley, during which he felt obliged to invoke the name "trump" to add impact to his words.

Lofthouse, the British-born, San Francisco tech executive emigrated to the United States in 2010, but apparently forgot, in addition to living in the U.S., he is also living in the digital age. His asinine rant was recorded and the video posted to the Internet. Did this “foreign born” tech executive seriously believe his racist shenanigans would not go viral?

In a statement released by the company, Lofthouse said he lost control of his emotions during the encounter. “My behavior in the video is appalling,” the statement read. “This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments.”

Lofthouse has resigned from the San Francisco Bay Area tech startup.

For the fans of the impeached president trump who believe his own racist tantrums have liberated them so they can freely, and publicly, spew hate-speech like that of their hero, listen to Thumper, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s simple advice in no way suggests overcoming one’s racist thoughts or beliefs. His words only advise keeping such thoughts private. For people like Lofthouse, who feel overwhelmingly compelled to act irrationally before they consider the consequences, Thumper’s uncomplicated philosophy is something they might consider.

San Francisco tech CEO kicked out of restaurant following racist rant caught on camera


We had someone do this right here in my home state the other day. People just can't get it through their thick skulls. You have the right to speak your mind freely. But you have no right to not expect any fallout or ramifications from whatever falls out of your mouth on a bad day.
A much better writer, Dorothy Parker, said,

"If you can't say anything nice about anyone else, come sit next to me."
Funny that the left always pretend that they believe in free speech. But they are always the first one to say you can't say certain things on campuses. They want to boycott some company because they said something that did not downgrade Trump. They got all bent out of shape over a company that had the terrible idea to sell raw cotton.
They agree with free speech only as long as it agrees with their single thought processes.
Good thing he didn't say All Lives Matter in the wrong setting.

He may have ended up in the hospital.
Bambi’s Rabbit Friend Thumper Said, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s little song went, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing. Take a bit of good advice, shhhh, say nothing. Think of friendly things to say, that’s the path to follow. When you think an unkind thought, button your lips and swallow.”

The insults that fly back and forth on these message boards are posted by the insignificant citizens who are the members. Posters enjoy anonymity and no one’s life will be changed by anything written here (remember, sticks and stones.,, ).

But there are those who are unable, or unwilling, to heed the advice of a Disney cartoon rabbit’s song (which most of us learned as children), and, for many, ignoring Thumper’s wisdom is ruining their lives.

Solid8 CEO Michael Lofthouse is one of those angry individuals who is certain minority citizens here in the United States are victimizing and oppressing the white race. Lofthouse reached his breaking point a few days ago, and decided he would illustrate to those around him the danger “these people" pose to good, white Americans like himself. (More about this later.)

Lofthouse unleashed a vulgar and racist tirade toward an Asian family celebrating a birthday at a restaurant in Carmel Valley, during which he felt obliged to invoke the name "trump" to add impact to his words.

Lofthouse, the British-born, San Francisco tech executive emigrated to the United States in 2010, but apparently forgot, in addition to living in the U.S., he is also living in the digital age. His asinine rant was recorded and the video posted to the Internet. Did this “foreign born” tech executive seriously believe his racist shenanigans would not go viral?

In a statement released by the company, Lofthouse said he lost control of his emotions during the encounter. “My behavior in the video is appalling,” the statement read. “This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments.”

Lofthouse has resigned from the San Francisco Bay Area tech startup.

For the fans of the impeached president trump who believe his own racist tantrums have liberated them so they can freely, and publicly, spew hate-speech like that of their hero, listen to Thumper, “If you can’t say something nice, Shhh, say nothing...”

Thumper’s simple advice in no way suggests overcoming one’s racist thoughts or beliefs. His words only advise keeping such thoughts private. For people like Lofthouse, who feel overwhelmingly compelled to act irrationally before they consider the consequences, Thumper’s uncomplicated philosophy is something they might consider.

San Francisco tech CEO kicked out of restaurant following racist rant caught on camera


What you are beginning to witness, silly rabbit, are early rumblings of the incoming, inevitable backlash against the psycho-circus your democrat heroes have visited against the majority of the American people. I suggest you toughen up and get used to it; the ride, for your ilk on the radicalized left, is about to get so bumpy the wheels and the axles come off. But it won't stop there. We've warned you time and again these past two decades: ease up, back-off, stand down. You did not heed a single one of them. Now; now your ilk will suffer tremendously as the silent American majority awakes; awakens as it did during both World Wars. The incoming pain for your side is a tidal wave of righteous justice. Its receiving end is double-edged, sing-razor sharp and wholly unforgiving. I do not believe anything can stop it . . . not now, not after all the horror your side has visited on their fellow countrymen. The time to worry begins . . . now.
Why did he say that? What started it? FUCK I hate what people consider news now a days.

I'm certainly not saying that whatever it was that happened was warranted... BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHY THE FUCK IT HAPPENED. WHY MATTERS!

If you aren't going to give me the full story, or at least **try** to do so... BAH!

Another one bites the dust. The digital marketing firm Actionable Insights in Fresno, CA is minus its CEO after his racist rant at a local bar.

Defending his constitutional right, exclusive to conservatives, that guarantees their right to disregard the legal “Face Masks Must Be Worn Here” policy of a privately owned business, Jason Wood launched into a drunken, racist rant at the female Hispanic bartender.

Actionable Insights issued the following statement:

Due to recent events, Actionable Insights is announcing the resignation of Mr. Jason Wood as our Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. This is a direct result of his recent unacceptable actions which are not representative of our core values.”

During this time of progressive social change, we are committed to ensure our company embodies a spirit of equality and respect for all people. On behalf of Mr. Wood and Actionable Insights, we extend our deepest apologies. It is our hope that we can move forward, and our reputation for integrity and excellence will navigate us through this difficult time.”

It’s more than apparent, Woody is another racist emboldened by the impeached president trump’s vile rhetoric (and too much alcohol), who should have taken Thumper’s advise. Included in his hate-speech, as bartender Rebecca Hernandez reported, "He blatantly told me he doesn't believe in COVID, and he'll never wear a mask."

Naturally, Wood apologized, and employed the usual excuse favored by the drunken racist the morning after his alcohol induced stupor exposed his racism. But Actionable Insights fired his a$$ anyway.

Man fired after racist rant goes viral


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