Baltimore Backlash (Prosecutor Mosby down 0-3)


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
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I'm so sick of these assholes dishing out charges to appease the stupid lynch mobs.

She played on the tragedy—overreaching—and now she's getting burned spectacularly because of it.

Freddie Gray Case: Van Driver Caesar Goodson Jr. Found Not Guilty of Murder and Other Charges

STOP assuming every black person killed by police is a special, innocent snowflake who never did anything wrong and loved education and had a big, BIG future ahead of himself. Just stop. The American populace isn't that stupid. Like with white people, there are good and bad black people. Yeah, there are bad police officers out there. There are good black people out there. STOP rallying behind and using scum (the law-breakers/thugs/poor decision-makers/violent black people) as the people to push your social issues. IT'S SAD how you keep using dead African-American people who were bashing in someone's head or violently robbing someone before they got killed. You need better examples, because that's just embarrassing.

After the other three charges crumble these wrongly-accused offers need to sue her for prosecutorial misconduct.

Let this be a lesson. Let it reverberate.
I'm so sick of these assholes dishing out charges to appease the stupid lynch mobs.

She played on the tragedy—overreaching—and now she's getting burned spectacularly because of it.

Freddie Gray Case: Van Driver Caesar Goodson Jr. Found Not Guilty of Murder and Other Charges

STOP assuming every black person killed by police is a special, innocent snowflake who never did anything wrong and loved education and had a big, BIG future ahead of himself. Just stop. The American populace isn't that stupid. Like with white people, there are good and bad black people. Yeah, there are bad police officers out there. There are good black people out there. STOP rallying behind and using scum (the law-breakers/thugs/poor decision-makers/violent black people) as the people to push your social issues. IT'S SAD how you keep using dead African-American people who were bashing in someone's head or violently robbing someone before they got killed. You need better examples, because that's just embarrassing.

After the other three charges crumble these wrongly-accused offers need to sue her for prosecutorial misconduct.

Let this be a lesson. Let it reverberate.
They alrdy are suing her.....
It seems to me Mosby should have known better than to impose such serious charges (e.g., murder) on any of those cops. While it looked good to the rioting faction there really was nothing to base a conviction on. So is she simply incompetent or did she strategically overload the charges knowing they would be dismissed (not an unusual strategy)?

Had she charged them with negligent homicide, that is a serious felony and I can't see how they could have squeezed out of it. But the pile of charges she hit them with suggests they intended to kill Gray.
I'm so sick of these assholes dishing out charges to appease the stupid lynch mobs.

She played on the tragedy—overreaching—and now she's getting burned spectacularly because of it.

Freddie Gray Case: Van Driver Caesar Goodson Jr. Found Not Guilty of Murder and Other Charges

STOP assuming every black person killed by police is a special, innocent snowflake who never did anything wrong and loved education and had a big, BIG future ahead of himself. Just stop. The American populace isn't that stupid. Like with white people, there are good and bad black people. Yeah, there are bad police officers out there. There are good black people out there. STOP rallying behind and using scum (the law-breakers/thugs/poor decision-makers/violent black people) as the people to push your social issues. IT'S SAD how you keep using dead African-American people who were bashing in someone's head or violently robbing someone before they got killed. You need better examples, because that's just embarrassing.

After the other three charges crumble these wrongly-accused offers need to sue her for prosecutorial misconduct.

Let this be a lesson. Let it reverberate.
They alrdy are suing her.....

Good for them. Hope they get every damned dime Baltimore has.
I'm so sick of these assholes dishing out charges to appease the stupid lynch mobs.

She played on the tragedy—overreaching—and now she's getting burned spectacularly because of it.

Freddie Gray Case: Van Driver Caesar Goodson Jr. Found Not Guilty of Murder and Other Charges

STOP assuming every black person killed by police is a special, innocent snowflake who never did anything wrong and loved education and had a big, BIG future ahead of himself. Just stop. The American populace isn't that stupid. Like with white people, there are good and bad black people. Yeah, there are bad police officers out there. There are good black people out there. STOP rallying behind and using scum (the law-breakers/thugs/poor decision-makers/violent black people) as the people to push your social issues. IT'S SAD how you keep using dead African-American people who were bashing in someone's head or violently robbing someone before they got killed. You need better examples, because that's just embarrassing.

