Bad Media changing the course of nations and of history


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Look at what the BBC has done to the UK and Europe. Look at all the suffering in Germany at the hands of Globalists. Especially women and children......yet the media hides it. Look at Venezuela.

Look at what the Leftist Media is doing right here in America. If you are a woman, do you feel safer or less safe in this ever more Leftist, Globalist American society?

Communist powers and Globalists ( one and the same? ) know exactly how to manipulate feeble, emotional minds and have been doing so for a long time now. The strategies are well known.

Noone wants to admit it, but the Communist / Globalist Media IS IN FACT rapidly changing the USA to suit it's agendas.

And unfortunately, because humans seldom learn from their past mistakes, I'm fairly certain the USA will eventually become another failed state due to that influence. Once they control the media and entertainment industries, they can then gain control over educational institutes and eventually, government itself.
Sound familiar?

Brilliant and cunning methodology.....horrendous end results for humanity and those not of great wealth.

Edmund Burke summarized it so succinctly....
"All that is required for evil men to for good men to do nothing"
We are doing nothing. We (The American People) have lost our way, sheep having been led to the slaughter by cunning wolves who have used our own system against us all. Some aware, many not.

History will show (and always has shown) that to fight evil, a people cannot (MUST NOT) rely on the very system that has been compromised to protect them from further damage. You are not protected by The Constitution, instead, it is your DUTY to protect The Constitution. Ask NOT what your Constitution can do for you....but rather what YOU can do for your Constitution!

While we all long for peace, there is ALWAYS a price for that peace. Freedom has NEVER been free. As so accurately stated by Thomas Jefferson......

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

To that I must add...also the blood of the willfully ignorant.

Failing that, it is all but given that the great nation called The United States of America, the shimmering land of freedom, the great land of opportunity for all..... will fall.
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So are we all just going to passively watch as this transformation completes?

Spanish now has nearly the same precedence in our culture as English.
Most corporations and government offices now require you to CHOOSE between Spanish or English. The American Heritage culture is disappearing.

Trump will come and go....Democrats will eventually regain power.
You must know this is only a temporary reprieve?
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