Baked apples


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I was watching "Depression Cooking" videos and conceived a hankering for baked apples.

The site is here, it's great..or you can hit youtube and watch vid after vid:

I've had them (baked apples) a few times before...once at a 4-star restaurant, complete with pastry (called apple dumplings), with caramel sauce and ice cream. That was pretty good, but the apple was just apple, with pastry on the outside, and caramel on the outside.

My mother made them a couple of times when I was a girl, but again, they were nothing special. Her apple pie (or any other pie she made) was and is spectacular, however.

So I watched Clara's video on baked apples...she just cores them, fills them up with sugar and cinnamon, puts a pat of butter (please use real butter, margarine is not the same) and bakes them for like an hour or whatever.

My oven is currently on the fritz, so I decided to make them in the microwave.

3 green apples (2 granny smith, one golden delicious)
1 cup sugar
2 tablepoons (or whatever) of cinnamond

I filled the apples (after coring them) with the sugar and cinnamon, I put them in the bowl, I put cups in between them to keep them from tipping over, put maybe 1/4 cup of water in the bottom (maybe not that much) and put them in the microwave for 10 minutes.


They were sooo good...when I took them out the centers were empty, all the caramel was in the bottom of the bowl, so I took them and about half filled the apples with what was left of the sugar mixture, and poured the sauce over the top, in the hole on top of the sugar to the top, and then just all over...

Really really good...
Oh, don't forget..put the butter on top of the sugar and cinnamon.
we wrap them in foil and toss them in a campfire, woodstove etc....course they are gonna be overdone and all but people love eating them like that...
perhaps tossing is not the best way you want them to stand up so the butter and all doesnt drain out....then they are just burned damned apples
Lolol...I really don't think you can make them inedible, unless you drop them in dirt or something.

Pecans would be really good; unfortunately some of my crew hate nuts. They gobble the heck out of the sugar/cinnamon/butter ones though.
Yummy, I usually prefer them without any topping or anything..but def gonna try it your way.

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