After the other three charges crumble these wrongly-accused offers need to sue her for prosecutorial misconduct.

Let this be a lesson. Let it reverberate.

Actually, the American population IS that stupid.
I'm so sick of these assholes dishing out charges to appease the stupid lynch mobs.

She played on the tragedy—overreaching—and now she's getting burned spectacularly because of it.

Freddie Gray Case: Van Driver Caesar Goodson Jr. Found Not Guilty of Murder and Other Charges

STOP assuming every black person killed by police is a special, innocent snowflake who never did anything wrong and loved education and had a big, BIG future ahead of himself. Just stop. The American populace isn't that stupid. Like with white people, there are good and bad black people. Yeah, there are bad police officers out there. There are good black people out there. STOP rallying behind and using scum (the law-breakers/thugs/poor decision-makers/violent black people) as the people to push your social issues. IT'S SAD how you keep using dead African-American people who were bashing in someone's head or violently robbing someone before they got killed. You need better examples, because that's just embarrassing.

After the other three charges crumble these wrongly-accused offers need to sue her for prosecutorial misconduct.

Let this be a lesson. Let it reverberate.
Don' worry. The falsely accused LEO's are each suing the city. By the time the suites are settled out of court each LEO will be a multimillionaire and the negro bitch will have cost the city over 100 million.
Obama is encouraging her to press charges

He's intelligent. He should know better. Maybe he does, but is backing her for some other reason.
Because he loves racial strife...that should be obvious by now.
I think it's about legacy building. MLK is beloved and remembered for his push for civil rights and Obama probably wants something similar for himself.
That's certainly part of it...but up until his presidency, racial division was on the decline from mine and most people I have talked to about this subject's experience. So he pushed racial strife so he could play civil rights hero president. That's why he pushes the homo agenda as well. He was never qualified to be president. He's a narcissistic moron.
Obama is encouraging her to press charges

He's intelligent. He should know better. Maybe he does, but is backing her for some other reason.
Because he loves racial strife...that should be obvious by now.
I think it's about legacy building. MLK is beloved and remembered for his push for civil rights and Obama probably wants something similar for himself.
Obama will end up going down in US history as the most divisive racist asshole 'AA' President to ever burn the carpet in the Oval office with his fucking cigarette butts.
Obama is encouraging her to press charges

He's intelligent. He should know better. Maybe he does, but is backing her for some other reason.
Because he loves racial strife...that should be obvious by now.
I think it's about legacy building. MLK is beloved and remembered for his push for civil rights and Obama probably wants something similar for himself.
What Obama will end up going down in US history as the most divisive racist asshole 'AA' President to ever burn the carpet in the Oval office with his fucking cigarette butts.
He's trash...he deserves prison.
Obama is encouraging her to press charges

He's intelligent. He should know better. Maybe he does, but is backing her for some other reason.
Because he loves racial strife...that should be obvious by now.
I think it's about legacy building. MLK is beloved and remembered for his push for civil rights and Obama probably wants something similar for himself.
What Obama will end up going down in US history as the most divisive racist asshole 'AA' President to ever burn the carpet in the Oval office with his fucking cigarette butts.
He's trash...he deserves prison.
It will be hilarious to watch how little interest anyone has to pay Obama to give a speech to anyone once he leaves office.
It wouldn't be like he has anything to sell to the 'Pay-For-Play' crowd like the Clintons did.
Obama will be giving 'motivational speeches' to the young men at 'Boys Town'. That's about it.
I don't hate Obama. He does have a great lack of passion. Trump does have passion, and leaders in general should express passion for what they believe in. Obama is too reserved... too mild: he doesn't know how to stir up the passion of the people. When was the last time you saw the flame of genuine passion in him, rather than a calm exterior borne from years of educational/political discipline. There is such thing as being too dispassionate.
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